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Trump lawyer says president not informed he is under investigation


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Trump lawyer says president not informed he is under investigation

By Julia Edwards Ainsley and Sarah N. Lynch



U.S. President Donald Trump walks from Maine One as he returns to the White House in Washington, U.S., June 16, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of President Donald Trump's personal lawyers said in television interviews on Sunday that the president was not under investigation for obstruction of justice, but when pressed on the assertion, said he was not certain.


"The fact of the matter is the president has not been and is not under investigation," Jay Sekulow, a new member of Trump's legal team, said on CBS' "Face the Nation" in one of four interviews he gave on Sunday.


There have been multiple news reports and a tweet from Trump himself on Friday that began with: "I am being investigated."


Challenged on "Fox News Sunday" about the issue, Sekulow said he could not be certain Trump was not under investigation but that no one had notified the legal team if that was the case.


It is common for subjects of federal investigations not to know they are under scrutiny, especially in the initial phases.


A source familiar with the Mueller probe said on Thursday that investigators would have to gather a large amount of evidence before an interview with the president would be warranted.


Trump, who has denied any collusion between his campaign and Russia, has frequently lashed out about the allegations, which have overshadowed his administration's efforts to overhaul the healthcare system, cut taxes and boost jobs.


Mueller, the special counsel named by the Justice Department to probe the Russia matter, is investigating whether anyone associated with Trump or his campaign had any illegal dealings with Russian officials or others with ties to the Kremlin. Russian officials have denied meddling in the U.S. election.


The source familiar with the Mueller probe told Reuters that Mueller was also examining whether Trump or others tried to interfere with the investigation.




Sekulow said that Trump, in his tweet, was reacting to a story in the Washington Post, which was the first to report Mueller was examining whether Trump had tried to obstruct the probe by firing FBI Director James Comey in May.


Sekulow acknowledged that he could not be certain that the report was false.


"I cannot read the mind of the special prosecutor," he said.


Peter Carr, a spokesman for the Mueller team, declined to comment.


Sekulow, a conservative activist and radio talk-show host, earlier this month joined Trump's legal team, which is led by Marc Kasowitz.

Sekulow has publicly criticized Comey, whom Trump fired.


In addition to being the author of several books such as "Undemocratic: How unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats are stealing your liberty and freedom," Sekulow is the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, a politically conservative Christian organization.


Barak Cohen, a former Justice Department lawyer and now a defence attorney specializing in white-collar crime and investigations, said there was no requirement that the special counsel notify Trump he was under investigation, so the lack of such notice meant nothing.


He said, however, that Sekulow’s comments could mean the White House was taking the position that no investigation exists until Mueller’s team officially confirms it, disregarding media reports based on anonymous sourcing.


Cohen said the first official communication that a target is under investigation typically comes when prosecutors begin requesting documents and other evidence. At that time, defence lawyers often will ask about their clients’ status.


Prosecutors will often answer then to avoid misleading the target. They may not answer if they are trying to build a case and develop further evidence.


"No answer is probably the most troubling answer in criminal defence,” Cohen said.


(Additional reporting by Howard Schneider, Anthony Lin, Brendan Pierson, Karen Freifeld and Roberta Rampton; Writing by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Caren Bohan and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-19
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3rd rate lawyer- No first rate are interested in representing the biggest idiot  to ever occupy the White House.  DoJ does not send out notices one is under investigation- but they will tell staff to preserve all relevant docs, which has been done.

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"Is Trump personally under investigation?" is a good question.  However, a better question is, "Are people close to the president and an important part of his campaign or administration under investigation?"  


I think even anyone who has seen enough cop shows, especially involving organized crime, knows that investigators start with the lower rungs of the organization and then work their way up to the top.  The purpose being to collect evidence and to, hopefully for prosecutors, to "flip" witnesses or suspects to give evidence against the higher ups. 


Thus, merely stating that the president is not officially on notice that he is under investigation does not give Trump cause to breathe a sigh of relief. 


Also, as to the interesting Chris Wallace interview above, Wallace was right that Trump's counsel - apparently in either a slip of the tongue or not clarifying that the statements were a hypothetical - did say that "he [by obvious context meaning Trump] is being investigated."  (Go to about 3:11 to 3:18 of the above video).  You would hope that the president's counsel would speak more carefully. 


Also in that video, Trump's counsel kept saying that the president relied upon the advice of Rosenstein and Dept. of Justice for his decision for firing Comey.  Yet, the president himself, as we all know, contradicted that point in that NBC Holt interview by saying that he was going to fire Comey anyway and for reasons having to do with Russia, which was not part of DOJ's recommendation. 

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The lawyer could've stopped at: "President not informed" since the president apparently does not read detailed briefings, did not know healthcare was complicated, wasn't aware the Russians are already in Ukraine, thought Dauglas Adams was still alive and thought that showing reporters a stack of files (at a distance) is the same as proving he has disassociated himself from his businesses.



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A good example of the dishonesty of the media. How can you even try to have an intelligent discussion with someone who is just repeatedly trying to pretend to not understand what you are saying. 

The lawyer did say he ( trump ) is being investigated. He said it twice. Read helpisgood's post #8, and go back and listen.

3rd rate lawyer and typical fox newscaster.

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9 minutes ago, RobFord said:

The lawyer did say he ( trump ) is being investigated. He said it twice. Read helpisgood's post #8, and go back and listen.


Yes, he should have spoken more carefully. It don't change what he said though and that is:


Question answered at 0:32 - 1:18

Later he is talking about the constitution. 

He then clarifies 3:31 - 4:53


Chris Wallace is an idiot!


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that's right. 

Trump is not under investigation.  he ****said**** he was.. but he was merely repeating what the fake news media was reporting..... stuff he found on the internet....

... even though he knew when he tweeted it... several times.....  that it was incorrect...

and that is the latest narrative now.... from one of his lawyers on a Sunday talk show.... and also.... that we "should know better" than to take what Donald tweets seriously... 


[ because he is "merely" the president of the USA ]

and yes.... that all sounds like an SNL spoof.

from 6 months ago.  

but it wasn't SNL. it was on ****Sunday****.... not Saturday night.... Face The Nation or Meet The Press... one of those and..... The Real Donald Trump @ realdonaldtrump.com



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So Trump and his lawyer state that Trump has not been informed he is being investigated. Well, So what... That does not mean he is not under investigation or that his minions or campaign staff are not under investigation.  Everyone should want to know-

-Did Donald Trump overtly conspire with the Russians or anyone else regarding the election

-Did anyone on his staff  conspire with the Russians or anyone else.

-Did the Russians or anyone else hack into the voting machines and change the votes

-Did Trump come to realize that one of his staff was involved with the Russians regarding the election and  has he tried to cover it up.

-Is there any truth to the alleged dossier involving Trump in Russia cavorting with Russian prostitutes and  has anyone attempted to blackmail Trump as a result.


If Trump did nothing- he should let the investigation go forward and endorse it and also release his tax returns to show there are no financial ties to Russia. I do believe there is something there and it will eventually be found out. Someone knows and someone will talk.  

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I have lost count of the number of times Trump has denied accusations then given an interview or tweet confirming the accusation only later to send a minion out to deny that he confirmed the accusation.

Someone's keeping track for you.

294 false or misleading statements so far while president.

Some of them are qualified by stating it's hard to know of he's ignorant or just stupid.


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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

So Trump and his lawyer state that Trump has not been informed he is being investigated. Well, So what... That does not mean he is not under investigation or that his minions or campaign staff are not under investigation.  Everyone should want to know-

-Did Donald Trump overtly conspire with the Russians or anyone else regarding the election

-Did anyone on his staff  conspire with the Russians or anyone else.

-Did the Russians or anyone else hack into the voting machines and change the votes

-Did Trump come to realize that one of his staff was involved with the Russians regarding the election and  has he tried to cover it up.

-Is there any truth to the alleged dossier involving Trump in Russia cavorting with Russian prostitutes and  has anyone attempted to blackmail Trump as a result.


If Trump did nothing- he should let the investigation go forward and endorse it and also release his tax returns to show there are no financial ties to Russia. I do believe there is something there and it will eventually be found out. Someone knows and someone will talk.  

I agree, something is there. Anger stems from fear. If 45 did nothing wrong what is he afraid of? What is he afraid will be known?


What is known and I find utterly appalling is neither 45 or his "brilliant" AG care that Russia hacked our election, and are still hacking America. What sort of people are these elected officials? They really don't seem like patriotic Americans. And why aren't 45's enablers i.e. republicans screaming for something to be done. They know how to scream.... they did it for 8 years under Obama and then focused on H.C. I hope 45's political party is held accountable. I find them utterly despicable.

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A very strange comment from that lawyer caught my ear. Since I understand the investigation is a "civilian" matter, why is he referring to Trump as "Commander in Chief"?


Trump may "command" the military, but he sure as hell doesn't "command" the millions of civilians in the USA.

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1 hour ago, klikster said:

A very strange comment from that lawyer caught my ear. Since I understand the investigation is a "civilian" matter, why is he referring to Trump as "Commander in Chief"?


Trump may "command" the military, but he sure as hell doesn't "command" the millions of civilians in the USA.

Because he's probably been told by the man-child's handlers that his ego sorely needs a boost. Seriously, I do believe that could be an explanation and that's a frightening though.

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What's all the fuss about?

The inept one has a note from home that should settle everything.  :laugh:


A certified letter from a "tremendous" highly rated law firm":

(He knows the best words)






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8 hours ago, klikster said:

A very strange comment from that lawyer caught my ear. Since I understand the investigation is a "civilian" matter, why is he referring to Trump as "Commander in Chief"?


Trump may "command" the military, but he sure as hell doesn't "command" the millions of civilians in the USA.

He may be trying to get people to warm up to the idea

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Jay Sekulow’s bizarre debut: Donald Trump picked a lawyer he saw on Fox News

and it isn’t going well 

Why is a Christian crusader with little relevant experience suddenly acting as Trump's defense lawyer? Look closer (sub-title)


"Since all the A-list defense attorneys were “unavailable” to come to the president’s defense,

he had to turn to the right-wing fever swamps and a man named Jay Sekulow, a familiar presence for viewers of Fox News."


"Sekulow is best known for his work at the American Center for Law and Justice,

the Christian conservatives’ answer to the American Civil Liberties Union, which the Rev. Pat Robertson founded in 1990."


"Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice have been heavily involved in the Christian right’s odious project

to criminalize homosexuality in Africa."



A fervent believer of the invisible man in the sky is now representing the inept one.

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42 minutes ago, iReason said:

Jay Sekulow’s bizarre debut: Donald Trump picked a lawyer he saw on Fox News

and it isn’t going well 

Why is a Christian crusader with little relevant experience suddenly acting as Trump's defense lawyer? Look closer (sub-title)


"Since all the A-list defense attorneys were “unavailable” to come to the president’s defense,

he had to turn to the right-wing fever swamps and a man named Jay Sekulow, a familiar presence for viewers of Fox News."


"Sekulow is best known for his work at the American Center for Law and Justice,

the Christian conservatives’ answer to the American Civil Liberties Union, which the Rev. Pat Robertson founded in 1990."


"Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice have been heavily involved in the Christian right’s odious project

to criminalize homosexuality in Africa."



A fervent believer of the invisible man in the sky is now representing the inept one.

Talking about fraudsters, Pat Robertson, 555!

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