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Midweek rant: Save Our Pattaya – time for less back slapping and more action


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Midweek rant: Save Our Pattaya – time for less back slapping and more action




The sight and sound of Pattaya’s top cop Apichai Krobpetch slapping the backs of his men and praising them to the skies last week was worse than laughable.


Apparently his upstanding men were doing a great job and fully merited the millions of baht of new motorcycle presents they had just been given by HQ.


Everything was just hunky dory down by the sea!


Even by the double standards of Pattaya this was patently absurd.


The force in Chonburi – read Pattaya – is rumored to be one of the hardest to get into. Not because of the difficulty of the exams or the quality of officers it attracts – because of how much that has to change hands just to get a job there.


Such are the rich pickings.


Many of the officers in the province make the rest of the country look like angels in comparison!


How many times have we read about cops at the resort trying to fleece and extort money from the public? There was Nang Fa karaoke, women picked off the streets on trumped up charges, people harassed even raped….the list goes on.


When the force investigates its own it descends into farce.


How many times have we seen their total inactivity when they were needed most?


And how many times have we seen their shambolic efforts to clean up the mean streets?


Surely it is time to look at the performance of the force under the current leadership and at least have a few serious words. Make some threats – they might understand that language after all.


Pattaya is now meant to be priding itself as a hub of all that is good in tourism.


But as officialdom tried to play down reports of the dangers in Thailand as a whole the microcosm that is Pattaya could hardly escape the spotlight.


Yes, foreign residents always bang on about it being like that since the year dot. Well, that isn’t good enough if the resort is going to drag itself up to a semblance of respectability…if that is ever or even possible.


Two cases in the last couple of days seem to show motiveless attacks against foreigners. One was an Australian and one was an Indian out for a walk with his Thai girlfriend.


Sure, people who have had a drink sometimes conveniently forget they might have upset someone but these two cases are nonetheless worrying and should be thoroughly investigated.


The last thing Pattaya needs is roaming gangs of bandits in pick-ups out for a bit of Clockwork Orange style bashing.


Then there is the continual cases of snatch theft happening almost daily.


The victims seem to be blamed for wearing jewelry or conducting insurance scams more than the police for not being on the beat or trying to prevent and heaven forbid….actually solve crime.


When the cases are reported the force go through the motions – they phone ahead to stop the miscreants, villains who always flee into the night on their bikes and escape; they check CCTV that is either not working or unhelpful; they promise a follow up.


Yawn! Absolutely nothing happens and the next day there is another incident. And so the cycle of inactivity continues.


It is a far cry from the chief’s utopian claims.


Whatever happened to the “Happy Zones” where the eyes and ears of CCTV and an empowered public were supposed to be working with the police in eradicating crime?


That is a rhetorical question because all we see is absolute total farce and pathetic lip service.


The military obviously have their work cut out when it comes to reigning in the Chonburi force. Changes have been made to the top brass but it still seems to result in more tarnish.


Apichai further claimed that his men represented value for money for public taxes.


But for many people who love the resort, who call it their home and would like to see it cleaner, safer, friendlier and above all less corrupt, his words fell on decidedly flat ears.


And the tragedy is that no one was particularly surprised at what he said.


That is the level to which Pattaya has sunk.

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-06-14
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Nationwide, internetwide and worldwide press campaigns to denounce the decay and decline of Pattaya governance and safety seems to be the only solution to make things move...if not, nothing will change, just get worse!...and nobody will benefit from crime ridden streets...even those who do not do beach road or walking street will get affected on the short term...

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I guess that means rock bottom. Thanks for finally cementing the opinion I´ve been having for the last decade.

We just can´t give him all the blame. As much criminals and other scum that Pattaya attracts every year, he has his work cut out for him. I am not defending him, but there is different levels of complicity to deal with when it comes down to this particular city.

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If you think you live in Thailand when you reside in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui Patong etc  you delude yourselves.  I advise friends and family to stay away.  Chiang Mai is still Thailand[just].

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4 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i like pattaya (jomtien at least) the way it is. many dont. if you dont like it dont go there.

only thing i really dont like is how dirty the water is but koh larn is not far for a day out at the beach.

I like it too, in fact I think it's a great place. Unique.

If you change it it becomes like a thousand other places in the world.

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It is changing and will continue so....Western tourism is down and will go down further simply because of the tightening of Visas and entries for single, under 50 visitors.  In addition, long stayers are moving out due to increased prices; lack of any improvement in the infrastructure and decline  in their home currency.


Pattaya used to exist on the selling of sex but it is now existing on the Chinese tourist market and the weekend visits of Thais. The construction of 5 star hotels; malls and restaurants will ensure this continues. We will eventually see the end of Walking Street simply because there is not enough business for it.  Many of the owners want out and will relocate to either Jomtien or the Dark side. Those who like it the way it is- enjoy it while it lasts but don't expect it too last.

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