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London could lose EU euro clearing role


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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

1. There is still not much Bregret

There is still little sign of any “Bregret”. There is a media appetite for a narrative of the public changing their mind and some newspaper stories based on open-access voodoo polls or cherry-picking individual polls, but the broad picture is consistent: the vast majority of people still think the way they voted in June 2016 was correct.


where's the increase?


they show that the brexiteers decision to leave the EU has increased


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3 minutes ago, Naam said:

where's the increase?


Please don't waste my time Naam, you asked for it, I have supplied it, if you don''t want to believe it, do some research yourself,  there are many on the internet. 

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On 6/14/2017 at 10:30 AM, CaptHaddock said:

You would think if Teresa May had any wit about her she would immediately announce some version of unilateral permission for people like JP Morgan employees to remain in Britain after Brexit just so that those companies were not forced to relocate their enterprises.


Anyway, maybe Dublin can recover some of the prosperity and eminence it enjoyed before the Act of Unioin.

You are presuming that she wants the Brexit negotiations to be a success, rather than a disaster which might well persuade a majority of the electorate that Brexit was not only an aberration but a terrible mistake.


Call me an old cynic or a conspiracy theorist if you like, but I have always suspected the mission of Mother Theresa (remember she's really a Remainer) is to scare the living daylights out all but the most committed Brexiter and ensure the  British the sheep remain in the EU fold.


This is why our European partners are playing good-cop-bad-cop with us, some threatening to drive us to the wall if we dare to leave and others offering the olive branch of continued membership.


Anybody who seeks an insight into what is really going on could do worse than hear what that cunning old fox of a Tory Grandee, Michael Heseltine, has to say about our current situation and where it is leading.   



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2 hours ago, vogie said:

Please don't waste my time Naam, you asked for it, I have supplied it, if you don''t want to believe it, do some research yourself,  there are many on the internet. 

if somebody is wasting time then it's you with a typical Brexiteer exaggeration.

this part of the chart which shows a huge increase is self-explanatory :cheesy:



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6 minutes ago, Naam said:

if somebody is wasting time then it's you with a typical Brexiteer exaggeration.

this part of the chart which shows a huge increase is self-explanatory :cheesy:



I said there was an increase, you have decided to add the word 'huge' to help you get your agenda across, why do you feel the need to add and twist my words? Which ever way you look at it, you are wrong and I don't intend to have a bickering match with you.

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

I said there was an increase, you have decided to add the word 'huge' to help you get your agenda across, why do you feel the need to add and twist my words? Which ever way you look at it, you are wrong and I don't intend to have a bickering match with you.

Latest poll I could find yougov for the times, as reported here


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1 hour ago, vogie said:

I said there was an increase, you have decided to add the word 'huge' to help you get your agenda across, why do you feel the need to add and twist my words? Which ever way you look at it, you are wrong and I don't intend to have a bickering match with you.

i did not claim you mentioned huge! this adjective i added to ironically ridicule your claim. 

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8 minutes ago, Naam said:

i did not claim you mentioned huge! this adjective i added to ironically ridicule your claim. 

And why would you want to ridicule my claim, does it make you feel better ridiculing other members?

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25 minutes ago, Jack100 said:

This supposedly short term pain for long term (?)  has lasted  a year now ,  in pound currency terms .?

What exactly were we supposed to get in return - I forget .

£ 18.2 billion (18,200,000,000.-) every year.




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15 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You think that's bad. We actually had someone calling other members idiots in regards to a disagreement about how to characterize the outcome of the election.

And was you?

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5 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Anybody who seeks an insight into what is really going on could do worse than hear what that cunning old fox of a Tory Grandee, Michael Heseltine, has to say about our current situation and where it is leading.   



His interview on Sky news on Sunday was equally enlightening. 

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On 6/14/2017 at 9:27 AM, pegman said:

I don't see this as a bargaining chip. As I've been saying on here since the vote there is no way in hell that ANY of the EU's financial services industry stays in the UK. Any remaining EU country politician that allowed that, against the best interests of their own population, should be dumped as soon a practical. This was always the true danger of a Brexit. Severe pain is in store. 

Really, but the banks are more powerful than the politicians so I guess they out vote governments.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/14/2017 at 4:44 PM, goldenbrwn1 said:

So why are they not pulling Euro clearing houses from other countries that are already outside of the EU?

As far as I'm aware there are no Euro clearing houses outside the EU.

Correction: I just looked it up. There is some outside the EU but not much. And the EU is now proposing that any clearinghouses outside the EU that are of systemic importance will come under much tighter control.


Edited by ilostmypassword
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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:
On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 10:44 AM, goldenbrwn1 said:

So why are they not pulling Euro clearing houses from other countries that are already outside of the EU?

As far as I'm aware there are no Euro clearing houses outside the EU.

Correction: I just looked it up. There is some outside the EU but not much. And the EU is now proposing that any clearinghouses outside the EU that are of systemic importance will come under much tighter control.


Edited 3 hours ago by ilostmypassword


But not threatening to pull them.....

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