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5,000 nurses threaten strike in dispute over temporary jobs


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Just now, elgordo38 said:

Yes your right this is what life has boiled down to. When I pass I will not be leaving much behind but a troubled insane world. 

... what has taken place, those that are talented academically and can speak English well enough to pass the NCLEX exam work abroad, especially in the  USA and make a bundle.   There was a push about 10 years ago to export new nursing grades to western countries.


There is alway a small percentage of that group that pays off their loans early and move on...and do not share their knowledge with the new students, and then there are the western trained MAs and PH.Ds.. that are beating down by the old guard of the Thai Nursing Council and MOPH...


.....Even in the USA,  it is considered White collar Slavery..... treated badly but paid poorly compared to the worth to society.

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1 hour ago, JAG said:

I would doubt that they are working the ludicrous hours you (and the OP) describe. (as so often something awry in the translation I suspect).  I do know that they do work very long hours for very little pay, especially in the big city hospitals. 


The trouble is that nursing is one of the few professions open to girls from the poorer echelons of Thai society, who are prepared and able to work hard and get qualified. This means that there are a lot of applicants, and so the authorities can and will treat them badly. Not the daughters of "good people" you see.


....  many of the daughters of "good people" have them study business or computer science. ... 


BKK International hospitals providing all those medical tourism special prices pay their nurses much better, of course.

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5 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:

I see that old TV members really like nurses :-)

I certainly do, but I do not see your point. I have ALWAYS liked nurses, beginning with three sisters who are RNs.
Some very nice nurses, including at least two men, aided in my recovery from thoracic surgery. Yes, I liked them.
My girlfriend's daughter, two nieces, and one sister are or have been nurses here in Thailand. Unequivocally love them, though they have not had to do much for me in a professional capacity
If you ever need professional medical assistance I predict that you, too, will "really like nurses."
Why wait? Start now. It does not cost much to like people. :smile:

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7 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

Go easy. The poor man's only pleasure in life is bleating about something he has no knowledge or experience of.

Take away that pleasure from the poor old dear and he'll be a candidate for his local flying club.

Realy, no knowledge of.  My sister and brother are nurses and I have the upmost respect for nurses.  My post was about how their qualifications are wasted on clerical tasks like sitting at reception desks it wasnt an attack on nurses 

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

2026? Another 9 years before it is even possible to think about employing nurses as actual nurses. Further proof (as if any were needed), that this Government is hopelessly incapable of doing anything that is good for the people of this country. We will end up with loads of expensive military hardware, a Press that can't say anything and a populace downtrodden alongside a shambles of infrastructure. The sooner they are out of power the better.

This accurate  description is very much like Thailand of old , long term Thai watchers would by now comparing the Prayut misfits with the junta strong armed  governments of old ..............................................:coffee1:

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33 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Realy, no knowledge of.  My sister and brother are nurses and I have the upmost respect for nurses.  My post was about how their qualifications are wasted on clerical tasks like sitting at reception desks it wasnt an attack on nurses 


Nurses are split into various departments. Such as A&E, delivery etc.. 


Nurses at reception desk are often there to pre-determine the urgency of the patients. Some do take pulse or other vitals to be recorded into the system. But I am pretty sure they get rotated around actually.. Staff that actually do the real clerical work are often not nurses.. But, if I am wrong and a certain hospital actually uses nurses to do the full set of clerical work, I would say the hospital is either under staff to the point where nurse have to do clerical work or over staff where there is too many nurses.. 

In most case, the latter is true. AFAIK. 

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Why not use the statistics to calculate the the real need year by year and then balance this out through the education system by decrease or increase the number of nursing students accordingly...??...;)

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26 minutes ago, ttrd said:

Why not use the statistics to calculate the the real need year by year and then balance this out through the education system by decrease or increase the number of nursing students accordingly...??...;)



The MOPH and PBRI are run by MDs not RNs with PH.Ds.

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51 minutes ago, JGV said:

100% support to the nurses The government (all men) treat nurses like chattels


All men?  What about the TAT Lady?


Mind you, you are right, they are treating them appallingly...

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On 5/11/2017 at 10:11 PM, ttrd said:

Why not use the statistics to calculate the the real need year by year and then balance this out through the education system by decrease or increase the number of nursing students accordingly...??...;)

No no no - that is sensible farang idea. Not wanted here!! 

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9 hours ago, lvr181 said:
On 5/11/2017 at 6:32 PM, sawadee1947 said:

Well, if they would be able to speak ENGLISH they can get jobs in US or EU immediately



...not quite, they have to pass the NCLEX....many need a year to prepare for the test...

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On 5/11/2017 at 7:11 PM, ttrd said:

Why not use the statistics to calculate the the real need year by year and then balance this out through the education system by decrease or increase the number of nursing students accordingly...??...;)



Additionally, the study tour mission(s) takes more funding and time.... Plus sadly, many of the govt Nursing schools, don't have much to work with in terms of motivation and academic abilities of some of the students... like anything else, they are passed along, helped along, ok, they are given repeat exams and tutoring but many of the nursing students cannot pass... PH.Ds RN many focus on research and the next ticket out of the country... Thus the old Die Hard  Thai nursing council tyrants are still there... and many of the Directors are there in a rotation out only looking to have a newly minted Ph.D do their research to gain another pay grade and move out.


Some... Nursing Directors run their schools like the personal kingdom with both positive and yet mainly negative results.  For many of the directors the SOP is patronage and encouraging Sycophants would be nursing administrators.  Thus part of this practice contributes to the mess the new nursing grads face..

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5 hours ago, Rhys said:

...not quite, they have to pass the NCLEX....many need a year to prepare for the test...

not quite.... they will be paid in the meanwhile. At least for one year until the pass the test, If they didn't they get a second chance. If they finally failed they have to leave the country.

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On 5/11/2017 at 7:36 AM, simoh1490 said:

This is not a supply problem it's a budget problem, at least 19 governement hospitals nationwide are broke and the rest can't afford the cost of increasing the salaries and status of those nurses. The cause? An ageing population, one of the most severe anywhere.

The budget problem is that a third of it is stolen by these morons who won't pay them.

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