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Farang petty crime over-publicized?


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24 minutes ago, Black arab said:

Imo news here reports all sorts of petty crime thai farang or whoever , stuff on the tv news here would not be reported nationally in uk  ie stolen motorcycle, car fire

Perhaps that's because the real news here is un-reportable. 

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On 17/06/2017 at 5:07 PM, Suradit69 said:

Farangs are all about saving face. This thread, and much of what is posted on TV, is farangs throwing hissy fits ... when they feel they've lost face individually or as members of some mythical tribe ... as well as constant attempts to bash Thais in the mistaken belief that the only way a farang can feel good about himself is by trying to put down Thais.


Why on earth should the commission of a crime by a farang not be covered in the news.  If your sense of self worth is so fragile  that you feel threatened by some news story about some low-life farang, maybe you need to find some other way to think of yourself than as a cheerleader for Team Farang.


Certainly a high percentage of the threads on TV involve negative things about Thais followed by an orgy of revelry by farang who make mindless comments about Thai culture or education in order to inflate their own shaky egos.



I agree with you. I am not so sure about foreigners losing face, we dont really go in for that at least not in the sense that is meant in Thailand. As for knocking Thailand and its culture I never do. In fact I stand up for Thailand but this is bye the bye. I think, and I am sure I will get slatted for this, most foreigners believe whoever commits a crime no matter how small, the penalty should be the same. This is not what comes across in the news. Because of this many foreigners complain about Thai's. The law is the law and for any crime there should be the same penalty handed out. Unfortunately this is not the case as I think we are all well aware of. That is the reason for the negativity towards the country.

For me, I wouldnt want to live anywhere else and I have been to most countries in the world.

I suppose now you will want to complain about this reply, if so feel free.

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a thief is a thief...whether larceny or a bank heist...whether a Thai or a farang!...


now to publicize, stigmatise farangs with continuous media feeds, would not seem socially healthy...if petty Thaïs don't get the same treatment (and one could assume they don't)


it launches locals against the farangs....


what could be the reason?


to make the locals forget internal questionnable issues in their country, through a decent supply of "farang bashing"?


not so smart, as should the expats/tourists get treated from bad to worse by the locals, tourism and the considerable farang cash investments in pool villas, condos, booze and chesty cuties will drastically drop....is it worth it just to ease the ego of a frustrated few?.





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It is surprising how many people take the risk of committing petty thefts over here. Thrill seeking? Impulsiveness? Free souvenirs?

They most likely do the same thing where they come from .

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

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