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Nonthaburi official arrested for alleged sex with minor


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22 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

And why is it inadmissible

There's a reason that suspects not yet convicted of the crime they are charged with all wear a suit or other smart formal dress in court rather then custodial uniform, prison jump suit or the clothes they allegedly wore while committing the alleged crime. This can lead to either the presumption of guilt by some members of a jury or be interpreted as an admission of guilt on behalf of the accused. This same basic rule applies to alleged victims and witnesses appearing in court for both defense and prosecution. 

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I just hope that more of the senior politicians are caught and charged if they were in Mae Hong Son and

paid to have sex with any of the underaged girls,  I hope that other places in Thailand have some whistle

blowers and a lot more politicians and such are caught and lose their faces and reputations.

  Guess I am just dreaming.

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18 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

There's a reason that suspects not yet convicted of the crime they are charged with all wear a suit or other smart formal dress in court rather then custodial uniform, prison jump suit or the clothes they allegedly wore while committing the alleged crime. This can lead to either the presumption of guilt by some members of a jury or be interpreted as an admission of guilt on behalf of the accused. This same basic rule applies to alleged victims and witnesses appearing in court for both defense and prosecution. 

Hi, Clarence Darrow.

I think we are at cross purposes here. I understand what you say about clothing leading to possible presumption. Let us say, in a case of statutory rape, where a 15 year old girl has got herself into a night club, had a few too many drinks and is picked up by a chap, in all innocence. The girl is dressed in clothing of the modern day,as are her peers whom have accompanied her to this club.They are there under false representation to their parents as to where they are going and where they are staying that night. You know this goes on, if you are a father of teenagers.Teen girls are easily led and follow the fashion icons of the day. You must be aware(because if you are not, then you are a dinosaur) that the dress of the day, for young ladies of the 21st century leaves a lot to be desired.

Now let us go ahead to the next morning. The impressed girl leaves the hotel,or the house/flat, of the young man.She returns home. To her shock and horror, her friend has been caught out, and now, several angry parents want to know where their children spent the night.Once all the crying and sobbing, and pressurised confessions are done with, the parents of our girl turn up at the young mans home, crying "she is only 15, she is only a kid, we are going to see you in court"

Now, i put it to you( i love this lawyer talk)  it would pay the prosecution to be able to present the poor victim, as an innocent child, as innocent as possible, and the est way to do that, would be in school uniform, with a freshly scrubbed face, devoid of all make up.If you are saying that they would be unable to do that(as you say in your post. "presumptions" right?) then she would have to turn up in every day clothing. Now being a 15 year old girl,modern girl, modern wardrobe,How she is dressed is of prime importance to to sway the jury one way or another.I say that is not easy to do, because dressed as a girl of today, she would have to be dressed in the most conservative way. I put it to you that even dressed thus, this girl would look older than her years, and i believe that a jury would not be so naive as to not see her as a willing accomplice to the crime. In saying that. i Believe that the judge would also see the problem here and, with a guilty verdict, that might even come with recommendations from the jury for lattitude,that the sentencing would not involve a prison sentence.

One must also remember that rape victims suffer greatly in prison. This young man my be only 20 or so. Should he suffer physical damage when the girl was a willing participant in the so called crime.Even if he asked her age, she would have lied at the time.

What is the age allowance, for leniency in the case  an under age girl. I was told once it was 24 and under.

Also my next question is, should this young man, who made an honest mistake, now be a registered sex offender, and have to sign the list. This could seriously damage his future.This is not fair, as the young lady in question could be of suspicious reputation, and could be out the next week end doing exactly the same thing.

The defence rests

 Dear Judge Jefferies, i would appreciate your comments, my learned friend.

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48 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

... One must also remember that rape victims suffer greatly in prison. ...

Freudian slip?


By your lengthy discourse, you either watch too much Law & Order or you possibly subscribe to the rather odious, "She was asking for it" school of dubious, misogynistic thought.


Will Ched Evans telling women how to avoid being raped be the turning point in victim blaming?


But we are taking this way off topic. I am done here.

Edited by NanLaew
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5 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Freudian slip?


By your lengthy discourse, you either watch too much Law & Order or you possibly subscribe to the rather odious, "She was asking for it" school of dubious, misogynistic thought.


Will Ched Evans telling women how to avoid being raped be the turning point in victim blaming?


But we are taking this way off topic. I am done here.

Not a Freudian slip. A typing error. and you with all your legal knowledge should have known that.

I do not subscribe to the "she was asking for it" school.

 You obviously cannot debate a case . This was a theory of a heterosexual, young man who did what all young men do.He met up with a girl who was as much to blame for the offence. She, in fact was really, more to blame than he. She knew her age, and she knew that it was  against the law, for him to have sex with her. Therefore she was partly to blame. It would appear that you have had to resort to silly remarks about TV show's.

I thought when i read your post that you were a person of knowledge. You have had to turn, what i thought was a sensible debate into a slurring. I should have guessed that the statement you posted regarding the suitability of court apparel was straight off the computer. You hae slipped off the hook by realing your self to be nothing but a wiki freak.
As for your last sentence, i haven't a clue who 'Ched Evans is. I am disappointed to find that you are not a person of debating capability.Very nicely got out of, by saying "i am done here" Dont worry anything else you post to me,will be instantly dismissed as trolling.

Start well, finish in the toilet

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On 5/19/2017 at 0:45 PM, Just1Voice said:

They figured their "hi-so" positions would protect them.


does it take 9 other coppers to watch number 10 explain what his charges are    ?  do they not have work to do ?  kinda like a chicago street crew filling up pot holes . 1 foreman , 1 lead man , 1 osha man , 1 union rep man ,  1 truck driver man , 1 flag man , 1 alderman , and one part time ditch digger doing the work  .

Edited by mikiea
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23 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I just hope that more of the senior politicians are caught and charged if they were in Mae Hong Son and

paid to have sex with any of the underaged girls,  I hope that other places in Thailand have some whistle

blowers and a lot more politicians and such are caught and lose their faces and reputations.

  Guess I am just dreaming.

Stargrazer its a nice dream But corruption is so bad here i dont now how they can stop it because the guys investigating the corruption crimes are corrupt themselves The Thai pie is very big and many officials have there finger in it

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