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coculus rift & touch


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I have been messing around with my oculus rift and oculus touch for a while now. I must say I never thought VR would be this good. Especially games like Arizona sunshine and Robo recall are great. The games are so much more fun in VR. I love how in Robo Recal you can just grab robots with your hands (really move your hands to grab them) and pull their heads off.. or shoot them with any kind of weapons.. beat them with your hands or whatever. 

VR certainly is the future too bad you need a real good computer and VGA card plus an oculus rift and touch for it to be real fun. I am now waiting for soulkeeper VR to be released. All the games you see on youtube for VR are not looking that great on the screen.. but they are great when you wear the headset. The fun is super that you can just aim guns with your hands.. move your body to dodge bullets duck behind cover and stuff like that. 

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I have not tried the Oculus Rift (or PSVR) but I had an HTC Vive which most people said was a better experience.

it is pretty good, the games differ.. but the room scale stuff is wonderful.. however I feel like most of the games are merely Technical Demos more than real games.


I think this is due to the amount of time the headsets have been released (close to 2 years for the Vive) and it takes more than 2 years to make a "proper" AAA quality game.


I bought my Vive from Canada using the Microsoft online store which came with a 30 days easy returns.. I ended up returning it for 3 reasons.


1. I didn't want to bring it with me to Thailand and IF some technical issues arised I would have a hell of a time getting warranty support here.

2. in addition to the 1st reason, I was a little worried that they would come out with a new better version of the headset very soon and promptly only program for the new version

3. I had barely played with it for the 25 or so days I had it.. my family and friends were coming over and wanted to play all the time..  (which is annoying cause you can't really do anything else with the computer at the same time)


with that being said, I am looking to buy it again soon as they have it at InvadeIT in Hua Hin and I would get proper warranty.. just have to make sure that #2 doesn't happen.

just need to move to a new place with an empty room :P

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The vive was better when oculus had no touch control. Now people prefer the touch over the vive controls.

This is subjective ofcourse. The games are now much better than before. Many vive owners want the oculus games as they are a bit better. Robo recall is a great example of that. Though if they bring fallout 4 for the vive and not oculus the vive has a great game.

But seriously the games are now much better as when it started.

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Just to add the vive and the oculus rule the PSVR because they are more powerful (and more expensive). But PSVR might get more games. 


Right now the real good games are coming out I am waiting for games like soalkeeperVR and a few others. To be honest I don't game that much sometimes a few hours. But i really love it then. The people who have come here and played are all quite impressed with how far it has evolved. 


You should really give you Vive an other try.. the games will get better and better.


Your right that its annoying that once someone plays you cant use the computer, and you cant switch the device to an other computer because of the hardware requirements. (and the games are installed on the main computer)

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I heard all the Oculus games were playable on Vive, not sure if that's true or not anymore since Touch controls..

it was called ReVive or something. I know they were trying to shut it down,


saw a video yesterday of some dude playing World of Warcraft on the Vive (might have been Oculus too)


to be honest, I think the exclusives should be on ALL VR systems if they can..

they already proved it was quite easy to do with ReVive, even if only before touch controls.

everyone should get all the same games, I hope you guys get Fallout 4 and hope some of the good games come to Vive too..


Accounting, Tilt Brush, Job Simulator and Home Improvisation : Furniture Sandbox are good.

for one, I want to play that Rick and Morty game, quite silly... also Superhot came to VR. interesting stuff.

I haven't tried Project Cars but my son and brother did..


Resident Evil 7 is getting VR at some point too, it was PSVR exclusive


exclusives, bah!

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I agree that they should have the games cross all the platforms, and VIVE games are play able on Oculus. I think they want to keep the exclusivity to force others out of the market (not a good thing). I remember betamax and VHS systems... in the end an inferior system won because of more content.


Superhot  VR is quite nice I have been playing it the game really shines in VR. I really enjoy Robo recall and love arizona sunshine. Though Robo Recall takes VR a step further. Being able to pick up things and grabbing the enemy and tearing his head off (robots so no blood) or just tearing off limbs and hitting them with their own leg. You can punch the enemy and see them flying grabbing them and throwing them.. and of course shooting them. You can grab them then shoot them through the head. I mean.. the ways to kill the other robots are endless.



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yeah I just looked up Robo Recall I had seen it before but wasn't sure if it was the same game, the game works on ReVive..

I guess I just wish they had all the games on Steam (too) even if they charged a premium.


not like there wasn't enough with uPlay, Origin, GOG Galaxy and others


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I think the VIVE and the Occulus are great... I just hope they don't compete each-other too much so both die. The problem with VR right now is that its not yet affordable for the masses. That means that games are not yet making enough money. So companies like Oculus (facebook) need to make their own games and promote them to sell their stuff. That is the reason why they don't do it all cross platform. They want to kill the competition. 


It would be nice if real good games come to the place, its going to be interesting for sure.. I am going to buy a few wrist and ancle weights so i have a bit of exercise while playing the games. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey Rob,

would you by any chance know where I would be able to find some Contractor Poles in Thailand..




I am sure you can figure out the use for them ;)

goes up to 365cm. with a little clamp with camera screw. can mount the lighthouses.


I thought of long shower curtains but. some ceilings are very high here .. in my room 280cm now. most tension rods 2.6m at most.


i saw a few VR games in E3, can't remember any names tho


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No sorry I dont.. I got my sensors mounted on the ceiling.


I finally played my first strategy game in VR that was fun aimech command. 


I must say VR can be quite nice.. I am quite partial to strategy games. 

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