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North Korean media issues rare criticism of China over nuclear warnings


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10 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Maybe the Chinese are hoping to strike a deal with S. Korea giving them (SK) total control if the US, it's forces and missile systems leave as part of the deal. They would effectively keep their buffer zone and solve the world crisis of the little fat man.

The US could then complete construction of its new Air/Missile bases and Naval Ports in the Philippines and Taiwan and all the troops stationed in S. Korea could move a little further south. :thumbsup:


The problem with this is the little fat man isn't going to let that happen either. If he loses power he dies. If this idea would work I am all for it but Kim would have to step down peacefully and either be killed or imprisoned.

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30 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


The problem with this is the little fat man isn't going to let that happen either. If he loses power he dies. If this idea would work I am all for it but Kim would have to step down peacefully and either be killed or imprisoned.

asking Kim wasn't part of the equation but slitting his throat in the middle of the night may be.

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20 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

Oh okay I am sure Kim has never thought of such an original plan like that before.

If China could, with the help or at least approval of the US, swing the deal then it wouldn't be all that difficult. President Xi sets up a meeting with Kim to discuss how to secretly and covertly subvert the US, dresses up it's own special forces members as aides, secretaries, generals (entourage), conceals 15-20 S. Korean special forces in the cargo hold of the plane,. They land as usual, head to the meeting as usual. Once the doors are closed, the Chinese assassinate everyone at the meeting. In the meantime, the S. Korean special forces concealed in the cargo hold, slip out of the plane and take the airport. Normal security at the airport would prevent all civilians from being present during the entire time the Chinese president's plane is there. The "entourage" then make their way back to the plane and away they go.

Yes, I know that's simplifying it quite a bit but you'd be surprised what a few highly trained special force operators can get away with. Dressed in the correct uniforms, with all the chaos and commotion this would cause and a team of 20 could take out several hundred.

Edited by mrwebb8825
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Just basing this on the difference of the Asian mind and the western mind. The western mind, no matter how highly trained will hesitate at the critical kill moment if a woman or a child may be in the way of the kill where an Asian mind will not.

If you remove the western mind set from the equation then it has a much better chance of succeeding when ruthless abandon is needed. Some people will argue; well what about all the bombs that were dropped, blah blah blah, but the bombers never look the victims in the eye as they pull the trigger so it's a moot point.

The fallout afterwards will be years of speculation as to who was behind it. In the end, the Chinese keep their buffer zone, the S.Koreans no longer need to worry about when they will be killed by a crazy man, the US will still have their backs and Taiwan gains it's independence they've been wishing for.

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