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Rules for showing 65k per month "income" to qualify for retirement extension

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I was just wondering if anyone is up to date with what is required to show 65k THB per month income to satisfy Retirement visa extension. 

I'm from Australia so I would need to go to the Oz embassy and fill in a stat dec I beleive. 


1) Do I need to take an unsigned stat dec with me or do they have the paperwork there?


2) Do I just show up in the morning at the OZ embassy or do I need to arrange something with them?


2) Do I need to show the Oz embassy proof of my income or are they just interested in witnessing my signature?


3) Does Rental income, bank interest or stock market dividends / earnings count as income?


4) If questioned do you need to show the income actually coming into Thailand monthly / yearly or only that you are generating this much income back home?


5) Are there any reports of immigration offices requiring anything more than the stat dec ie: bank statements or proof of income?


Any help from someone that is actually been through the process particularly recently would be appreciated. PM me if you like

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Thanks Joe. One thing though does the income have to be coming into Thailand or just generated in Australia?


If the income has to be shown to come into Thailand does it have to come in monthly or do they look at all the transfers made up through the year



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Just now, Kenny202 said:

Thanks Joe. One thing though does the income have to be coming into Thailand or just generated in Australia?


If the income has to be shown to come into Thailand does it have to come in monthly or do they look at all the transfers made up through the year



You would show the generated income on the stat dec. If you can show that it would be accepted at immigration.

As I wrote the best proof is some money coming in. You don't have to bring it in on a monthly basis. If you had a year's worth of transfers that would be good.

I don't recall any reports of KK immigration wanting back up proof.

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10 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

I think the guy questioning the 65k requirement has a point albeit I see your point that the government here don't want the dregs. The ridiculous thing is if I had a wife or child here the requirement would be half or 400k available funds per year. What is the logic of supporting one or two extra people but only requiring half the income or available funds that are required to support one person?


If you look at say Australia or the UK if you are married and have a child with a Thai lady then getting her over to said countries is easier. Isn't this just the Thai authorities version of the same thing? If you have genuine ties in the country why shouldn't the requirement be a little easier than some single person without those ties? 



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13 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

1. If you have a blank statutory declaration to complete that will be all you need.

2. No appointment is needed. 

2. No

3. Yes But best to just to just show only your monthly gross income in ASD on the stat dec.

4. The embassy will not ask any questions.

5. If immigration was to ask for back up proof showing some regular incoming transfers to your bank would be the best proof.

Q1 they have the paper work in the office

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12 hours ago, YetAnother said:

perhaps this is too delicate a subject and , doubtless, has been revisited many times....,why 65000 ? small families in my province get by on 9000/month; so why 65000 ? (yes i know some idiot in a backroom somewhere just made it up); in general , why must the thais put the financial requirements at levels that would qualify for higher-than-high-middle-class ?

Maybe because when you are old you need to have extra cash to pay hospital bills & maybe the Thai Gov doesn't want foreigners to live in the middle of nowhere or do they want bums with no money. There are already loads of foreigner bums with no money living here. Anyway, 65k a month isn't much at all. My rent is nearly half of that amount.

Edited by bbi1
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57 minutes ago, ba ba said:

Q1 they have the paper work in the office

I downloaded a standard Aust stat dec from the web some years ago. Type it out myself and each year update the income by year month and fortnight. 10 minutes at the embassy and 30 minutes at immigration with the necessary paperwork and a pic. This year they did ask for a hand drawn map to the house but 3 months and no visit so guess it was a test.

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Just for record.....when I did my first retirement visa/extension I was asked to show my Thai bank passbook.

I was then getting a monthly income from the U.S. which showed as a Foreign Funds Transfer to my Thai bank account. (code FFT)

The immigrations officer (a female) asked to show her my Thai Bankbook which she then photocopied.

She went through the photocopied pages and with a yellow marker  she underlined each monthly FFT incoming funds transfer.

She was satisfied that I was making regular incoming  funds transfers. and she wrote O.K. on the  top of the photocopies and put a big checkmark next to that O.K.

She then staples the photocopies to rest of my retirement application and then told me to see her supervisor at the next desk for final approval.

I remember that quite clearly, as it was a tense moment for me being my first  retirement approval, and I was nervous.

I was approved for a one year retirement visa/extension.



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Hi Kenny202,


I am also from Ozland.  In the past I have just taken a copy of my pension entitlements from my Australian pension fund and attached it to my extension application (as well the required Thai bank letter and a photocopy of last 3 months of my Thai bank account transactions).

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Hi Kenny202,
I am also from Ozland.  In the past I have just taken a copy of my pension entitlements from my Australian pension fund and attached it to my extension application (as well the required Thai bank letter and a photocopy of last 3 months of my Thai bank account transactions).

What do you mean by the required bank letter mate?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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13 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

I think the guy questioning the 65k requirement has a point albeit I see your point that the government here don't want the dregs. The ridiculous thing is if I had a wife or child here the requirement would be half or 400k available funds per year. What is the logic of supporting one or two extra people but only requiring half the income or available funds that are required to support one person?

It's much cheaper to live here with a Thai as you can then get the Thai prices.

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15 hours ago, YetAnother said:

perhaps this is too delicate a subject and , doubtless, has been revisited many times....,why 65000 ? small families in my province get by on 9000/month; so why 65000 ? (yes i know some idiot in a backroom somewhere just made it up); in general , why must the thais put the financial requirements at levels that would qualify for higher-than-high-middle-class ?

IT IS BECAUSE one is required to have 800k in bank this figure is divided by 12 to give 65 k income per month then it equates to the 800k required SIMPLE

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2 hours ago, Evilbaz said:

You now have to contact them.

They specify it must be on the correct form


The website does not provide the correct form, as far as I can see. It provides a whole lot of bumpf as to what you are supposed to do with the form after you have filled it out. A typical unhelpful bureaucrats website, aimed firstly at preserving their jobs.

Willing to stand corrected if you can show me precisely where on the website a printable stat dec form is.

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59 minutes ago, garbolino said:

IT IS BECAUSE one is required to have 800k in bank this figure is divided by 12 to give 65 k income per month then it equates to the 800k required SIMPLE

12 x 65k = 780k when I went to school :smile:

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5 hours ago, sandrew33 said:


If you look at say Australia or the UK if you are married and have a child with a Thai lady then getting her over to said countries is easier. Isn't this just the Thai authorities version of the same thing? If you have genuine ties in the country why shouldn't the requirement be a little easier than some single person without those ties? 



In the UK you still have to show 18600 pounds annual income before you can apply for your Thai wife to join you . Strange thing is the UK government expect their pensioners to exist on 8300 pounds per annum  or 8936 pounds for a married couple . Defies logic ?  

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2 minutes ago, superal said:
5 hours ago, sandrew33 said:

If you look at say Australia or the UK if you are married and have a child with a Thai lady then getting her over to said countries is easier. Isn't this just the Thai authorities version of the same thing? If you have genuine ties in the country why shouldn't the requirement be a little easier than some single person without those ties? 

In the UK you still have to show 18600 pounds annual income before you can apply for your Thai wife to join you . Strange thing is the UK government expect their pensioners to exist on 8300 pounds per annum  or 8936 pounds for a married couple . Defies logic ?  

Only 636 Pounds extra/yr for the wife?  That is harsh.  Are you expected not to need 2x more food?  Not to mention a bit more living-space than if single?

But if you have Zero Ties to the UK, and arrive by hijacking a truck from France, no annual-income required at all, right?

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