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Australia flags tougher parole laws in wake of Melbourne siege


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Australia flags tougher parole laws in wake of Melbourne siege

By Colin Packham and Jonathan Barrett




Australian police stand at the site of a siege at the Buckingham Serviced Apartments in Melbourne, Australia, June 6, 2017. AAP/Julian Smith/via REUTERS


SYDNEY (Reuters) - The Australian government signalled a drive to reform parole laws on Wednesday, including a ban on parole for violent offenders who have any links to extremism, after a deadly siege claimed by the Islamic State group.


Police shot dead gunman Yacqub Khayre, who they said had a long criminal history, on Monday night after he killed a man in an apartment block in Melbourne, Australia's second-largest city, and held a woman hostage for several hours.


Attorney-General George Brandis said it was clear that Khayre, 29, who was granted parole in November after being convicted over a violent home invasion, should never have been released from prison.


"I think the public are entitled to expect that people who present that level of danger to the public, and who have a terrorism background, there should be a presumption against bail or parole except in a very clear case," Brandis told Australian Broadcasting Corp radio on Wednesday.


Brandis and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull both launched stinging criticism of state governments, which are responsible for parole laws, in the wake of the Melbourne attack.


Police are treating the siege as an "act of terrorism" after Islamic State claimed one of its fighters was responsible.


Senior officials said Khayre had been acquitted of a plot to attack a Sydney army base in 2009. He was also accused of travelling to Somalia, where he was born, to seek a religious ruling in support of the planned 2009 attack.


Brandis said Turnbull would push state leaders to alter who is responsible for parole decisions at a meeting of state and federal governments on Friday, including having decisions made by state attorneys general rather than parole boards in cases involving extremism.


Australia passed laws last year allowing the indefinite detention of anyone convicted of terror-related offences if authorities believed that person posed a threat after their release.


Victoria state Premier Daniel Andrews said Khayre had been complying with his bail conditions, which included drug testing and a curfew, before Monday's siege. However, Andrews said he would consider changes to parole laws.


Khayre's attack echoed a deadly 2014 siege in a Sydney cafe, during which several people were held hostage for more than 17 hours by a gunman who was on bail after being charged with sexual assault and being an accessory to murder.


A coroner last month criticised "inadequate" opposition to the gunman's application for bail in that case. New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, introduced stricter bail laws in response to the Sydney siege.


(Writing By Jane Wardell; Editing by Paul Tait)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-07
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Yeah that'll be right, the horses have bolted already, the Aussies are too bleeding hearts liberals to really come hard on the riff-ruff that are now called "Australians " the scum of Africa has come to nest in cities like Melbourne with crime gangs like the Apex Mongols and alike, and just because they're a  minority and coming from a hardship countries, the policy makes and the judicial are soft and go easy 

on those criminals....

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Why was he given parole and not deported? When non-Australian citizens commit crimes, they should lose the right to our hospitality. We have enough criminal scum of our own (and many of them are the children of immigrants) without importing more.

Edited by halloween
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22 minutes ago, halloween said:

Why was he given parole and not deported? When non-Australian citizens commit crimes, they should lose the right to our hospitality. We have enough criminal scum of our own (and many of them are the children of immigrants) without importing more.

Apparently they tried to deport him but the courts overturned it.  As for parole the federal Police and counter terrorism units had him on a watch list and a full dossier considering him a danger to society.  They don't share information with parole boards and if they did he would still be in jail today.  A good start would be to if they Co operated with each other but apparently it's sensitive information

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2 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Apparently they tried to deport him but the courts overturned it.  As for parole the federal Police and counter terrorism units had him on a watch list and a full dossier considering him a danger to society.  They don't share information with parole boards and if they did he would still be in jail today.  A good start would be to if they Co operated with each other but apparently it's sensitive information

Well it's time we stopped pandering to the bleeding hearts, and put it into legislation. As soon as a non-citizen who is convicted of a violent crime, or series of lesser offences, serves his sentence they are deported. If that proves difficult, contain them in a camp in some desert and give them internet access to find some country that will accept them, or stay there until they rot.

If the country develops a reputation as being extremely hard on immigrant criminals, they will go somewhere else.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

Yeah that'll be right, the horses have bolted already, the Aussies are too bleeding hearts liberals to really come hard on the riff-ruff that are now called "Australians " the scum of Africa has come to nest in cities like Melbourne with crime gangs like the Apex Mongols and alike, and just because they're a  minority and coming from a hardship countries, the policy makes and the judicial are soft and go easy 

on those criminals....

Yes you're correct ! His an immigrant refugee oh we all feel sorry rape big time crime record and let loss these heaps of them scream racism if u say anything fk m off  once you have a serious offences you go to jail do the time and by law they are supposed to be deported , Australia and im an Aussie.  They are all weak politicians politically correct to so scared to up set the migrants like the rest of the world piss weak ? Stop them dont let them in go saudi Arabia cut u head off they dont want them Bruni dont want there fellow muslims so the come same as the crusades and let convert every one to islam , christians did it ! Religion is shit responsible for all our problems along with the pollys , eu freed up borders well thats whatu get s_ _t The answer is send them back where they came from thats only what they fear " we have them coming back from fighting with lsis " oh thats ok ! its already there the LAWS > if you fight on or in a foreign army " not only is it a radical islam group or other you fourth you right to retun and you are left there cant come back simple " the law has been around for more than 50 years " ! they dont enforce . Not to upset the so called peace loving islam group all minority groups are on a free ride 3 wives x 3 houses all on welfare why would you not want to come to Australia not there fault legal system problem and they are the problem , i wish i could immigrate to Aussie straight on welfare cheap home loan as under islam not allowed to borrow money so NBA bank made up a special 5 year home loan but not called a loan , then on arrival u get $30,000 ! all from the tax payers of Australia  !  Now the law says to be entitled to old age pension you must pay taxes for 30 years for new arrivals its waived for them straight on its reverse discrimination for being born there " criky what a joke i have to wait until im 66 yrs old thanks to ex priminister labour Julia Gillard mmm whos an immigrant herself pollys can take pension at any age and work at the same time " what a rort "But unfortunately i was born here 2cnd class citizenin your own country. Try finding a job after being a labourer in construction can work after 60 yrs old no one wants u , let alone at 66 then up to 67 up to 70 it goes up so no pension at all ,  only politicians will have the pension fn hypocritical bunch of c_nt  cant say it we  all think it . Take the country back . Brexit is right , trumps is a bit of a nutter but some things hes correct maybe thats what we need a wake up stand up for your rights bring back democracy not fear into people that what they are doing screwing us down , pussys pollys in Australia r weak .talk the talk limply and 100% can not walk the walk we have to stand up against this tyranny . If not for oil no one would be there fighting there country's including the Russian its all oil Afghanistan is the cream of the crop sitting on so much oil why do you think the Russians invaded oil , just let them kill each other first thats all they know how to and good at it . When there finished take it over , stop the invasion by stealth of islam its in the koran to convert same as the bible . Crusades " were all about.

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The UK has had two major atrocities in the last three weeks and I have not heard about any government laws coming out to try and do something about it.

So we just carry on until the next time, then it will happen again and so on. and so on.

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What is happening though is that more and more people are complaining about these immigrant scumbags. And that is a good thing. Keep complaining everyone because that is all the Pollies hear - the squeaky wheel gets attention. We need more people in Aust to complain - only then will the issue get the Pollies attention. Trump was elected because enough US people complained about the direction the country was going, and eventually they voted for a candidate who heard their complaints and said he would do something about it. Aust doesn't have that option of a Pres (yet), but if enough complain then maybe one day there will be enough Pollies in the Senate to force the Labor/Liberal aholes in Lower House to do something about immigration and crime and terrorism. Aust is a long way behind EU or UK, but unlike USA and UK who are changing direction (slowly), unless the Pollies are changed we will become just like France and Sweden within 20-30 years. Wont be my problem, but the grand-kids will have more serious things to worry about than rising seas, warmer weather, and dying whales.

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