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Trump renews criticism of London Mayor Khan over attack


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9 minutes ago, baboon said:

Would that be because he isn't a solicitor? 

I think you'll find that is exactly what he is & in fact once acted in a case in Egypt involving Hizb ut-Tahrir although I have no idea how he would be allowed to do that under Egyptian law unless it was as an advisor.


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1 hour ago, roderick17 said:

I agree  with Trump - Khan's response was pathetic. Londoners need not be alarmed at the increasing police numbers on their streets, but they have every reason to be concerned with the reason for the police presence - and that is the increasing number of terrorist attacks targeting ordinary people. 



Months ago Khan claimed Trump was crazy because he proposed a temporary ban on travelers from Islamic countries which could not vet thier citizens. Places like Yemen and Libia without government. 


Khan lead the European charge in outrage.


I suspect Londoners are starting to get tired of his lame," This is not Islam bla bla bla. "  Fact is pal, it IS all Islamic fanatics killing people!   


Political Correctness ain't going to save your family when they come to your door. But hey, Khan probibly can site some verses in The Korean and they may let him go( unlike the 25 Coptic Christian women and kids they murdered in a bus in Egypt last month )


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Months ago Khan claimed Trump was crazy because he proposed a temporary ban on travelers from Islamic countries which could not vet thier citizens. Places like Yemen and Libia without government. 
Khan lead the European charge in outrage.
I suspect Londoners are starting to get tired of his lame," This is not Islam bla bla bla. "  Fact is pal, it IS all Islamic fanatics killing people!   
Political Correctness ain't going to save your family when they come to your door. But hey, Khan probibly can site some verses in The Korean and they may let him go( unlike the 25 Coptic Christian women and kids they murdered in a bus in Egypt last month )

Why bring Korea into it?
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Rather than support and understanding from one of the UK's closest allies, Trump indulges in his personal vendetta to score a few self righteous political points.


Can you imagine the reaction if after 9/11 a British Prime Minister had pompously criticized Mayor Giuliani.

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3 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:



Months ago Khan claimed Trump was crazy because he proposed a temporary ban on travelers from Islamic countries which could not vet thier citizens. Places like Yemen and Libia without government. 


Khan lead the European charge in outrage.


I suspect Londoners are starting to get tired of his lame," This is not Islam bla bla bla. "  Fact is pal, it IS all Islamic fanatics killing people!   


Political Correctness ain't going to save your family when they come to your door. But hey, Khan probibly can site some verses in The Korean and they may let him go( unlike the 25 Coptic Christian women and kids they murdered in a bus in Egypt last month )


I doubt he knows Korean as well but anything is possible...?

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2 hours ago, mamypoko said:

Does South London have a culture of violence and murder? I believe the Mayor was born there.


edit edit edit

Oops! Geriatrickid...GMTA

I was born and raised in the East end of London, which is a heartbeat away from and borders South London, Both SW, and SE. And it also borders the county of Kent.These area's have always had a long history of murder and violence. From JacK the Ripper to the murderers of today. In Woolwich is Belmarsh max security prison, which houses many Islamic terrorists, usually on remand there. There are tunnels from the prison,straight into the courts to stop rescue attempts by the prisoners accomplices .We had a very famous racist killing in SE9 years ago, for which the true killers are at large and were never arrested.Area's such as Tooting, Clapham, in SW London have areas that the police fear to explore. Bedford hill,Tooting Common is rife with prostitutes and street walkers and is considered a dangerous place to live.We even had two brothers years ago who made inroads into the New York mafia families, with the idea of the whole of London being controlled from the East End. The Cosa Nostra had decided to run with this idea, and had even sent people over to see if it was a viable idea. However. 'Slipper of the yard' put a stop to that.

So in answere to your question, Yep! the south has always had a reputation, but then so has the rest of the country. Whats different?

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Khan is doing his job, using Islamic requirements of tayquia (deception and lies) to deceive all others (considered kafirs and infidels). 

Are you sure you have the right person? I thought you were talking about Trump.
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36 minutes ago, stander said:

Therese May should appoint Rudy Giuliani as temporary mayor of London to clean out the vermin Sadiq supports. She won't but it would be a real response to the UK and London's Islam problem. Unlike her empty words. 

If you let the people of London decide for themselves and put Giuliani (or Trump for that matter) in an election for London mayor against Khan tomorrow - Khan would absolutely wipe the floor with them. He's a Londoner and he's doing a good job.

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If London police fired 50 bullets to bring down the 3 attackers they must be pretty lousy shots. It seems England doesn't need more police but more weapons training. I heard one witness report that she had seen one of the murderers being tasered.

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If London police fired 50 bullets to bring down the 3 attackers they must be pretty lousy shots. It seems England doesn't need more police but more weapons training. I heard one witness report that she had seen one of the murderers being tasered.

Have you any idea how many rounds were fired by trained US military personnel for each "kill" in Vietnam? UK police are sharp shooters in comparison.
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5 minutes ago, stander said:

David Cameron implied during the Mayoral elections  that Khan may be too closely tied to extremist groups to have any real desire or ability to fight terrorism

Who's in bed with the people funding the extremist groups?


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3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Truly an ignorant and a hateful statement.

Are you aware that the  Mayor is a UK national born in South London. He was a human rights lawyer before serving as an MP and then as a cabinet minister in HM Government. Are you aware that people like him are targeted by ISIL and that he  is more likely to be assassinated  by extremists of both the left and the right because of his beliefs? He's the last person an Islamic  extremist wants around.

Sorry I am not aware he is targeted for anything mainly because I do not think it is true simple as that. As we all know many terrorists in England are born in England so what your point about where he was born? The fact terrorists are home grown just makes my points more valid. They are still loyal to their mother country.

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14 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Who's in bed with the people funding the extremist groups?


I agree that Saudi Arabia is the problem and that President Trump is now kowtowing to them, but I don't see David Cameron in this photo.

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1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:



Months ago Khan claimed Trump was crazy because he proposed a temporary ban on travelers from Islamic countries which could not vet thier citizens. Places like Yemen and Libia without government. 


Khan lead the European charge in outrage.


I suspect Londoners are starting to get tired of his lame," This is not Islam bla bla bla. "  Fact is pal, it IS all Islamic fanatics killing people!   


Political Correctness ain't going to save your family when they come to your door. But hey, Khan probibly can site some verses in The Koran and they may let him go( unlike the 25 Coptic Christian women and kids they murdered in a bus in Egypt last month )



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10 minutes ago, stander said:

I agree that Saudi Arabia is the problem and that President Trump is now kowtowing to them, but I don't see David Cameron in this photo.


David Cameron defends Britain's alliance with Saudi Arabia and rejects accusations it funds Isis



David Cameron boasts of 'brilliant' UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia

PM talks of government role in selling BAE defence equipment as EU parliament votes for arms embargo on country



David Cameron attempts to defend 'squalid' deal with Saudi Arabia in excruciating interview with Jon Snow


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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I was born and raised in the East end of London, which is a heartbeat away from and borders South London, Both SW, and SE. And it also borders the county of Kent.These area's have always had a long history of murder and violence. From JacK the Ripper to the murderers of today. In Woolwich is Belmarsh max security prison, which houses many Islamic terrorists, usually on remand there. There are tunnels from the prison,straight into the courts to stop rescue attempts by the prisoners accomplices .We had a very famous racist killing in SE9 years ago, for which the true killers are at large and were never arrested.Area's such as Tooting, Clapham, in SW London have areas that the police fear to explore. Bedford hill,Tooting Common is rife with prostitutes and street walkers and is considered a dangerous place to live.We even had two brothers years ago who made inroads into the New York mafia families, with the idea of the whole of London being controlled from the East End. The Cosa Nostra had decided to run with this idea, and had even sent people over to see if it was a viable idea. However. 'Slipper of the yard' put a stop to that.

So in answere to your question, Yep! the south has always hyad a reputation, but then so has the rest of the country. Whats different?

Hi Dave where abouts you from? We could of been neighbours

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Khan is doing his job, using Islamic requirements of tayquia (deception and lies) to deceive all others (considered kafirs and infidels). 

Ha ha ha!  Deception and lies.  A succinct but comprehensive description of Trump!

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10 minutes ago, stander said:

The Harris Report: 127 recommendations given to London Mayor Sadiq Khan in October 2016 outlining measures to increase security and preparedness for terror in the capital. 
So what's been done? 


Come on, then: what? 

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2 minutes ago, stander said:

Khan will not call it by its name,  Islamic terrorism plain and simple. He a liar engaging in tayquia

That's the second time you've said that. You are clearly trolling.

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