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UPM 4 May 2004, Officials from the Michelonian Minstry of Information ([email protected]) held a press conference this morning indicating that Eduard Laupsyn, a Michelonian citizen had been detained at the countries airport on charges of illegally importing items without a license.

Laupsyn, in an effort to gain total immunity from prosecution immediately denounced his Michelonian citizenship and was placed on the next flight to Bohemia (at his own expense). Althoug he requested the refund of his citizenship fee of $10, it was not returned to Mr. Laupsyn pending further study by the acting Michelonian Attorney General.

http://www.michaelonia.com A virtual Nation doing real deeds


correct that article to read "Michelonian Flugzeug Airport" instead of "Bangkok" and correct the web address to read:


Note to MOUSE, You are lucky I was on line to catch those errors and correct them for you.

Do we really have to be subjected to this CRAP ?????????

No Mr. or Ms. 12call,

You do not have to put up with it and I suggest that if you are offended or have nothing positive to say about these comical and well intended threads, posted by me, that you do not read anything posted by myself in the future.

However, if you feel that you wish to do something constructive and join the growing number fo Michelonians, as a citizen, we will accept you with open arms.



Dear Mr. or Ms. 12Call,

Again! and for the last time, I request that you refrain from placing my posts into a negative light with your lack of forethought and verbal brutality.

http://www.michelonia.com A virtual Nation doing good deeds


Thread closed.

Reason: We support Mouse and michelonia.com, but this is a bit too much postings. I have got spam reports. Take it easy Mouse!



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