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Cambodia Says it Regrets ‘Irresponsible’ Trump Decision to Leave Paris Climate Accord

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Cambodia, a member of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change since 1995, endorsed the Paris deal.


A Cambodian official has said US President Donald Trump’s decision to leave the Paris Climate Agreement is “unethical” and “irresponsible”.

Trump’s announcement that the United States would withdraw from the global accord drew ridicule from foreign leaders around the world and made the US one of only three countries not signed up to the accord, the others being Nicaragua and Syria.

Tin Ponlok, secretary general of the National Council for Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Environment, said it was “regretful” that Trump decided to abandon the agreement.

“It is actually abdicating responsibility, which in the agreement, it says that all the countries have to take joint responsibility for keeping the global temperature rise below two degrees,” he said.

“Greenhouse gas and fossil fuel reductions can affect the US economy. I think he [Trump] is a businessman, so he thinks like that.”

Cambodia, a member of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change since 1995, endorsed the Paris deal.

Ponlok said the move to leave the agreement was “unethical”.

“The rich countries never want to talk about compensation for the damage caused by climate change,” he said.

George Edgar, ambassador of the European Union to Cambodia, said the country is one of the most vulnerable to climate change, adding that the EU was spending millions of dollars on “targeted and ambitious” climate programs in the country.

David Josar, a US Embassy spokesman, said it would be premature to discuss possible changes to US climate change funding in Cambodia before the 2018 budget was finalized.

Tek Vannara, executive director of the NGO Forum, said that Trump’s “protectionism” would badly affect countries like Cambodia and urged the US to reconsider the move.

“If we talk about responsibility, which countries created the issue of climate change? They have to compensate, give resources and technical assistance and new technology to the affected poor countries,” he said.


source https://www.voacambodia.com/a/cambodia-says-it-regrets-irresponsible-trump-decision-to-leave-paris-climate-accord/3890598.html

-- © Copyright VOA 10/06

Says a spokesperson from a country that have chopped down so much forest illegally that there are hardly any forest left.

Take a ride from Siem Reap to Stung Treng and have a look for yourselves...


Sounds like there is a trough being removed for the Cambodians to get their snouts into...going on the last three paragraphs of this article....


The 'Paris' deal had USA paying a trillion dollars to lesser developed country's to remain lesser; at least in energy consumption. Keep your people in the dark and make money doing it was the deal, America was the deep pocket.


The US was getting ripped off supplying huge amounts of money. For what? Did anything get better with climate change before. Not one iota. Why throw money away that doesn’t change anything. All countries need to clean up their own backyard before looking for handouts.



As I have been saying, The Paris deal was not a good deal for the United States, and that is why a new

deal has to be ironed out. President Trump did the USA a favor by opting out of this old deal.

  Europe and Asia just want the money from the USA  and really do not care how bad the deal really was.


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