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Trump says Comey not telling truth, willing to respond under oath


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15 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Politeness goes a long way so why are you asking if I've had a "Malfunction?"   Of course you said that but you also said and I quote, "Trump lies constantly and can't stop lying, even when under oath."  Doesn't matter whether he is before a court, civil or criminal or congress, if he lied under oath then he would be charged.  So please, make up your mind, either he did, as you put it or he didn't like you say now, "Like perjure himself under Oath. Can't have it both ways, so again "Has he been charged with Perjury?"  Requires a simple yes or no answer.:wai:


I couldn't help noticing that, after I provided proof of Trump lying under oath, you have subtly changed your query from:


"Please give us an example where he has lied under oath.  Has he been charged with perjury,"


to just:

"Has he been charged with perjury"


The example I gave was a civil case, which Trump lost. As far as is known, he has not lied in a criminal case, hence not charged with perjury. Perhaps he has the wherewithal to only lie when there is no risk of being charged with perjury. He has, however, in another case where lying would have risked a perjury charge, pleaded the fifth 99 times rather than answer truthfully.

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Thakkar in post 84 answered your question.  Why are you ignoring him?

Because I can.  He answered only part of it, and with something from the Washington Post,. give me a break.  :wai:

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On 6/10/2017 at 6:41 AM, rooster59 said:

Asked on Friday if he would be willing to go under oath to give his version of his interactions with Comey, Trump replied, "100 percent."

The man has a long history of lying under oath, so his offer to testify under oath holds about as much water as a sieve.


This revealing piece in Newsweek lays out Trump's long-standing penchant for lying under oath.



I recognize that all of the little trumpettes are immediately going to spring to his defense insisting that had he "actually" lied under oath he would have been prosecuted for perjury. Lying under oath and being successfully prosecuted for such are often two very different things. First, there are many reasons as to why a prosecutor may have chosen not to press charges. Second, the orange one's uncanny ability to twist words and statements to mean what he wants them to mean might well make it difficult to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that he had intended to commit perjury. Third, the argument can always be made (and his lawyers would certainly make it) that there was no intent because he actually believed what he said was true (which I can almost accept, but that just throws fuel on the argument that the man is delusional).


Given the choice between believing a man with an arguable history of having committed perjury and a man with a long history of commendable service to his country (something the orange one has never so much as thought about,  much less done), between a man who enjoys a reputation among those who worked under him for honesty and integrity (words not contained in the orange one's vocabulary), and a man who promoted the birther conspiracy, who has a long record of cheating those he owes, who lies as easily as exhaling, who can't even remain faithful to his spouse, who has to exaggerate trivialities just to make himself look good, who can't give a straight answer to a simple question, and who has been proven to lie about having lied...I think I know which one I'm going with. Here's a hint...he's not orange.


P. S. - Here are four pages of Trump's "Pants on Fire" lies...in case you're bored or something. Trump under oath...yeah.


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59 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I couldn't help noticing that, after I provided proof of Trump lying under oath, you have subtly changed your query from:


"Please give us an example where he has lied under oath.  Has he been charged with perjury,"


to just:

"Has he been charged with perjury"


The example I gave was a civil case, which Trump lost. As far as is known, he has not lied in a criminal case, hence not charged with perjury. Perhaps he has the wherewithal to only lie when there is no risk of being charged with perjury. He has, however, in another case where lying would have risked a perjury charge, pleaded the fifth 99 times rather than answer truthfully.

Good luck to him, the 5th is available to anyone so if they choose to use it, it would no doubt be upon legal advise so why go into a tizzy over it.  And you have no idea why he pleaded the 5th, the same as I don't. So why pretend you do? Can't win with you lot, you answer part of the question, therefore why would I want another response to what has been responded to. It appears, according to you, I have no right to push for a complete response?:wai:

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13 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Because I can.  He answered only part of it, and with something from the Washington Post,. give me a break.  :wai:

Don't believe the Washington Post? That's ok. The court case and deposition are part of the public record. It's a 170 pages. You can look it up yourself, unless you can't handle the truth.

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6 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Good luck to him, the 5th is available to anyone so if they choose to use it, it would no doubt be upon legal advise so why go into a tizzy over it.  And you have no idea why he pleaded the 5th, the same as I don't. So why pretend you do? Can't win with you lot, you answer part of the question, therefore why would I want another response to what has been responded to. It appears, according to you, I have no right to push for a complete response?:wai:


Again, the answers to your two-part question are:

Has Trump lied under oath? Yes.

Has Trump been convictedo of perjury? No, because when there was a risk of that, Trump chose to take the fifth (as is his right) NINETY NINE TIMES rather than tell the truth.


"you have no idea why he pleaded the fifth"

Actually we do. There is only one reason for pleading the fifth: to avoid incriminating oneself. In other words, telling the truth would have incriminated him; lying would have been perjury. Hence, the fifth. Ninty nine times.


is that a complete enough response for you? You have a right to push for one, just as you have the right to continue deluding yourself.


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10 hours ago, alocacoc said:

He is a businessman. Lawsuits are a common thing in this world. Checkout how often he was the plaintiff and how many he won. He's a real fighter, a true American and deserves our respect.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

OK, thanks for giving us such a clear insight into your personal character.


You respect a man who cheats on his wives.

You respect a man who mocks the disabled.

You respect a man who disrespects all of the men and women who have ever been taken prisoner of war.

You respect a man who disrespects the parents of a fallen warrior.

You respect a man encourages violence against people who disagree with him.

You respect a man who has labeled our Constitution "archaic" and "unfair".

You respect a man who assaults women for his personal pleasure and brags about it.

You respect a man who cheats others out of what he rightfully owes them.

You respect a man who was too cowardly to serve his country during time of war.

You respect a  man who attacked the former President for taking too much time off, then proceeds to take more time off than any other President in history.

You respect a man who embraces his racist supporters.


Forgive me, but I would have to observe that your "values" regarding respect could use a serious overhaul.




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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Politeness goes a long way so why are you asking if I've had a "Malfunction?"   Of course you said that but you also said and I quote, "Trump lies constantly and can't stop lying, even when under oath."  Doesn't matter whether he is before a court, civil or criminal or congress, if he lied under oath then he would be charged.  So please, make up your mind, either he did, as you put it or he didn't like you say now, "Like perjure himself under Oath. Can't have it both ways, so again "Has he been charged with Perjury?"  Requires a simple yes or no answer.:wai:

People lie under oath all the time. Ask any courtroom attorney. Perjury is difficult to prove, hence charges are seldom brought(http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/perjury092498.htm). Most perjury cases involve criminal law, not civil law (which constitute all of the cases where Trump has lied under oath...and which instances are wonderfully well documented in court records [http://www.newsweek.com/mr-speaker-stop-trump-let-gop-lose-election-489797]). Your efforts to distract with a seriously weak argument that "he would be charged" notwithstanding, the fact is that Trump has lied under oath numerous times.

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OK, thanks for giving us such a clear insight into your personal character.


You respect a man who cheats on his wives.

You respect a man who mocks the disabled.

You respect a man who disrespects all of the men and women who have ever been taken prisoner of war.

You respect a man who disrespects the parents of a fallen warrior.

You respect a man encourages violence against people who disagree with him.

You respect a man who has labeled our Constitution "archaic" and "unfair".

You respect a man who assaults women for his personal pleasure and brags about it.

You respect a man who cheats others out of what he rightfully owes them.

You respect a man who was too cowardly to serve his country during time of war.

You respect a  man who attacked the former President for taking too much time off, then proceeds to take more time off than any other President in history.

You respect a man who embraces his racist supporters.


Forgive me, but I would have to observe that your "values" regarding respect could use a serious overhaul.




Everything you mentioned is upon his personal behavior or very vague. You forgot to mention his haircut by the way.


But yes, you asked me to forgive you. Sure, no problem. I forgive you.


It's Sunday and I'm in Laos. Peace.




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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

OK, thanks for giving us such a clear insight into your personal character.


You respect a man who cheats on his wives.

You respect a man who mocks the disabled.

You respect a man who disrespects all of the men and women who have ever been taken prisoner of war.

You respect a man who disrespects the parents of a fallen warrior.

You respect a man encourages violence against people who disagree with him.

You respect a man who has labeled our Constitution "archaic" and "unfair".

You respect a man who assaults women for his personal pleasure and brags about it.

You respect a man who cheats others out of what he rightfully owes them.

You respect a man who was too cowardly to serve his country during time of war.

You respect a  man who attacked the former President for taking too much time off, then proceeds to take more time off than any other President in history.

You respect a man who embraces his racist supporters.


Forgive me, but I would have to observe that your "values" regarding respect could use a serious overhaul.




Says it all. Congratulations on one of the best analyses I've seen on TV.

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


Again, the answers to your two-part question are:

Has Trump lied under oath? Yes.

Has Trump been convictedo of perjury? No, because when there was a risk of that, Trump chose to take the fifth (as is his right) NINETY NINE TIMES rather than tell the truth.


"you have no idea why he pleaded the fifth"

Actually we do. There is only one reason for pleading the fifth: to avoid incriminating oneself. In other words, telling the truth would have incriminated him; lying would have been perjury. Hence, the fifth. Ninty nine times.


is that a complete enough response for you? You have a right to push for one, just as you have the right to continue deluding yourself.


Trump taking the 5th? Only guilty people do that.



“The mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” Trump said at a campaign rally in Iowa in September, a couple of weeks after IT specialists who worked for Hillary Clinton invoked their Fifth Amendment rights during testimony before Congress.


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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Because I can. 


If you're going to respond like a petulant 7 year-old when people call you on your nonsense (and provide factual citations), don't expect us to waste our time on your in the future.

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:


If you're going to respond like a petulant 7 year-old when people call you on your nonsense (and provide factual citations), don't expect us to waste our time on your in the future.

Be kind enough to put the whole response, not just what you feel like selecting.  And another who has to resort to name calling. This is not about me despite you making it that way.  It would be the greatest pleasure not to have to deal with someone who does not have decency to be civil with their responses.:wai:  

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18 hours ago, pegman said:

Loyal to country enough to put it on the line for country in Vietnam. Not like your draft dodging President. How much $$$ did Pops Trump hand over in the brown paper bag  to the enlistment office? 

Many of the Trump men were draft dodgers. Pathetic. And he has the guts to don military garb and salute real enlisted personnel. Maybe he could suggest "don't salute me" I'm a draft dodger?

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19 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

So tell us what are they concealing? But to do that, you'd have to cite facts. Resort to cutting and pasting to establish that what you assert isn't simply an invention.  Not your forte.


Just the facts....jpg

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31 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Many of the Trump men were draft dodgers. Pathetic. And he has the guts to don military garb and salute real enlisted personnel. Maybe he could suggest "don't salute me" I'm a draft dodger?

You remember, sometime during his election, somebody gave him a Purple Heart? His remark was that he always wanted one.

Well trumpeteers, this is the Commender in Chief. But than, he got a real, very heavy, medal from the Saud's, so you can be proud of your clown master!

A real medal and a real bigger problem in the Middle East.

But than, he doesn't know where rhe Middle East is.

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6 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

You remember, sometime during his election, somebody gave him a Purple Heart? His remark was that he always wanted one.

Well trumpeteers, this is the Commender in Chief. But than, he got a real, very heavy, medal from the Saud's, so you can be proud of your clown master!

A real medal and a real bigger problem in the Middle East.

But than, he doesn't know where rhe Middle East is.


Sure he does. It's just a short plane ride from Israel. He said so.


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3 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

You remember, sometime during his election, somebody gave him a Purple Heart? His remark was that he always wanted one.

Well trumpeteers, this is the Commender in Chief. But than, he got a real, very heavy, medal from the Saud's, so you can be proud of your clown master!

A real medal and a real bigger problem in the Middle East.

But than, he doesn't know where rhe Middle East is.

You really have no idea do you?  His Middle East Excursion was a success despite you and others saying otherwise.  So what is the problem with his remark, you don't like it?  Bad luck, it's been said and out there.  If he can keep the problems of the Middle East in the Middle East, wouldn't you say that was a good job?  No I guess not given your post.


I know that I'd rather keep the Islamic terrorists where they are rather than experiencing what Paris, London, Germany and Brussels have.  But no, I think you would have he mindset of open borders and would not care what has arisen because of certain stupid western leaders.  Just look at the number of deaths caused. But I think no empathy for the victims just the poor Terrorists who had an unfortunate upbringing and are misunderstood.:wai:

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31 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

You really have no idea do you?  His Middle East Excursion was a success despite you and others saying otherwise.  So what is the problem with his remark, you don't like it?  Bad luck, it's been said and out there.  If he can keep the problems of the Middle East in the Middle East, wouldn't you say that was a good job?  No I guess not given your post.


I know that I'd rather keep the Islamic terrorists where they are rather than experiencing what Paris, London, Germany and Brussels have.  But no, I think you would have he mindset of open borders and would not care what has arisen because of certain stupid western leaders.  Just look at the number of deaths caused. But I think no empathy for the victims just the poor Terrorists who had an unfortunate upbringing and are misunderstood.:wai:

What the Heck is your ranting about? Did I mention anything about Islamic terrorist?

You better start learning to read before you answer a post. And btw, only the trumpeteers think his visit was a big success, probably as big as his hands.

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6 hours ago, alocacoc said:

I would have voted for Sanders. But the dems sold him out. So it was only Trump left.

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BS. Voting in the USA is not compulsory. So you had the option of not turning out to vote for Trump, but you did.

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BS. Voting in the USA is not compulsory. So you had the option of not turning out to vote for Trump, but you did.

No. I'm not an American. I have no rights to vote in America. I thought that would be clear.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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8 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

OK, thanks for giving us such a clear insight into your personal character.


You respect a man who cheats on his wives.

You respect a man who mocks the disabled.

You respect a man who disrespects all of the men and women who have ever been taken prisoner of war.

You respect a man who disrespects the parents of a fallen warrior.

You respect a man encourages violence against people who disagree with him.

You respect a man who has labeled our Constitution "archaic" and "unfair".

You respect a man who assaults women for his personal pleasure and brags about it.

You respect a man who cheats others out of what he rightfully owes them.

You respect a man who was too cowardly to serve his country during time of war.

You respect a  man who attacked the former President for taking too much time off, then proceeds to take more time off than any other President in history.

You respect a man who embraces his racist supporters.


Forgive me, but I would have to observe that your "values" regarding respect could use a serious overhaul.




Should give you some idea how hated his opponent must have been.

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