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With Software, It Pays To Be Legal


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33 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


Commonly sold in Thailand today, pal, and I chose it for that reason. Yeah, we use a lot of entry-level printers around here for printing Immigration forms. You specifically mentioned Brother, did you not? Like all printers, it's primarly and understandably targeted towards Windows users, yes. But it does offer those Linux drivers. Same kinds of scenarios are found for countless other printers and that's why there's a database dedicated to feedback on Linux compatibility.

The thing is very simple, if you use Linux you buy a printer that works well with Linux. If you run MS Windows you buy a printer that works well with MS Windows. The good part about printer that work well with MS Windows is that they're more operating system independent, for example printers that work well with Linux work also with Apple Mac...


Printers that are specific made for MS Windows are often cheaper, but mostly that also means that they're likely more expensive per printed page.

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6 hours ago, Richard-BKK said:

No get me wrong, but even for some MS Windows repair options you need some knowledge.


Which would be worst case, and probably less than the knowledge you need in the average case of a Linux crash.



Most Linux Distributions (surely the best known) will give you a boot menu after you reset the computer a few times before completely finish start-up, in this boot menu you can select the other (older) Kernel packages installed.


Yep, you might get to that point, as I'd already noted. Be nice if you do.


Both Windows and Linux have gotten more robust than they were, fortunately. 'Course for easy reinstallation, you may dream of Win 98. ;)



In worst case scenario you would need to reinstall Linux, if you select keep current drive/partion settings all your files will still be there. Even programs you previous installed still work... Of course you probably need to update the system to get the latest updates.


If you select sounds so easy but in practice it isn't w/ Linux. Now a Linux noob never set up partitions in the first place so he's just gonna wipe out his home directory. Here's what's really involved for keeping your settings, files, and downloaded applications thru reinstallations: https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/1946.  And it means knowing how to prepare in advance and doing it. Sound fun, average user? How much time you got? Hence restore from image is so much nicer if you have a current image. :smile: Cf. reinstallation w/ Win 10 keeping files intact: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/reset-your-windows-10-system-with-the-keep-my-files-option/.





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1 hour ago, Richard-BKK said:

The thing is very simple, if you use Linux you buy a printer that works well with Linux. If you run MS Windows you buy a printer that works well with MS Windows. The good part about printer that work well with MS Windows is that they're more operating system independent, for example printers that work well with Linux work also with Apple Mac...


Printers that are specific made for MS Windows are often cheaper, but mostly that also means that they're likely more expensive per printed page.


We do like to think things are simple. True, and entirely consistent w/ what I'd said, but the more common scenario is that a user has already got a printer he/she was using happily w/ Windows but now is trying to change to Linux, maybe to avoid (quite rationally) Win 8 or Win 10. With luck it may work satisfactorily. :smile:

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2 hours ago, JSixpack said:


I often hear this excuse from oldsters when it comes to learning Thai. A lot of it is lack of motivation. Yet continual learning is one of the best things an old fart can do to ward off further mental deterioration. If you were on Windows, now, you'd have a greater choice of video games to help.:smile:  (Yes, fanboys, I know Steam is on Linux now; yes, I know all about PlayOnLinux.) (ON TOPIC: they should be legal!) After all video games are proven good for your brain.


Yep, even an old fart can learn to play and should. In fact, living in Thailand's kinda like a video game in some ways, innit? Sharpen your motorcy-dodging skills virtually. Need proof? Here you go:


59 here, retired and play games 2-3 hours everyday. My father is 83 and is finishing up FONV and playing Black Ops 111 single player. He is waiting for Fallout 4 to drop, then he will be busy for the rest of this year and next with mods. He has close to 500 hrs in FONV. He has over 200 games on steam.

acairman, 11-09-2015, 12:32, How many old farts here stil play pc games?

Cool grandmom: Grandmother Who Plays Skyrim Has Made Over 300 Videos.

As it happens, I do continually learn new Thai terms from my Thai GF. I do drive both motor scooter and car, Thai 5-year licences for both. I use my driving skills regularly on the road between CM and CR.  I have golf and swimming. I play chess on the computer, and read world news every day, plus Thai Visa. So I would say I'm reasonably active mentally. You probably don't know course management skills are an important part of golf.

Hell man, it's not a hanging offence to make other choices than video games. They just don't interest me, just as you might find golf incredibly boring.


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1 hour ago, JSixpack said:


We do like to think things are simple. True, and entirely consistent w/ what I'd said, but the more common scenario is that a user has already got a printer he/she was using happily w/ Windows but now is trying to change to Linux, maybe to avoid (quite rationally) Win 8 or Win 10. With luck it may work satisfactorily. :smile:

To legally use MS Windows on a desktop computer you need to get a legal copy of MS Windows which will cost you 4300 THB, second to use an Office package you can go for MS Office 365 which is 1990 THB per year or MS Office 2016 which cost 7300 THB. Depending on what you want to do more the price will go up… O and not forget you copy of Kaspersky Antivirus for 670 THB. (okay you can use for home a free version from Avast or any other…)


Please do not say you will do some video editing or working with photos, as software for that can cost a lot…


Our average Linux computer runs Fedora 25 x86_64 and has the latest Libreoffice installed, we have some branch specific software mainly for designing engine parts. Not all software on the computer is free software. We use several software packages that are not opensource one for photo editing is Corel AfterShot Pro3 (think we paid US$55 per user) which works pretty good.


Because our company followed the opensource path for several years we not have any problems with hardware that isn’t compatible.


I can imagine that some people would hesitate to checkout Linux, but for that you can checkout reveal Linux version in the form of LiveCD’s or LiveUSB which give you the chance to us Linux on your computer without installing it… If something not work, and it seems impossible to fix or you would need to buy a new printer… you keep using MS Windows, very very simple…

Edited by Richard-BKK
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Quality post w/ all good points and I'm glad Linux is working well for ya. I'll just point out the free upgrade to Win 10 and that users will typically just continue using their old versions of Office & whatever. A larger proviso here:


3 hours ago, Richard-BKK said:

I can imagine that some people would hesitate to checkout Linux, but for that you can checkout reveal Linux version in the form of LiveCD’s or LiveUSB which give you the chance to us Linux on your computer without installing it… If something not work, and it seems impossible to fix or you would need to buy a new printer… you keep using MS Windows, very very simple…


Testing the live distro is a great first step I'd consider necessary. But a user typically won't test much beyond "does it boot?" and "how's the interface?" For one thing, persistence is an issue that it takes a bit of sophistication to handle. Another issue is that unfortunately--and most annoyingly--the distro may behave differently after installed. Was recently reading on the hardocp forum an unsolvable case of monitor flicker on a laptop--only after the installation.  https://hardforum.com/threads/need-linux-help-screen-keeps-flickering.1936051/. Whoops, now the Intel graphics installer says distro isn't supported:


Checking if Intel graphics card available...
• checking for i915 module in /sys/module
• i915 module found
Checking if Intel graphics card available... OK
Retrieving information from 01.org...
• fetching https://download.01.org/gfx/ilg-config.cfg
• saving to /home/ace/.ilg-config
• fetched 1626 bytes
• fetched 9818 bytes
• fetched 11627 bytes
• looking up [neon xenial] configuration
Retrieving information from 01.org... OK
Checking distribution... Failed


So the solution there would be to buy a new computer, given it's a laptop. And though we've gotten in the weeds about printers, LOTS of other hardware issues can arise, as a glance at, say, the Mint support forum will reveal to the uninformed: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewforum.php?f=49. Hence before committing on the basis of the live distro, one had better image that old Windows, just in case. Dual boot? Sounds great except that grub might well mess it up and then you can't boot into Windows at all. Dual booting is best done w/ 2 drives, one for each.


Well, I'd suggest anyone who doesn't need Windows-specific software (that won't run under Wine) and has time time to fool around, give Linux a go after preparing to restore his Windows just in case. It's very much YMMV. Could work out great, as for some members here, or not--disappointments abound. Linux performance still a let down on desktop. :smile:




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First this tread is about using legal software, according some figures 50% of the country is using some or all illegal software. Therefore we can assume that 50% that upgraded to Windows 10 still use illegal software.


Also you example about Linux is based on Mint Linux, and honestly I could never understand why it's so popular... at the heart it is a old version of Ubuntu (old kernel 4.4), while for example we use the Linux Kernel 4.11.3. The higher the number the more hardware is supported is the basic rule (we need to use the latest Kernel as some of our newest computers and graphics cards are better supported.


If Linux is so bad at graphics why " "Most of the major studios use Linux -- such as DreamWorks with more than 1,500 Linux desktops and 3,500 Linux servers. The MovieEditor Conference is an all-day event on computer-based filmmaking in downtown Los Angeles on August 3rd. Studio technology chiefs and other experts discuss ongoing work using Linux in feature animation and visual effects "

Edited by Richard-BKK
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9 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Out of interest what country is that Howard A ?


With all these erudite  people on here--just want state before my post that I am a computer Blond--OK so as I understand it , mixing with people that were on the fringes many years ago--when its stated that pirated software is dangerous--


--isn't it just the exact same program copied ?


I understand that when they install it they command your Comp not to go into update mode--etc, so as time goes on you are not receiving the security etc patches needed to keep it entirely safe, but also some outlets sell the patches on disk. This was especially true with windows XP which seems to be in use forever.




Czech republic.

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To legally use MS Windows on a desktop computer you need to get a legal copy of MS Windows which will cost you 4300 THB, second to use an Office package you can go for MS Office 365 which is 1990 THB per year or MS Office 2016 which cost 7300 THB. Depending on what you want to do more the price will go up… O and not forget you copy of Kaspersky Antivirus for 670 THB. (okay you can use for home a free version from Avast or any other…)
Please do not say you will do some video editing or working with photos, as software for that can cost a lot…
Our average Linux computer runs Fedora 25 x86_64 and has the latest Libreoffice installed, we have some branch specific software mainly for designing engine parts. Not all software on the computer is free software. We use several software packages that are not opensource one for photo editing is Corel AfterShot Pro3 (think we paid US$55 per user) which works pretty good.
Because our company followed the opensource path for several years we not have any problems with hardware that isn’t compatible.
I can imagine that some people would hesitate to checkout Linux, but for that you can checkout reveal Linux version in the form of LiveCD’s or LiveUSB which give you the chance to us Linux on your computer without installing it… If something not work, and it seems impossible to fix or you would need to buy a new printer… you keep using MS Windows, very very simple…

Legal Windows 800b
Office 365 1990b (Pro user, so alternatives are no good - even the official Mac version is bug-laden)
Defender AV free
Adobe CS2 free & legal (expensive and not available on Linux if you're a pro like me - and no, replacement programs don't work when you're swapping files with clients).

So, for me and many other pro users, Windows is the only option. At least it's rock solid and the only problems my office gets are self made.

Sent from my Cray II supercomputer

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6 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:


Legal Windows 800b
Office 365 1990b (Pro user, so alternatives are no good - even the official Mac version is bug-laden)
Defender AV free
Adobe CS2 free & legal (expensive and not available on Linux if you're a pro like me - and no, replacement programs don't work when you're swapping files with clients).

So, for me and many other pro users, Windows is the only option. At least it's rock solid and the only problems my office gets are self made.

Sent from my Cray II supercomputer

I have no idea which shop offers MS Windows for 800 THB, but I would not bet my business on it that it's 100% legal. All official Microsoft outlets say 4500 THB or even more... For the MS Office 365 Pro, the 1990 THB is only for one year, it would cost 1990 THB every year...


The Free version of Anti-Virus software is only available for home users, any commercial use is prohibited.


I cannot find Adobe CS2 for free and legal, maybe point to it, Adobe CS2 can be used with Wine under all Linux versions. As alternative for photo editing you can get Corel Aftershot Pro 3, that can do things the latest version of Adobe Photoshop cannot and it can exchange files with all sort of popular file formats.

Edited by Richard-BKK
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6 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:


Legal Windows 800b
Office 365 1990b (Pro user, so alternatives are no good - even the official Mac version is bug-laden)
Defender AV free
Adobe CS2 free & legal (expensive and not available on Linux if you're a pro like me - and no, replacement programs don't work when you're swapping files with clients).

So, for me and many other pro users, Windows is the only option. At least it's rock solid and the only problems my office gets are self made.

Sent from my Cray II supercomputer

It seems that your "free" Adobe CS2 is very much illegal software.... "There has been clarification since this story broke. Adobe has not officially released the CS2 software for free. Instead, it has canceled its CS2 license management servers because of a technical glitch, so for those with existing licenses it is now offering downloads that do not require contact with the licensing servers."   https://www.cnet.com/news/adobe-releases-creative-suite-2-for-free/


or https://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2013/01/update-on-cs2-and-acrobat-7-activation-servers.html

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I have no idea which shop offers MS Windows for 800 THB, but I would not bet my business on it that it's 100% legal. All official Microsoft outlets say 4500 THB or even more... For the MS Office 365 Pro, the 1990 THB is only for one year, it would cost 1990 THB every year...
The Free version of Anti-Virus software is only available for home users, any commercial use is prohibited.
I cannot find Adobe CS2 for free and legal, maybe point to it, Adobe CS2 can be used with Wine under all Linux versions. As alternative for photo editing you can get Corel Aftershot Pro 3, that can do things the latest version of Adobe Photoshop cannot and it can exchange files with all sort of popular file formats.

Adobe CS2 is available free from Adobe's website.

MS Defender comes with Windows and is free.

Online retailers sell Windows for as low as 800b.

Sent from my Cray II supercomputer

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4 minutes ago, JaseTheBass said:


Adobe CS2 is available free from Adobe's website.

MS Defender comes with Windows and is free.

Online retailers sell Windows for as low as 800b.

Sent from my Cray II supercomputer


I'd like to buy a legit copy of windows for my laptop, where do I buy it for 800 baht ?

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In Lotus Extra the other day early A Monitr that gives out Customer Info had not opened correctly and was showing .THIS IS NOT A GENUINE WINDOWS etc, so if it's too expensive for Lotus , it is for most of us.?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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19 minutes ago, Ace of Pop said:

In Lotus Extra the other day early A Monitr that gives out Customer Info had not opened correctly and was showing .THIS IS NOT A GENUINE WINDOWS etc, so if it's too expensive for Lotus , it is for most of us.?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Good attitude my neighbor doesn't do it so why should I do it...

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2 hours ago, Richard-BKK said:

Good attitude my neighbor doesn't do it so why should I do it...

I went to a shop bought a laptop , asked about windows.. said 500bt.. i said.. no real one.. was a lot more expensive but I did not care. Learned my lesson with illegal copies long ago. You never know what crap you get and what else is embedded already (keyloggers ect)

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Since 2001 I've bought many P.C things from Apple Mac to silly little. pad things. Just pay n away , like most folks I suppose. You can tell if they have used a hide thing . On startup the start screen does a fast skip before settling to normal . If I'd ever been asked if I wanted genuine I'd have said yes , but never been asked and I only buy from big names in the Cities here.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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On 6/9/2017 at 3:16 AM, JaseTheBass said:


Legal Windows 800b
Office 365 1990b (Pro user, so alternatives are no good - even the official Mac version is bug-laden)
Defender AV free
Adobe CS2 free & legal (expensive and not available on Linux if you're a pro like me - and no, replacement programs don't work when you're swapping files with clients).

So, for me and many other pro users, Windows is the only option. At least it's rock solid and the only problems my office gets are self made.

Sent from my Cray II supercomputer


A link for Adobe CS2 please.

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