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5 months overstay ED visa

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Hello everybody i have some questions regarding my overstay. I overstayed for 5 months ED visa, i surrendered by myself at the airport, i had already booked my ticket back to Europe, i payed fine of 20.000 THB at immigration office and ofcourse i got red stamp with number 1 inside which i think means 1 year ban from entering Thailand At immigration office they didnt complicate much as there was one guy complaining too much so they wanted to finish with me fast as possible i payed the fee and show them my outward ticket sign some papers and i was free to go. This happened in July last year and it was my forst overstay. While i was in Thailand i didnt had any conflicts with who, i was never imprisoned neither stopped by police. Now i have some questions and i would be thankful if somebody could answer. 

Since i am 30 years old i cannot get retirement visa, so my option is ED Visa but i am planning entering to Thailand with 2 month visa after that i will make ED Visa, before that i had 6 months visa and all 3 extensions including 90 day report. I passed all the tests about Thai language at Ministry of Education. 

My ban started from 13th July. My question is, can i enter Thailand on 15th July or this ban means until of December 2017?

Will i have problems to make ED Visa again?

Is it possible that i am banned for more than one year even if in passport is stated banned for 1 year?

I know my mistakes and i learned from that mistake of overstaying. I m not asking for blessings i am just trying to find some answers.


Thank you in advance. 

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Since Ed Visa usually means you are not working in Thailand, I will presume you have some financial resources.  If you are just trying to stay in Thailand for a long time, you do have the option of buying the Elite Visa, one of which is 500,000 baht for 5 years.

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Alien Surrendered to Authorities:

  1. An alien who overstays more than 90 days beyond his/her permitted date will be banned from re-entering the country for 1 year, starting from the departure date.

So welcome to Thailand on July 15th.

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Yes, you can return to Thailand mid July, having served your ban. In your position, I would still be prepared for questioning when you enter. Make sure you can tell them where your money for the visit is coming from. Welcome back!

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Thanks everybody for take time for reply me. @BritTim this means even if i enter on 2 months tourist visa with return ticket and 20.000 THB in cash i still need copy of my bank statements? it doesnt show salary , it only shows deposit (because i am depositing money that i make on my regular account) and i have money on savings account. Before when i went to make ED visa to Laos my Thai ex gf was with me and they didnt complicate at all. I m working online (nothing illegal) before i was doing this for 1 year in Thailand i had steady income , but the problem was that i took everything too easy about Thai law, i had problems with ex gf so i became depressed and start drinking too much i didnt care about school anymore, before i was regular and good student. And this was my first trip to Thailand i learned many things and now i will definetely not repeat same mistakes.

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1 hour ago, Cosmo28 said:

Thanks everybody for take time for reply me. @BritTim this means even if i enter on 2 months tourist visa with return ticket and 20.000 THB in cash i still need copy of my bank statements? it doesnt show salary , it only shows deposit (because i am depositing money that i make on my regular account) and i have money on savings account. Before when i went to make ED visa to Laos my Thai ex gf was with me and they didnt complicate at all. I m working online (nothing illegal) before i was doing this for 1 year in Thailand i had steady income , but the problem was that i took everything too easy about Thai law, i had problems with ex gf so i became depressed and start drinking too much i didnt care about school anymore, before i was regular and good student. And this was my first trip to Thailand i learned many things and now i will definetely not repeat same mistakes.

Just be ready for questions about what you will be doing in Thailand, and your means of support. Showing plenty of money in the bank would, I think, be perfectly adequate. If your bank balance is low, show where your income is coming from during your visit. These precautions may be unnecessary, but your recently cleared blacklisting will be visible, and extra scrutiny not altogether surprising.

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One other thing - The IO must enter the TM-6 (entry-form) address you provide, and they have become more concerned about this recently - so always have something printed out showing where you will be staying.  This could be an online booking for a week at a hotel, with the explanation you intend to travel to other areas after this. 

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3 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

OP  an easier way to find out is to apply for a visa at the embassy they will tell you right away what the rules are.

Not sure that they will . They will just issue a visa regardless , its the IO in Thailand that will make the decision as to whether allow entry or not

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6 hours ago, Cosmo28 said:

Thanks everybody for take time for reply me. @BritTim this means even if i enter on 2 months tourist visa with return ticket and 20.000 THB in cash i still need copy of my bank statements? it doesnt show salary , it only shows deposit (because i am depositing money that i make on my regular account) and i have money on savings account. Before when i went to make ED visa to Laos my Thai ex gf was with me and they didnt complicate at all. I m working online (nothing illegal) before i was doing this for 1 year in Thailand i had steady income , but the problem was that i took everything too easy about Thai law, i had problems with ex gf so i became depressed and start drinking too much i didnt care about school anymore, before i was regular and good student. And this was my first trip to Thailand i learned many things and now i will definetely not repeat same mistakes.

love your open and honest attitude, as others have said. no problem working online but perhaps don't be so open and honest about that with anyone especially the thai authorities! tell them your parents send you monthly allowance to study or something. at the end of the day you paid your price the last time and they made good money out of you and will be happy to do so again

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1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

agreed; that might elicit more questions; is it a company ?where is the company registered ? possible work permit required...

a work permit is definitely required regardless of where the company is registered. however at this point in time the labour ministry turn a blind eye to those that are making their money outside of Thailand and spending it here. you must not have a permanent office in Thailand. you must not be making any money from within Thailand. you would be classed as a remote worker and will be absolutely fine (unless) you piss someone off that is.

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'this means even if i enter on 2 months tourist visa with return ticket and 20.000 THB in cash i still need copy of my bank statements?'


don't worry OP. you're coming on tourist visa. just tell them you're going island hopping and home in a few months and walk through no worries. then go and sort out your next visa once here. you don't need to show any further finance to come on holiday

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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

'this means even if i enter on 2 months tourist visa with return ticket and 20.000 THB in cash i still need copy of my bank statements?'


don't worry OP. you're coming on tourist visa. just tell them you're going island hopping and home in a few months and walk through no worries. then go and sort out your next visa once here. you don't need to show any further finance to come on holiday

Yes, do NOT tell the IO about any plans to stay here long-term, get another ED Visa, etc.  Stick to your plans for the short term in response to any questions.  Maybe even have a short itinerary sketched-out.

Personally, I'd try to have some paperwork showing how you finance your stay, but only because you have an overstay and previous ED-Visa history (IOs generally don't like to see old ED-Visas). 

The MOST important thing is that 20K Baht worth of cash or travelers checks.  An ongoing-ticket is a plus, though not a requirement with a TR Visa - just good to make your visit appear to be "short-term."  You may not get asked for any of it, but helps to know your bases are covered.

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I think you have done your time  & should be able to enter.Maybe a good idea to invest in a new passport to get rid of all the stamps,,, save some funny looks    then sure would be plain sailing    see ya soon

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