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PM warns people against thunderstorms

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59 minutes ago, fruitman said:

Well every fridaynight mr Prayuth speaks on ALL radiochannels for more than an hour. Saturdaymorning they repeat it.


Somebody must be listening to him i guess...probably the people without internet or tv.

yep Facebook log ins go through the roof around 8 pm on Friday, Television is in the off position on Saturdays morning, so as usual he is talking to his Fans on TV and the black Screens

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Why don't they have a weather channel with proper radar like doplar radar. Hard to make out their maps to what is going on. Use to watch weather channel in the US as I lived on the border of Michigan. It was excellent in reporting weather.


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i think this is fine, I mean politicians run political campaigns on the fear of terrorist attracts when in reality you have a greater change of being hit by lightning, so this is a step up from the likes of trump and the other right wingers

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18 hours ago, bdenner said:

I don't like the guy as much as most of us! BUT - In all fairness, there are MANY headlines and journalist quotes in these pages, that are obviously translation errors and as such - IMHO - should be treated accordingly eg. with a bit of latitude.

" IMHO - should be treated accordingly eg. with a bit of latitude."

You may be invited for tea and a bit of latitude adjustment mate..

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Well, maybe he could up his game by telling his flock how to figure how far away the storm actually is, to improve their safety margin.  Just count seconds between the flash and the bang and divide by three and that's how far away the strike was, approximately, in Km.  Of course that's not terribly useful if the sucker's right of top of you.  Also it doesn't give you a bearing to the location, but hey, you can't have everything.
Cheers, UW.

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