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Best area / zone / neighborhood to live in CM

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1. Get a good map of the area to get to know what roads lead to what areas. 2. Rent or buy look at a number of real estate agents such as chiangmaihouse.com or chiangmaiproperties.co.th. 3.You need to decide how close you want to live to the city, what you are willing to pay and the lifestyle you require. Only you can decide this.

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First of all, let me apologize to those of you that I seem to have so badly offended by my use of the word  " DUDE "  after someone first referred to me as a dude.


Secondly, I should  have worded my original question better, however I was not just looking for the best area for me to live. Rather I was hoping to hear from a variety of people of different ages and life styles in order to get a better feel for all the different areas of the city.


Thirdly, to those of you that seem to think it's humorous to point out that I have Diabetes, 

it would seem that the Buddhism thing has not rubbed of on you much, has it ?

Lastly your going to have to try a lot harder than that to hurt my feelings.


+Macthehat  LOL  That was a good one. Thank you. I have found my Coffee Shop in CM. I shall forever be known as the Chiang Mai Dude. Can't wait to get there, and tell all the pretty little Thai girls  " How do you do, my name is  Dude.

26 minutes ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

Anyone else get a strange private message from this dude?

I did not and I feel hurt and left out.

1 hour ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

Anyone else get a strange private message from this dude?

Yes, I've had a dudish message from the dude.  Made as much sense as his posts!

16 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

Since the OP requests help regarding relocation to Chiang Mai but will not help us help him; Here is the OP’s background based on his posts in other threads on TV!

(I am no good at making multi quotes from other threads!)


Quotes from the OP’s earlier posts asking for help;


Quote One;

Originally from the U.S.A. and still hold a valid passport from there, however I am in and have resided in Costa Rica for the past 11 years and have legal residency here. I am 60 years old. I am not going into all the details but I expect to have enough cash in the bank sometime in the future to meet the retirement visa requirements. I was hoping to live on about $800 a month for now, until I become eligible for Social Security, as well as earn some money working online, at which time that figure would go up.


Quote Two;

(I will) try and live in Thailand for the next year or two until such time as I am able to meet the requirements for a Retirement Visa.


From Other quotes;

Appears to have type two Diabetes and has asked about the costs of basic medication for its treatment.


I will make no further comment!



Thank you for doing this research, ScottieJohn.  I'd definitely encourage this Dude to stay where he is or consider someplace closer to the U.S. for his retirement so it's easier to get himself back to take advantage of Medicare when he reaches age 65 and has the inevitable medical crisis.  


We already have too many old dudes with health problems here in Chiang Mai living on the edge financially.  Why do you think there's the need for Lanna Care Net?  They don't want any more customers.

1 hour ago, NancyL said:

 I'd definitely encourage this Dude to stay where he is or consider someplace closer to the U.S. for his retirement so it's easier to get himself back to take advantage of Medicare when he reaches age 65 and has the inevitable medical crisis.  


We already have too many old dudes with health problems here in Chiang Mai living on the edge financially.  Why do you think there's the need for Lanna Care Net?  They don't want any more customers

When I saw the Dudes previous posts, especially asking the costs of diabetic medicines and problems raising the retirement finances,  I thought it worth making my post above.


You have made the statement I was hinting at.


Did I miss something , do we have a Dudemeister in our midst?


Back to subject - 2 things to look at the general area, distances , facilities etc.

and the immediate area, neighbours, noises, traffic etc

Have to admit quite like living in the centre of town. Also have a house outside of town, good if you like the quiet but not often you get visitors like in town.

11 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

Anyone else get a strange private message from this dude?

I got a polite PM from the OP, nothing strange about it. Perhaps it's you that is strange.




We already have too many old dudes with health problems here in Chiang Mai living on the edge financially.  Why do you think there's the need for Lanna Care Net?  They don't want any more customers.


Who is "we" Nancy ? For a non Thai to make a statement like that, all I can say is congratulations your arrogance knows no bounds.

And what do you know of my financial prospects for the future, or my health for that matter ? I merely stated ( In a different post by the way ) What I ' hoped ' to live on for the near future. Would you like to have me deported for trying to live in " Your "  Chiang Mai  on 1,000 USD  a month ?

So tell me Nancy is it  you or should I say " we " that should decide what the financial requirements should be, in order for one to live in Chiang Mai ? 


As for the others on here that have gone rabid over the fact that I used the word "Dude"  I have not seen ONE criticism of the poster on here that called me that  FIRST,  while suggesting that I should go live at the Four Seasons, after I simply asked about what you liked or dislike about the area the area you live in.


And to all the rest that have responded with kind words and helpful information, I offer a sincere Thank You.

27 minutes ago, ALMAMASTER said:




As for the others on here that have gone rabid over the fact that I used the word "Dude"  I have not seen ONE criticism of the poster on here that called me that  FIRST,  while suggesting that I should go live at the Four Seasons, after I simply asked about what you liked or dislike about the area the area you live in.



Wrong, reread the thread and you will find that you are the one that repeatedly introduced the word Dude into it.  I certainly did not in the 4 Seasons post which was in response to your first question, not your second as you state above.  Perhaps you need a bit of rest or a chill pill or something or someone to help you avoid making false accusations.  Sorry Dude, your bs will not fly here.


Ok I will try and correct that next time.  So you are just the one the one  that suggested I go live at the 4 Seasons. So It was another one of your little clan then. I will have to get back to you, I am dealing with a different old beeach at the moment. Oh and btw why not? Everyone else's BS seems to fly pretty well here.




We already have too many old dudes with health problems here in Chiang Mai living on the edge financially.  Why do you think there's the need for Lanna Care Net?  They don't want any more customers.


Wow that's interesting you calling me an old dude, when you are about 3 years older than I am.

I also see that you had a membership at La Meridian Spa, and that you have your shampoo shipped over from the U.S.  for your grey/ white hair.  How nice for you.

I also see that you have done research on the cost of cremation in Thailand. How is "your" health Nancy ?

I am glad to see that you and scottyjohn are buddies now, since not long ago you stated that he had  " Poor reading comprehension skills "

And bunion surgery in your early 30s, well that's just nasty.

Oh and btw why not? Everyone else's BS seems to fly pretty well here.

They have BS Permits having passed all the licensing requirements.



We already have too many old dudes with health problems here in Chiang Mai living on the edge financially.  Why do you think there's the need for Lanna Care Net?  They don't want any more customers.


Wow that's interesting you calling me an old dude, when you are about 3 years older than I am.

I also see that you had a membership at La Meridian Spa, and that you have your shampoo shipped over from the U.S.  for your grey/ white hair.  How nice for you.

I also see that you have done research on the cost of cremation in Thailand. How is "your" health Nancy ?

I am glad to see that you and scottyjohn are buddies now, since not long ago you stated that he had  " Poor reading comprehension skills "

And bunion surgery in your early 30s, well that's just nasty.

Read a few old posts and know it all ridicule others. And you are asking for help. Sad sod.

It's a pity, this thread has some useful posts and perspectives. Is it not possible to delete the nonsense from both sides or to move those posts to "The Dude / Antidude wars" thread?

On 5/23/2017 at 3:56 PM, Dante99 said:

The question you have posed, asking for the best area to live in and why is not an intelligent question.  There is no one best for everybody.  


I won't bother telling you what I like about where I live, you might become a neighbor and that would be a downer.


Please don't send me a map. Come on guys you can be a lot more friendly than this. 


Thank you for coming to my defense, ScottieJohn.  While it's nice that the OP researched some of my ThaiVisa.com posts, he also should have taken the time to look over the website for Lanna Care Net, which I specifically mentioned in my post advising him not to come if he was thinking he could live long-term on a budget of $800/month.  


Just last month, I assisted someone at a local government hospital who had arrived a couple years ago after doing similar "research" about how he could live here on his very limited Social Security, under $1000 per month.  At the time he made inquiries on TV, he received much the same input that the OP of this thread is receiving and also reacted with much hostility.  I guess he thought the "retire to Chiang Mai on $500 per month and have all the Thai women throwing themselves at you" websites were a better source of information.  The fact the people running those type of website are selling something didn't seem to enter into his critical thinking, at least until he'd lived here for a time and discovered what life is really like.


OP, unless you can afford about $3000 per year for a comprehensive health insurance policy or have about $200,000 in the bank that you can access easily to pay for several major medical problems during your senior years, you shouldn't plan to retire here.  I could be wrong and you do have deep savings like this.  If so, great, come here and try to live on $800 per month.  Just don't let it be known to local friends that you have such deep savings because you'll soon find yourself supporting a Thai family.


I think it's more than a little creepy that he seems to spend time stalking your posts, but doesn't manage to provide relevant basic info that would make it feasible to answer the question / contribute to the topic in a meaningful way.




It is hard to tell why so many people on this forum have become so vitriolic. That is not all. They are combative for no reason, seem to have a feeling of possession about things that are not their's...well I can go on and on.

The point about this thread is, the OP never asked for advice on where he should live, which everyone has assumed, and then railed against him for not providing personal information.

All he asked for were some opinions from people about different areas. X could have said "I like this area because of the cherry trees" and Y could have said "I dislike this area because there are no cherry trees". Taken together it may have provided a useful body of information for all of us. And, if well written, even enjoy.

Instead it has turned into a "bash the OP thread", something which seems quite common on this forum.

I don't know who the OP is, never recall seeing another post of his, and I couldn't care less. But I was interested in reading what people thought of the different areas of Chiang Mai.

Instead of that, I am simply seeing the ugly face of the Internet, in which anonymous people take out their frustrations by trying to appear superior.

I was looking forward to reading the thread, and learning more about what many think is a charming city.

Instead of that I get this...yech.

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