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Borat, The Movie, Available On Dvd


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Right now, anything that Cohen might really be about is seen by most as 'hey forget it man, its just a movie, just a laugh'.

50 years ago, no one questionned people laughing at white people being made to look like oriental people and acting like idiots. No one questionned white people with black painted faces.

No one questionned why American Indians were evil and John Wayne was always good (then came the questionning Western movies.. starting with the Wild Bunch and haha!).

But people are questionning Cohen right now. And good that they are.

BTW I came to my own opinons of Cohen before seeing the movie/researching him.

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What I mean is that I didnt start reading about other people's opinon of him before formulating my own.

BTW I came to my own opinons of Cohen before seeing the movie/researching him.

So you're saying that you have a completely uninformed opinion that you're sticking to? :o

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My opinion about the movie: I watched it and i didn't laugh once. The scenes were funny, but it didn't make me laugh. Either the guy is a misunderstood genius or a perverted moron. Either way, he's making money, so i guess it doesn't matter. I still recommend my friends to watch the movie at least once, not because its a masterpiece but because its something different than the average Hollywood movies.

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I've got a problem with an Israeli Jew playing a muslim but I'm happy to see that pirated copies are being sold so that Hollywood won't see a dime of profit

The character isn't muslim. The religion is proclaimed as 'followers of the Hawk' (and very made up, as everything else about his 'homecountry').

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I only buy non-pirated.

The quality of the physical media is far superior.

Pirated material is burned on inferior disks.

Is that why non-pirated DVDs cost 40 dollars more?

Real DVDs are only around 200-400 Baht. Might as well buy the real thing. You only save 100-300 Baht and may get a shitty copy. I also personally don't like supporting pirated goods, but that's my personal feeling.

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I think that Cohen targets easy, 'nice!', people like southern state racists/homophobes, frat boys, etc etc.

But I think that there is some real questionnable agenda in that he is Jewish and seems to be playing a very homophobic, anti-semetic, misogynstic Muslim (also take note of the very pro-Jewish/ aren't Jewish people nice bed and breakfast scene).

Which is further compounded by his first character 'Ali' G with his Uncle Jamal, middle eastern accent (under the youth speak) and so on.

Nothing wrong in showing anti-semetism and supporting Jewish people but its the anti-Muslim agenda too that needs to be questionned.

Many with not agree with this, but after thinking about it, google shows there are other people thinking on similar lines.

And I know many will say, how do u know Borat is a Muslim he say's he isnt...............

ALSO!! If you have seen Cohen for years on British TV like myself, the film just isn't that funny. Two scenes are rehashes of previous ones, with Borat and Ali G.

I'm sorry you just don't get the point of the character. And you have stated some errors in your posts, but I'm sure others have already responded to them.

However, you said that Ali G had a middle eastern accent...wow, you failed the lookup on that character. 'Ali G' is a 'white suburb boy pretending to be black hoodling' as seen in rap-videos from the US. The dialect isn't middle eastern, I don't really understand where you get that from...it's 'hoodling-talk', sure, but that isn't really his invention...

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BTW I came to my own opinons of Cohen before seeing the movie/researching him.

So you're saying that you have a completely uninformed opinion that you're sticking to? :o

He doesn't want to get all 'factual', as he is the keeper of truthiness. :D

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Seems I am in the distinct minority here about the movie . . . I thought it was simply tacky and panders to the lowest common denominator in comedy - taking the pi$$ out of those who can't defend themselves.

I did laugh at some things but the vast majority of his movie was prety basic and even an embarassment.

Don't give a flying one who he is or what he is trying to prove, I just find his childish toilet-humour quite tasteless.

(Now, as Ali-G he is brilliant)

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I'm afraid its you that needs to 'research' more. As someone born in London, who has worked with London 'youth' including middle eastern ones. Watching Cohen for 10 years and so forth, I 'know' him very well. The accent of Ali G is a mixture of 'Youth Speak' which itself is a mixture of patois,cockney, etc etc. But has a middle eastern accent underneath.

What you think to be true, quite simple isn't. But think what you want.

I think that Cohen targets easy, 'nice!', people like southern state racists/homophobes, frat boys, etc etc.

But I think that there is some real questionnable agenda in that he is Jewish and seems to be playing a very homophobic, anti-semetic, misogynstic Muslim (also take note of the very pro-Jewish/ aren't Jewish people nice bed and breakfast scene).

Which is further compounded by his first character 'Ali' G with his Uncle Jamal, middle eastern accent (under the youth speak) and so on.

Nothing wrong in showing anti-semetism and supporting Jewish people but its the anti-Muslim agenda too that needs to be questionned.

Many with not agree with this, but after thinking about it, google shows there are other people thinking on similar lines.

And I know many will say, how do u know Borat is a Muslim he say's he isnt...............

ALSO!! If you have seen Cohen for years on British TV like myself, the film just isn't that funny. Two scenes are rehashes of previous ones, with Borat and Ali G.

I'm sorry you just don't get the point of the character. And you have stated some errors in your posts, but I'm sure others have already responded to them.

However, you said that Ali G had a middle eastern accent...wow, you failed the lookup on that character. 'Ali G' is a 'white suburb boy pretending to be black hoodling' as seen in rap-videos from the US. The dialect isn't middle eastern, I don't really understand where you get that from...it's 'hoodling-talk', sure, but that isn't really his invention...

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I'm afraid its you that needs to 'research' more. As someone born in London, who has worked with London 'youth' including middle eastern ones. Watching Cohen for 10 years and so forth, I 'know' him very well. The accent of Ali G is a mixture of 'Youth Speak' which itself is a mixture of patois,cockney, etc etc. But has a middle eastern accent underneath.

What you think to be true, quite simple isn't. But think what you want.

Perhaps you are reading too much into it, since within 'youth speak' (I would call it hoodling speak) often dialect from immigrant-groups are incorporated. Even amongst whites.

So was the case in the (in)famous suburb of Tensta and Rinkeby outside Stockholm, Sweden - an area where 80+% of the inhabitants are immigrants. As a white person you either spoke clear Swedish and stayed on the clear line, or spoke with an adopted accent, went into gangs and stole cars. Seems black and white, but it pretty much were.

And from this Ali G comes in my mind. [A jew playing] a white kid wanting to emulate a black 'gangsta kid', and adopting the local hoodlings way of talking.

In either way, the strength of the characters is getting people of guard and 'forcing' them to say what they truly mean. Ali G's intervjue with a North Ireland catholic politician comes to mind...

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/../ taking the pi$$ out of those who can't defend themselves.

Were you watching the same movie as I was? Who couldn't defend themselfs? The homphobic and rascist rodeo-boss that wanted to execute gays? Or from the Borat-skit in the Ali G-series, perhaps the farm-owning big game-hunter that said, if he legally could, he would like to hunt jews on his farm like hunting any of the other animals?

These are rich, well educated, ignorant and hatefull people.

They can defend themselfs. But most of all, they should be exposed for what they are.

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/../ taking the pi$$ out of those who can't defend themselves.

Were you watching the same movie as I was? Who couldn't defend themselfs? The homphobic and rascist rodeo-boss that wanted to execute gays? Or from the Borat-skit in the Ali G-series, perhaps the farm-owning big game-hunter that said, if he legally could, he would like to hunt jews on his farm like hunting any of the other animals?

These are rich, well educated, ignorant and hatefull people.

They can defend themselfs. But most of all, they should be exposed for what they are.


How can they defend themselves?

How abut insulting his dinner hosts, or rather the dinner host's wife.

they should be exposed for what they are

And it is your decision on who should be 'outed' then, is it? There are millions and millions of people like that, with their prejudices, hates, yadda yadda yadda . . .

Fine, show them up for what they are, but don't do it in the name of comedy- the two simply don't gel for me.

It is cheap comedy and panders to those who like Schadenfreude.

I don't think it is a funny movie - possibly you do, that's your right.

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