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Buying property in Thailand

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Hi , does anyone know if it is possible in a new development to buy a plot in my Thai partner's name and then rent the land from them to buy the house part of the development. The development would include choosing a house type from the land developer who owns the plots and not use an independent builder.All elements would be cash.
I try to combine business sense with love! This gives both of us 
long time security.
I would really appreciate help with this,

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Your question is a bit unclear talking about land developer.

The answer is yes if you want buy land for a partner you can't buy it any other way.

You can then build a house on the land if permitted to do so.

Best to get yourself a lease arranged when buying the land.

Edited by Kwasaki
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Hi  Kwasaki

 Sorry for the confusion.

What I mean is where developers sell you a plot and then let you choose from the type of house they build, is it still possible to separate the two. My partner having the plot and me having a 30 year lease on the plot.

Thanks for your time.

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4 minutes ago, Rob of Rayong said:

Ok Charlie. I will submit it in real estate.


He has already moved it


But to  your question, depends upon if the developer will allow you to custom build a house that may or may not fit into the style of his development.  If, as you sort of imply, he has different styles that he offers then yes, but how it is done is basically up to the Land Office that serves your district, the developer has no say in the matter


Some Land Offices  will allow a lease or usefruct , some won't.  If you are unmarred it can be easier, since married, you must provide a letter to the Land Office that you did not contribute to the land purchase but like all things in Thailand, your mileage may vary


In my case I found it easier to purchase the land in a development via the company route and then just made my Thai girlfriend a co-director. The developer only required that my roof tile color match his houses.  A win for me since I was able to control the quality of the build and materials used.  Now when neighbors complain about cracking walls I smile since I know that my foundation is on piles pounded into the ground

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Hi Langsuan Man,


Thanks for the info. 

The company route always seems a bit risky as the Thai gov, seem to change their attitude to it!

Not sure if there is enough certainty regarding its acceptability now.


Doing what you did . does it mean that you still have control over your property. Or can you wife  ..if inclined moved relatives in until you surrendered!!!    I am sure you have the perfect partnership!




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