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Trump rolls back parts of what he calls 'terrible' Obama Cuba policy


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No, that is not what the OP says. It says " The administration, according to one White House official, has no intention of “disrupting” existing business ventures such as one struck under Obama by Starwood Hotels Inc, which is owned by Marriott International Inc , to manage a historic Havana hotel."
So nowhere does it say the Starwood deal will not be affected, and other sources have said it will be affected. " The president's action will have the practical effect of negating his corporate rivals's first-mover advantage. " From https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/with-policy-shift-on-cuba-trump-could-undercut-his-rivals-in-the-hotel-industry/2017/06/15/d77a8b2c-5148-11e7-be25-3a519335381c_story.html?tid=a_inl&utm_term=.13b20cb8b6d8

No intention of disrupting..
Not affecting?
You are playing with words.
Unfortunately I can't read your link as I am not a Wapo subscriber. The link does use the word "could" so nothing concrete there.
All that said, with Trump's history I would not be too supprised if business interests were included in his decision.
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8 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


No intention of disrupting..
Not affecting?
You are playing with words.
Unfortunately I can't read your link as I am not a Wapo subscriber. The link does use the word "could" so nothing concrete there.
All that said, with Trump's history I would not be too supprised if business interests were included in his decision.

I am not a Washing Post subscriber either but have no problems at all with the link.


And no, not playing with words, simply stating it like the politicians do. 'Not having the intention' does not mean it will not happen. Some more from the link " As part of an ethics pledge, Trump’s company has vowed to pursue no new foreign deals during his presidency, making a potential foray into Cuba off limits for now. Yet, according to one industry expert, a presidential directive restricting efforts there by Starwood or other hotel chains would, in effect, neutralize a chief rival’s ability to gain an early advantage. ". Together with the earlier quote from the same article " The president's action will have the practical effect of negating his corporate rivals's first-mover advantage. " this is pretty clear.

Edited by stevenl
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I am not a Washing Post subscriber either but have no problems at all with the link.
And no, not playing with words, simply stating it like the politicians do. 'Not having the intention' does not mean it will not happen. Some more from the link " As part of an ethics pledge, Trump’s company has vowed to pursue no new foreign deals during his presidency, making a potential foray into Cuba off limits for now. Yet, according to one industry expert, a presidential directive restricting efforts there by Starwood or other hotel chains would, in effect, neutralize a chief rival’s ability to gain an early advantage. ". Together with the earlier quote from the same article " The president's action will have the practical effect of negating his corporate rivals's first-mover advantage. " this is pretty clear.

Got to the link via my vpn. Wapo article was dated 15 June, so before the new policy was officially released, ie speculation. OP can only mention an "official" saying existing deals will not be disrupted, again somewhat speculative.
I am with you, everything Trump does needs looking into very closely for ties to his business. However I would prefer facts rather than speculation. Give it time.
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20 hours ago, alanrchase said:


Got to the link via my vpn. Wapo article was dated 15 June, so before the new policy was officially released, ie speculation. OP can only mention an "official" saying existing deals will not be disrupted, again somewhat speculative.
I am with you, everything Trump does needs looking into very closely for ties to his business. However I would prefer facts rather than speculation. Give it time.


Yes, it seems that the Pres is selective when it comes to dictatorships, Russia, China, Turkey and others are welcomed with open arms but Cuba is not, I smell fish.


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On 6/17/2017 at 10:06 PM, Thakkar said:

.@POTUS's Cuba policy is not about human rights or security. If it were, then why is he dancing with the Saudis and selling them weapons?

Maybe, because the Saudis are presently putting together a Mid-Eastern "NATO" to help shut down and eliminate terrorist groups that are spawning from their area and Cuba is just a small little man's self absorbed dream of continued dictatorship that Obama made a deal to start funding? Just a guess.

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Castros are murderers who have impoverished an entire nation. Obama got nothing for the Cuban people by recognizing them. 


Trump is right to to put them back on the scumbag shelf. 




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48 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Maybe, because the Saudis are presently putting together a Mid-Eastern "NATO" to help shut down and eliminate terrorist groups that are spawning from their area and Cuba is just a small little man's self absorbed dream of continued dictatorship that Obama made a deal to start funding? Just a guess.


Firstly, Trump's stated reason for rolling back Obama's Cuban policy is Cuba's human rights record. That reason doesn't jibe with his treatment of Saudi Arabia which arguably has a worse human rights record.


Secondly, terrorism doesn't developed in isolation. It starts with extremist ideas percolated over years. Saudi Arabia has done more to finance and disseminate extremist Islamic ideology than anyone else. The Saudis may not be ok with ISIS, but they're perfectly comfortable with the terrorists that were attacking the non-Sunni Alawite regime of Assad. The Saudis aren't anti-terrorists; they're just anti-the terrorists they can't control. They aren't fighting terrorism; they're fighting to own terrorism as a tool in their toolbox. The thing with this kind of tool is that it never just stays in the toolbox awaiting orders.


So if Trump wants to roll back relations with Cuba, at least have the honesty to give the real reason: simple spite over anything Obama related. 



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34 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Castros are murderers who have impoverished an entire nation. Obama got nothing for the Cuban people by recognizing them. 


Trump is right to to put them back on the scumbag shelf. 




Is this the same scumbag shelf where Trump is sitting?

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Is he scared that 'little' Marco Rubio might be coming after him...or, worse, start talking about his hands again? Surely ,with all that's going on , a few tourists going to Cuba is low priority.

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12 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Is he scared that 'little' Marco Rubio might be coming after him...or, worse, start talking about his hands again? Surely ,with all that's going on , a few tourists going to Cuba is low priority.

I seriously doubt trump will run again if he makes it to 2020. The presidency is clearly way too much hard work for him and he's got to be more worried about being impeached than any 2020 rivals. 

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2 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Such insight


foggy bottom?

It's not rocket science. In the earlier days of his historically disastrous presidency he was openly talking about 8 years. 

He hasn't done that in a long time.

Instead he gives interviews talking about how much more fun his life was before being president. 

He does occasionally have his Mussolini style "campaign" rallies and those are technically rationalized as 2020 campaign events (so early) but anyone paying attention can see that he does that to suck off some of the nostalgia energy of his 2016 campaign. He shows the world that he does still have a base. Shrinking but still there. 

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's not rocket science. In the earlier days of his historically disastrous presidency he was openly talking about 8 years. 

He hasn't done that in a long time.

Instead he gives interviews talking about how much more fun his life was before being president. 

He does occasionally have his Mussolini style "campaign" rallies and those are technically rationalized as 2020 campaign events (so early) but anyone paying attention can see that he does that to suck off some of the nostalgia energy of his 2016 campaign. He shows the world that he does still have a base. Shrinking but still there. 

Simply  Buckleyesque!


the scales have fallen from my eyes!


Oh wise (Jingyhing??? - everything OK?)


please predict more!


Yankees this year in six?



Edited by funandsuninbangkok
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Cuba is not a threat to the USA and reform may be slow but slow is better than none. North korea is not really a threat just a spoiled boy with Toys. Do you think the Chinese would let Kim play? The Saudies Trump likes because he sold the US$110billion in arms. Which will no doubt be used to kill innocent civilians in neighbouring Countries. Your famous 9/11 was carried out by Saudi Nationals. Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi. Funded by? and trained by the CIA. You encourage Rabid dogs and think you can control them but time and time again they turn on you.Leave Cuba alone allow reform by openess and you will see change. Lock the Doors and you will get an Insular response.

Sanctions only arouse Nationalism where as open Borders tend to lead to more liberal minded thinking

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Cuba is not a threat to the USA and reform may be slow but slow is better than none. North korea is not really a threat just a spoiled boy with Toys. Do you think the Chinese would let Kim play? The Saudies Trump likes because he sold the US$110billion in arms. Which will no doubt be used to kill innocent civilians in neighbouring Countries. Your famous 9/11 was carried out by Saudi Nationals. Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi. Funded by? and trained by the CIA. You encourage Rabid dogs and think you can control them but time and time again they turn on you.Leave Cuba alone allow reform by openess and you will see change. Lock the Doors and you will get an Insular response.
Sanctions only arouse Nationalism where as open Borders tend to lead to more liberal minded thinking

Open borders leading to liberal minded thinking, total anathema to Trump and his Trumpeters. This is the man who wants to build a wall along his countries southern border...
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On 6/17/2017 at 1:38 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Rubbish, i am not a Trump lover, but i agree with his ideas on this. To say he is a racist on this point, is ridiculous. This is about human rights, not about skin colour.

LOL ahhhhhhhhhhhhh funny. Are you saying 45 cares.... cares about human rights? lol lol lol Good one. 

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On 6/17/2017 at 1:54 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Ok but his reason is that Cuba has not done enough in the human rights agenda. That is his reason, and that is what he will stick to. All other theories are non starters.So say what you will dear Steven, your reason for it all will never be admitted to. so its really a moot point.

And 45 will never "admit" to global warming and how humankind has impacted it. So I guess that's a moot point also?

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