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I got checked for STDs today and have a question on the results. Should have asked at the time but got the all clear so only had a quick glance at the results earlier.


On the gonorrhoea test, the testing method was grams stain.  I gave a urine and blood samples.  Will the gram stain have been tested by urine?  I am reading that particular test is usually a swab of the suspected area of infection.  


One comment on the results was gram negative rod in single = few.  I'm guessing few is not a concern ?


Reason I ask is because I have had a sore throat for a week or so and my paranoia is telling me i might have gonorrhoea throat infection.  I'm pretty sure i could still have this and it won't have shown up in the tests.  I did ask for a throat swab but the clinic didn't do it.  Should i go to a hospital and ask for throat swab?  Will hospitals all be able to check for gonorrhoea?


Or does the all clear on these tests mean I'm fine?






It is possible to test for gonorrhea by urine test but it would not be a gram stain, it would be a fairly sophisticated test that checks of the presence of DNA of the virus. Gram stain would be done, by swab,  if there was discharge present (and in men, there usually would be).


Gonorrohea cannot be detected through a blood tests.


Where did you have these tests done? If at one of these private STD "clinics" many of them are of dubious quality and what you describe of this one sounds questionable.


That said, genital gonorrhea in men is usually symptomatic. As for your concern about sore throat,  there is a respiratory virus going around now (just got over it myself) and most likely that's what you have.


If you are male and oral sex was with women, the odds of getting this are low. Not impossible, but would be uncommon. If you gave oral sex to a man, then yes, can happen. But far more likely you just have a respiratory virus.


You do not mention where in Thailand you are. If you are in Bangkok, go to the Thai red Cross Anonymous Clinic, best place in Thailand for solid,. reliable STD testing and counselling, and also the least expensive.


Thai Red Cross · Anonymous Clinic
104 Ratchadamri Road
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.
Tel. 02-252-2568-9

It is located between on Radchadamri Road, near Saladaeng . The building looks like a large fat water tower, with red crosses interspersed on the exterior wall. The entrance is clearly marked 'ANONYMOUS CLINIC' in English.

 Tell them you wish yo have some tests, they will hand you a form to fill out. On the form, you state what test you wish to have by ticking one of many boxes. The very first box reads 'HIV/AIDS'. Another says something like 'All STIs'. They will have you see a trained, nonjudgmental counsellor who will take a confidential history and help you decide what tests are indicated as well as answer any questions you may have.




Clinic Lifecare in Pattaya that i noticed had been recommended a few times on here




Curious if the gonorrhoea test was legitimate now as definitely no swab taken so was either by blood, urine, or bullshit!


Anywhere in pattaya to get my throat tested?  I have had good experiences at Pattaya International Hospital Soi 4 before but really wherever will do the specific tests / swabs 


They couldn't do a swab (which is where gram stain would come in) because you had no discharge.


As explained, there is a urine test for gonorrhea and highly reliable, but it is not a gram stain.


There is no blood test for gonorrhea. There are blood tests for other STDs.


So it really comes down to whether your understanding of what the urine and blood test were supposed to be for is correct.


From looking at their website it is clear the blood test was for other STDs, as is appropriate. But they do indeed list "urine gram stain" for gonnorhea which makes no sense.  Gram stain would have to be done on a sample of discharge in a man.


It may be that they also do a urine NAAT test for GC (which is what they should) but the wording does not make that clear and the price also seems too low. However, you almost certainly do not have genital if you are asymptomatic.


Any hospital can do a throat swab. But it would only be indicated if the sore throat has gone on for mire than a few days with no accompanying signs of a cold, and you performed oral sex on a man.




Thanks for looking into this.  I just know on the test results they gave to me it says gonorrhoea gram stain.  Should i trust this clinic or not?  


I've had sore throat since oral sex with no cold for over a week.  I think i should do the swab to check for any infection, STD or not. 


I have no information on this clinic other than what their webpage shows, which suggests the only test they do for GC is gram stain (not the best way to diagnose) and then your report that they did not take a swab but rather a urine sample which makes no sense to me. That, and their prices for the blood tests look suspiciously low for what those tests should entail.


Agree, sore throat for a week without any other respiratory symptoms, and with history of high risk oral sex, you need a swab. Any hospital can do this. Just make sure to mention the GC risk so that they know they need to use culture media appropriate to GC as well as to usual throat bacteria.



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