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Help! Advice on repairing deep wall crack

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I need your advice! The wall around the door frame started having cracks and I thought just using some wall putty to fill up. But as I was clearing the debris, I realize the construction job was poorly done and the door frame seem to have a big gap with wall! See the pic of the deep hole - I could put that tool right in!


can I still use putty for this? What will be a do-able more permanent solution? Something an ordinary not so skilled woman can do? ;)


grateful for advice thanks!!!



2 hours ago, Charis said:

How to put up pic from phone!?

Go to 'click to choose files' and select 'documents', then select 'photos' should send you to your photo album and choose the photo you want.


Buy a small piece of aluminum window screen, a caulking gun and a  tube of white silicone caulking.  Cut small pieces of the screen and "stuff" it into the holes and then fill with the caulking and level with your putty knife.


Hi Grollies,

It's a cement wall. I was wondering if i should buy cement sealant to fill the holes?



Hi Wayned,

Thanks. Interesting idea.  I just have no idea how large the hole is ... as in the concealed areas. or should i knock it all out to see and fill? Saw some youtubers use something that looks like a fishing-net-sticker thing to seal off the outside before putting putty on.  But not sure if these materials are in Thailand!



I wouldn't use silicone, it can be difficult to paint.


Up to you if you want to knock out more of the plaster, you could reveal more issues best left hidden. Either way you need to fill the void then use one of the flexible "wall putty" products.


To fill the void try, aluminium fly screen (thanks Wayned), the pukka aluminium stuff meant for the job, I've used stainless pot cleaners in the past (new ones), if it's really massive some of the aerosol PU expanding foam (I always make a big mess with this stuff).



"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


It appears to me that there has always been a gap there and has been filled in the past with a caulking gun.

Of course most mastics break down in 12months here in this heat so shrink away.

I would follow the above advice; clean out the loose debris carefully and refill.

A mastic gun is easy but mastic can get expensive filling large voids.

A premixed filler may be the easiest. An alternative to use a scrim tape or the insect mesh mentioned and then fill with a premix or a small bag of gypsum jointing powder.

Leave to dry...sand down if necessary then paint.


Repeat again when you find another.


Hi Crossy and Eyecatcher


Great tips there.   I think I'm gonna break it up as much as I can and clear off the refill. Indeed the hole looks like it has always been there! pfft... sloppy condo jobs by developer!  


Will head to Homepro to get all these stuff or whatever is available there.  Just hope we can get the job done without too much fuss now.  We've like 3 spots near doorframes to fix.  This weekend's job I think! hope to be back with 'finished' results picture!


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