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Uber and GrabCar "flagrantly breaking the law" says Land Transport department.


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1 minute ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Are you thinking and writing under some delusion about the way taxis in LoS operate? As with everything in LoS, what taxis might be legally required to do, and what they often actually do, are two entirely different things. 

I am well aware the taxi industry in Thailand needs much improvement. I was talking about my own experience in Oz.

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The news media said that there are so many taxis and the associations that protect them are so strong that it is totally unlike places like Singapore where the concept of Uber and GrabCar has taken hold.

Why is only Singapore being referred to? Try the rest of the planet!!!

"Associations & protection".....good combination of words.

These crooks make me sick complaining about alternative services, services that can and do actually bring you where you want to go without a hustle.
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The old school taxi mafia and linked beneficiaries such as police and transport officials won't be happy watching a clever idea like this take the thai hooky taxi business away so easily lol.

I had a few bad taxi drivers in my time and no idea how they get a licence or car allowed on road, even been involved in stopping a young thai girl being beaten by her old school thai taxi driver who was tooled up with a club, total small minded scum with only interest being easy money by any means possible.

If land transport had any real brains they would of setup a main network with phone apps etc years ago in an attempt to bring the thai taxi system out of the gutter but from what I seen lot of thais just like the gutter and mafia way and it not likely improve until the fools get educated and start having humane compassion and thought .

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On 6/1/2017 at 11:02 PM, Father Fintan Stack said:

He said the services are illegal and acting out a cloak and dagger operation.

Many taxis still operate illegally at and around attractions and the airports. I see little effort to eradicate this decades old problem. I'm sure many visitors to Thailand especially Phuket and Pattaya would use 'Cloak and Dagger' to describe the local official taxi services. 

He said that members of the public are not breaking the law by using applications for their service but they are risking falling prey to unscrupulous individuals.
The drivers are rated on the apps so it is a lot safer and less risk than just hailing a cab. If you grab a Bangkok cab there's a good chance you'll get a wrong 'un and there's no way to screen them.

He said that his department has no control over the drivers and the public is taking a risk as drivers and their histories are not officially registered.

Is he talking about taxi drivers here as there doesn't seem to be any control at all there either... Again, their history is recorded on the apps and customers can choose another driver. Official registration doesn't mean diddly squat here as we all know. 

Meanwhile, taxi operators are seeking ways in the courts to make it illegal for people to even use the service.

Good luck with that. Adapt or die I say. Why not start your own service and compete. Makes for more customer service which is what you should be aiming for anyway. 

The taxi mafia/monopoly/transport companies will not adapt.It is the business model here. They will continue to exercise their power over land transport dept minions to eliminate competition from the market. Same in any industry/service here. 


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On 01/06/2017 at 5:25 PM, balo said:

The UBER drivers are registered via the app where you can rate them if they are doing a good job , unlike "official" taxi drivers.  Good enough for me. 


All transactions are tracked, if anything bad happens you can just show the GPS  to the police as evidence.  You can't do that with a normal taxi .  





you also know exactly how much the journey will cost before you get into the taxi.

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how about the public buses with dangerous drivers, bus drivers that speed, buses with doors that are stuck open and have other obvious faults? are they breaking the law? do the authorities do anything about it?


if laws were effectively enforced and appropriate punishment handed out the number of law breakers would dramatically reduce.


there's been someone sitting in the foyer of my local tesco lotus signing up uber drives for months, has anyone in authority done anything? of course not.


it's all just noise from the powers that be.

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On 2017-06-01 at 3:05 PM, newcomer71 said:

They really do live in their own muffled world...

Not really, these type of services are illegal and unregulated. Therefore it is only right they comply with the law, or get banned completely.

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On 04/06/2017 at 2:44 PM, fatdrunkandstupid said:

My money is on Uber.

If they bosh a load of dosh down and get the attention of the General then just maybe ...but down at the ground , baseball bats and burning out Uber cars will no doubt have the desired detterence effect.

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21 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

If they bosh a load of dosh down and get the attention of the General then just maybe ...but down at the ground , baseball bats and burning out Uber cars will no doubt have the desired detterence effect.


That's why my money is on Uber.


You can't eradicate an online presence with a machete or baseball bat.

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