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I went to Peru 27 years ago  to walk the Inca Trail, and to see Macchu Picchu etc etc ?


Before I left the UK, I had to get a Yellow Fever injection. I was given a certificate as proof of immunisation. In those days, the certificate was valid only for 10 years, after which you were advised to get a booster.


I have never had the booster.


Next February, I plan to visit Gabon in north west Africa for 2 weeks. This is another yellow fever area. I plan to fly from Thailand to UK next January, meet up with friends and together we will fly out to Gabon and then back to the UK. 


From the UK, I would reenter Thailand end of February/beginning of March 2018. On arrival at Bangkok International Airport, I would need to go to the relevant checkpoint desk to declare that I had recently visited Gabon, a yellow fever area.


I have done a search on google and found this link:




It says that medical opinion had once been that the Yellow Fever injection was effective only for 10 years, after which a booster was required. However, in recent years, medical opinion has changed fundamentally. The official opinion today is that the injection is effective for life and so no booster is required, Apparently,  this opinion also relates to old injections, like mine, which were certificated only for 10 years. 


It would seem, therefore, that my old UK cerificate has been validated for life retrospectively.



My Questions:

1. Does anyone have any RECENTexperience of entering Thailand with an old certicate, which says valid only for 10 years,? 

2. Were there any problems/questions?

3.  Did Immigration require sight of any other documentation?

4. Any other relevant advice in relation to the certificate would be appreciated.


WHO is clear: "This lifetime validity applies automatically to all existing and new certificates, beginning 10 days after the date of vaccination."



In Africa, they are very strict about examining your Yellow Fever vaccination certificate. If it's over 10 years old, you'll have problems.

You won't be asked for it entering Thailand.

11 hours ago, taxout said:

Is your comment about Africa based on travel after 11 July 2016, when the new rule took effect?

I work offshore as a contractor and use an agency to obtain jobs.

Today I forwarded the link to the agency as I wasn't sure if they knew about it as it was a surprise to me.


This was their emailed reply:-


"Yes, I have been aware of this for some time, but unfortunately there continues to be a slightly grey area.


Countries still appear to have discretion in how they implement the certificate provisions of the IHR. Apparently WHO are  informing and encouraging countries to ensure that their implementation takes account of the latest scientific advice. However, it is still advisable to continue with the YF boosters until such time as there is no ambiguity in the rules.  Obviously this is most critical where the YF vaccination is mandatory for entry to the country".


Hey Guys


Thank you all for taking the trouble to reply. 


My question related specifically to getting through Immigration at Bangkok Internaional airport, and it would seem from the above posts that there won't be a problem there.


I am glad you mentioned Africa as well, because it has nudged me to check that out. I have just sent texts to two people, one of them is a Frenchman who has lived in Gabon for 45 years; and the other is a German lady, who travels to Gabon each year. They both say the same thing as shown in my correspondence with the Frenchman below:




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