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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Stunning somebody would deny interference by Russia after so much has already been proven.  Boggles my mind.


Perhaps they are spending too much time on InfoWars or ZeroHedge? LOL

You are still flogging this (dead) horse. Nothing has been proven about Russia as regards poor Hillary not getting her rightful win. There clearly was no collusion between Trump and the Kremlin. OK, maybe somebody Trump knew has been to Russia sometime in the past.  Big deal, lots of people have been to Russia. As I said to you before when you were coming out with this crazy notion that Russia won the election for Trump, just wait until 2020 and get the Dems to do no campaigning, no debating, no advertizing, just give some Russian troll a few bucks and let them take an advert on Facebook and see if it wins the election! Can you see how crazy this is yet?

 Now back to reality, when CNN and other fiercely anti-Trump media call off the hounds there will be a huge task in building bridges with Russia. This whole sorry saga has damaged the US's relations with Russia and will take a real statesman to repair it. Luckily we have Trump in the hot seat and nobody knows the art of the deal like Donald. So there is hope, but really, time to accept it. Hillary lost - lets move on. Nobody will impeach Trump, and he will not be forced to resign. He is our president for the next 3 years and if you don't come to terms with why your team lost then Trump will ace the 2020 election again.Your choice...

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3 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Who is denying interference? People are denying colluision. Try to keep up. And please go and inform yourself about what's coming out regarding the financing of the fake Trump dossier that was paid for by the Democrats to the Russians and then leaked to the press. And that was used as a basis for the FBI investigation and subsequent Mueller farce. I am not engaging you anymore, seriously, there is no point. It is like trying to convince religious zealot that there is no God. Go and do your research and then come back. Ignorance is no excuse.

"paid for by the Democrats to the Russians"


Fake News!  Moderators, take note.

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"The only "collusion with a hostile foreign power" that has been proven so far, and is continuing to be proven, is that of the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign."


Another fine example of fake news.  Check your facts.  Intentionally posting false information is a violation of forum rules.


Wha... huh ???? Arrai na ?? Which part is fake?? The part about it being recently revealed that the Clinton campaign paid foreign agents for the fake Trump dossier and then leaked it to the press? Do enlighten me oh wise one. I wouldnt want to "violate forum rules" by posting "false information" now would I ??


Please feel free to show me where this story has been proven to be "fake".

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1 minute ago, FreddieRoyle said:

You are still flogging this (dead) horse. Nothing has been proven about Russia as regards poor Hillary not getting her rightful win. There clearly was no collusion between Trump and the Kremlin. OK, maybe somebody Trump knew has been to Russia sometime in the past.  Big deal, lots of people have been to Russia. As I said to you before when you were coming out with this crazy notion that Russia won the election for Trump, just wait until 2020 and get the Dems to do no campaigning, no debating, no advertizing, just give some Russian troll a few bucks and let them take an advert on Facebook and see if it wins the election! Can you see how crazy this is yet?

 Now back to reality, when CNN and other fiercely anti-Trump media call off the hounds there will be a huge task in building bridges with Russia. This whole sorry saga has damaged the US's relations with Russia and will take a real statesman to repair it. Luckily we have Trump in the hot seat and nobody knows the art of the deal like Donald. So there is hope, but really, time to accept it. Hillary lost - lets move on. Nobody will impeach Trump, and he will not be forced to resign. He is our president for the next 3 years and if you don't come to terms with why your team lost then Trump will ace the 2020 election again.Your choice...

You used "statesman" and "Trump" in the same sentence. That's truly quite an achievement! It's like claiming the earth is still flat when.......oh, what's the use.


PS. Say goodbye to your credibility.

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Just now, 348GTS said:


Wha... huh ???? Arrai na ?? Which part is fake?? The part about it being recently revealed that the Clinton campaign paid foreign agents for the fake Trump dossier and then leaked it to the press? Do enlighten me oh wise one. I wouldnt want to "violate forum rules" by posting "false information" now would I ??


Please feel free to show me where this story has been proven to be "fake".

The DNC paid Fusion GPS (not a Russian company) to continue doing legal opposition research initiated by an anti-Trump Republican prior to the convention.  All perfectly legal, the DNC paid no money to a Russian business or the Russian government.  The DNC did not leak any part of the dossier to the press.


Clearly you posted false information.  You've been relying on fake news sites.

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8 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

You are still flogging this (dead) horse. Nothing has been proven about Russia as regards poor Hillary not getting her rightful win. There clearly was no collusion between Trump and the Kremlin. OK, maybe somebody Trump knew has been to Russia sometime in the past.  Big deal, lots of people have been to Russia. As I said to you before when you were coming out with this crazy notion that Russia won the election for Trump, just wait until 2020 and get the Dems to do no campaigning, no debating, no advertizing, just give some Russian troll a few bucks and let them take an advert on Facebook and see if it wins the election! Can you see how crazy this is yet?

 Now back to reality, when CNN and other fiercely anti-Trump media call off the hounds there will be a huge task in building bridges with Russia. This whole sorry saga has damaged the US's relations with Russia and will take a real statesman to repair it. Luckily we have Trump in the hot seat and nobody knows the art of the deal like Donald. So there is hope, but really, time to accept it. Hillary lost - lets move on. Nobody will impeach Trump, and he will not be forced to resign. He is our president for the next 3 years and if you don't come to terms with why your team lost then Trump will ace the 2020 election again.Your choice...

" Luckily we have Trump in the hot seat and nobody knows the art of the deal like Donald."


You do know that Trump didn't write "The Art of the Deal", don't you?  I seriously doubt that he's even read it.

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1 hour ago, 348GTS said:

Okay I'll bite. How exactly did he "lie and cheat to get the most electoral college votes" ??

The lies are obvious.  Even Trump supporters should be able to see some of the thousands of mean-spirited lies Trump and his campaign buddies trotted out.  How 'bout '....and Mexico will pay for it, believe me.'  Trump also read out loud to his adoring fans, directly from Sputnik newspaper; the official paper of the Kremlin - and article he knew was filled with vindictive lies about HRC.


About the 'cheating.'  Again, there are thousands of proofs.  If a person doesn't want to see it, then he/she won't see it.  If you don't want to see a dead rotting cow on your living room floor, you can trick yourself into not seeing it.

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9 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

You are still flogging this (dead) horse. Nothing has been proven about Russia as regards poor Hillary not getting her rightful win. There clearly was no collusion between Trump and the Kremlin. OK, maybe somebody Trump knew has been to Russia sometime in the past.  Big deal, lots of people have been to Russia. As I said to you before when you were coming out with this crazy notion that Russia won the election for Trump, just wait until 2020 and get the Dems to do no campaigning, no debating, no advertizing, just give some Russian troll a few bucks and let them take an advert on Facebook and see if it wins the election! Can you see how crazy this is yet?

 Now back to reality, when CNN and other fiercely anti-Trump media call off the hounds there will be a huge task in building bridges with Russia. This whole sorry saga has damaged the US's relations with Russia and will take a real statesman to repair it. Luckily we have Trump in the hot seat and nobody knows the art of the deal like Donald. So there is hope, but really, time to accept it. Hillary lost - lets move on. Nobody will impeach Trump, and he will not be forced to resign. He is our president for the next 3 years and if you don't come to terms with why your team lost then Trump will ace the 2020 election again.Your choice...

You are aware Facebook has admitted it took ads from the troll farm run by Putin's best friend?  Fake ads?  Ads potentially reaching over 100 million people?


Twitter has banned Russia Today and Sputnik News from their site.  Pretty clear evidence to me.  Unless you are like Trump and just don't want to see the truth.


My team did lose.  I'm an independent.  Have been for decades.

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The DNC paid Fusion GPS (not a Russian company) to continue doing legal opposition research initiated by an anti-Trump Republican prior to the convention.  All perfectly legal, the DNC paid no money to a Russian business or the Russian government.  The DNC did not leak any part of the dossier to the press.


Clearly you posted false information.  You've been relying on fake news sites.


Spin it all you want, the fake dossier came from Russians and they were paid for it. You can split hairs all you want, but the money originated with the Dems and ended up in Russian coffers. It is irrelevant how many stops it made along the way. The dossier was leaked to the press, how else would they have gotten it? Perhaps the fairies brought it? Furthermore, it is looking as though the Obama FBI were complicit in this and there will be more to come out I am sure. I don't rely on fake news sites, I don't watch CNN, ABC, NBC etc. Anyway, I can literaly feel my IQ dropping as I read some of these replies, I would rather go and bash my head against the wall than reply from here on.

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The DNC paid Fusion GPS (not a Russian company) to continue doing legal opposition research initiated by an anti-Trump Republican prior to the convention.  All perfectly legal, the DNC paid no money to a Russian business or the Russian government.  The DNC did not leak any part of the dossier to the press.


Clearly you posted false information.  You've been relying on fake news sites.


Correct me if I'm wrong but is it still Buzzfeed's claim that the unsubstantiated dossier they received and subsequently published came from an "anonymous" source?

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56 minutes ago, Opl said:


"President Donald Trump made an appearance on Larry O’Connor’s radio show where he lamented his inability to control the many investigations into possible collusion or possible obstruction of justice: “The saddest thing is because I’m president of the United States I’m not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department, the FBI, doing the kinds of things that I would love to be doing and I’m very frustrated by it,” Trump told O'connor."




Trump thinks POTUS should have the same unrestricted power as President Putin has in Russia. 

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6 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Spin it all you want, the fake dossier came from Russians and they were paid for it. You can split hairs all you want, but the money originated with the Dems and ended up in Russian coffers. It is irrelevant how many stops it made along the way. The dossier was leaked to the press, how else would they have gotten it? Perhaps the fairies brought it? Furthermore, it is looking as though the Obama FBI were complicit in this and there will be more to come out I am sure. I don't rely on fake news sites, I don't watch CNN, ABC, NBC etc. Anyway, I can literaly feel my IQ dropping as I read some of these replies, I would rather go and bash my head against the wall than reply from here on.

Forget it- can't be bothered.

Edited by Slip
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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

Trump thinks POTUS should have the same unrestricted power as President Putin has in Russia. 

America has had at most 10 great presidents. Don't get too worked up by another sub-par one. The system prevails. The thing to worry about is that the people; from across the political spectrum are becoming civicly ignorant. That is the danger to the republic. Not a guy like Trump.

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19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The DNC paid Fusion GPS (not a Russian company) to continue doing legal opposition research initiated by an anti-Trump Republican prior to the convention.  All perfectly legal, the DNC paid no money to a Russian business or the Russian government.  The DNC did not leak any part of the dossier to the press.


Clearly you posted false information.  You've been relying on fake news sites.

Fusion hired Orbis Business Intelligence (owned by Steele a foreign national), a private British intelligence firm, to look into any Russian connections. Steele claimed much of the information came from a source close to Sechin. head of state-owned oil company Rosneft and operative of President Putin. Steele paid FSB (KGB) officers for the information.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump–Russia_dossier

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8 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Spin it all you want, the fake dossier came from Russians and they were paid for it. You can split hairs all you want, but the money originated with the Dems and ended up in Russian coffers. It is irrelevant how many stops it made along the way. The dossier was leaked to the press, how else would they have gotten it? Perhaps the fairies brought it? Furthermore, it is looking as though the Obama FBI were complicit in this and there will be more to come out I am sure. I don't rely on fake news sites, I don't watch CNN, ABC, NBC etc. Anyway, I can literaly feel my IQ dropping as I read some of these replies, I would rather go and bash my head against the wall than reply from here on.

I'm not spinning, I'm posting verifiable facts.  You are the one presenting your speculation about what the DNC did as facts.  Now you are also suggesting, with no details or sources, that the Obama administration had something to do with this.


You surely don't rely on credible news sources.  Care to say what news sources you follow, or do you know that would open you up to well-deserved ridicule?

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1 minute ago, amvet said:

Fusion hired Orbis Business Intelligence (owned by Steele a foreign national), a private British intelligence firm, to look into any Russian connections. Steele claimed much of the information came from a source close to Sechin. head of state-owned oil company Rosneft and operative of President Putin. Steele paid FSB (KGB) officers for the information.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump–Russia_dossier




Whether a Republican or a Democrat paid for it, is secondary, at most.  Perhaps you'd like to know what type of paper it's printed on, and who the printer is, and whether Steele was scolded for stealing a candy bar when he was 7 years old, and.....?


Among other things, the dossier alleges/shows that Putin has dirt on Trump.  Dirt is useful as leverage and/or to blackmail vulnerable people.  If you don't understand that, then recall when Trump tried to shut Comey up by saying something like, "Be careful what you say, because I may have recordings of what was said between us."    Of course Trump was lying, as he always does, .....but it was an attempt to keep Comey from speaking truth.

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The thing that both amuses me and saddens me at the same time, is that i know with absolute certainty that if the shoe were on the other foot the folks so stridently and vociferously attacking Trump would just as vociferously and stridently be defending their scum of choice.        

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:




Whether a Republican or a Democrat paid for it, is secondary, at most.  Perhaps you'd like to know what type of paper it's printed on, and who the printer is, and whether Steele was scolded for stealing a candy bar when he was 7 years old, and.....?


Among other things, the dossier alleges/shows that Putin has dirt on Trump.  Dirt is useful as leverage and/or to blackmail vulnerable people.  If you don't understand that, then recall when Trump tried to shut Comey up by saying something like, "Be careful what you say, because I may have recordings of what was said between us."    Of course Trump was lying, as he always does, .....but it was an attempt to keep Comey from speaking truth.

The dossier is public knowledge.  What good is that to Putin?



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35 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Correct me if I'm wrong but is it still Buzzfeed's claim that the unsubstantiated dossier they received and subsequently published came from an "anonymous" source?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have no evidence that the source was the DNC?


" First, the documents were in wide circulation among top intelligence and elected officials and news organizations. They were being fought over — and acted on — at the highest levels of power.



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14 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

The thing that both amuses me and saddens me at the same time, is that i know with absolute certainty that if the shoe were on the other foot the folks so stridently and vociferously attacking Trump would just as vociferously and stridently be defending their scum of choice.        

Some yes, some no.  Mainly the hard core ones would do this.

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have no evidence that the source was the DNC?


" First, the documents were in wide circulation among top intelligence and elected officials and news organizations. They were being fought over — and acted on — at the highest levels of power.



No, I didn't say I did. I was asking a question. So is the answer you don't know who gave it to Buzzfeed or is that information known?

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54 minutes ago, amvet said:

The dossier is public knowledge.  What good is that to Putin?



You stated "Steele paid FSB (KGB) officers for the information."

In that context wouldn't publication be embarrassing for HRC and, thus, good for Putin? 

But alas, the dossier was made public after the election.

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3 hours ago, Becker said:

Funny. I've yet to have a rational debate with one of the man-child fanboys. Kind of hard as all they go on about is the "liberal agenda" this and the "liberal agenda" that.



Psst...The super secret “scary liberal agenda”:

1. Ensure everyone has healthcare—like every other developed country on the planet.

2. Ensure college tuition is affordable—like every other developed country (and many developing countries) on the plant.

3. Ensure every citizen, regardless of ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation has the same access to opportunities and has equal rights—a goal every civilized nation aspires to.

4. Ensure religion stays out of politics—as stipulated in the constitution.

5. Ensure women have full control over their bodies.

6. Ensure corporate rights are subordinate to human citizens’ rights.


How nefarious!

Edited by Thakkar
Deleted a superfluous “The”
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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Psst...The super secret “scary the liberal agenda”:

1. Ensure everyone has healthcare—like every other developed country on the planet.

2. Ensure college tuition is affordable—like every other developed country (and many developing countries) on the plant.

3. Ensure every citizen, regardless of ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation has the same access to opportunities and has equal rights—a goal every civilized nation aspires to.

4. Ensure religion stays out of politics—as stipulated in the constitution.

5. Ensure women have full control over their bodies.

6. Ensure corporate rights are subordinate to human citizens’ rights.


How nefarious!

I doubt there are many that would argue with your list.  No matter their political label.  We should be fighting for these things together.  Not letting our elected officials drive our decisions and create divisions.  Approval rating for congress is below 20%.  Reform is desperately needed.

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5 hours ago, 348GTS said:


Who is denying interference? People are denying colluision. Try to keep up. And please go and inform yourself about what's coming out regarding the financing of the fake Trump dossier that was paid for by the Democrats to the Russians and then leaked to the press. And that was used as a basis for the FBI investigation and subsequent Mueller farce. I am not engaging you anymore, seriously, there is no point. It is like trying to convince religious zealot that there is no God. Go and do your research and then come back. Ignorance is no excuse.

So, Clinton paid Russians to create a fake dossier on Trump (let’s not get into why she’d waste money and risk breaking the law for fake info she could just as easily produce herself—I only have *one* tinfoil hat!)


She then waited until *after* the election to “leak” that dossier to the public because winning the election wasn’t as important as finding an excuse if she lost.


Meanwhile the FBI is so deep statey (unless they’re investigating Hillary—then they’re great!) that they used this so obviously fake (since even you can discern its fakeness) dossier as a basis of their extensive investigation.


The Mueller farce is so farcical that they have gathered enough evidence to convince a grand jury to indict at least three (that we know of, so far) Trump campaign operatives, including its chairman.

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Trump Supporters’ Favorite Internet Personality Was Just Revealed To Be A Russian Troll


It seems that the Twitter page the alt-right has been praising has been a Russian troll this whole time. Jenna Abrams’ Twitter account was confirmed by Congressional investigators on Thursday to run out of St. Petersburg, Russia’s infamous troll farm.


The account known as “Abrams,” according to the Daily Beast, was run along with thousands of others, by the Kremlin-funded Internet Research Agency.



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