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Russians targeted 21 election systems, U.S. official says


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23 hours ago, mamypoko said:

Good news, no actual votes manipulated. Bad news, plenty of flyover State minds were.


It's going to be exciting to read the book in 20 years on how we retaliated.


LOL Where will the retaliation come from? RussiaReps aka republicans in congress don't care a/b America - their ideology is Party First - 45 doesn't care - AG doesn't care?  Where have all those who claim "America First" gone? My vocabulary is not developed enough to fully express my total disdain for 45 and his defenders. 

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11 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

LOL Where will the retaliation come from? RussiaReps aka republicans in congress don't care a/b America - their ideology is Party First - 45 doesn't care - AG doesn't care?  Where have all those who claim "America First" gone? My vocabulary is not developed enough to fully express my total disdain for 45 and his defenders. 

Surely there must be a few spooky cowboys silently doing their job?

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19 hours ago, heybruce said:

Actually Democrats and Republicans in Congress are investigating this attack on the democratic process.  It's Trump who's whining and complaining, and not doing much else.

I feel action is warranted. 17 intelligence agencies - I believe I read - have proof Russia hacked our U.S. election. Where are consequences being doled out? Yes the investigations ought to continue but what is being done to punish Russia and deter future attacks? Or maybe 45 is just "rolling over" so Putin gets a better view. 

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17 hours ago, nasanews said:

People who voted for Trump and still have hopes in him are more stupid and naive than him.  Never thought Americans could be as dumb.

Dumb would get my vote. Another view is 45 defenders are like him e.g. bigoted/racists/ignorant. If needs be to those who shy away from those two terms maybe a google search for the definitions might be done. 

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To me hacking depends on the intention of the hacker if it is done to reveal information of public figures let it be so public figures know in advance they are too being monitored just like the rest of us who are being monitored 24/7
Secondly even if all 17 intelligence agencies confirmed the Russians did hack the DNC what would the U.S government do about it nothing and the consequences would not be as effective except pressuring the Saudis again to pump more oil in order to hurt Russia economically as was done in 2014 after the thug Putin invaded Ukraine.
I think serious Americans should look for clear evidance to impeach the undesirable  president to stop hate crimes which have become daily routine and have damaging consequences on American values as immigrant friendly society.

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Vladimir Putin gave direct instructions to help elect Trump, report says


"According to a Washington Post investigation, former President Obama received a secret CIA report in August."


"That report "captured Putin's specific instructions on the operation's audacious objectives - defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton."


"CBS News confirmed last year that U.S. intelligence officials knew that the Russian government operation to interfere in the U.S. election had been approved by Putin himself, but they were reluctant to reveal how much they knew out of concern that sources and methods could be compromised, CBS News justice and homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports."


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Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault


"Early last August, an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried “eyes only” instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides."


"Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladi­mir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race."


"The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump."




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On 6/22/2017 at 8:20 AM, boomerangutang said:

That part of the news report (no votes manipulated) is misleading BS.


What they mean to say (and it's articulated in other, better reported articles) is that THE MECHANICAL VOTE TALLYING PROCESSES were not manipulated.   It doesn't mean that voters' impulses weren't affected by the Russian interference.  There is no feasible way to gauge to what extent voters' perceptions/opinions were affected.   To do so, would be to survey all voters often, during the campaign at, let's say, 2 month intervals over a year - TO GAUGE WHAT THEY THOUGHT BEFORE and DURING THE CAMPAIGN, .....AND HOW THEY ACTUALLY VOTED.   All anyone knows is the actual vote tally.   NONE OF US KNOWS, NOT EVEN TOP INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, HOW INDIVIDUAL VOTERS' MINDS CHANGED DURING THE PROCESS.


                      Trump and his fans, in their profound ignorance, will grasp onto the "no actual votes manipulated" silliness as proof that the Russian influence (5 online hits per second, 24/7) was a nothingburger. 




You are very excited

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On 6/22/2017 at 9:03 AM, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Here is the reason why the Democrates are losing election after election: Michael Moore tweets "...get a <deleted>' clue. The DNC&DCCC has NO idea how 2 win cause they have no message, no plan, no leaders, won't fight &hate the resistance 1:15 AM - 22 Jun 2017". The Russiaphobia today is the same as what occurred in the fifties, which was nothing but witch hunts which ruined innocent people's lives. Instead of blaming Russia for everything look inwards and correct what is wrong inside the party. The DNC pushed a toxic candidate in HRC and lost because she was arrogant and disconnected from the people. If the DNC pushed for Bernie we may have had a Dems president now and that can't be blamed on the Russians. The DNC leaks was not Russia but a DNC employee, Assange confirmed this several times. Stop blaming other people for your failures and man up.

Who is to blame is the despicable game played between the Clinton and the Wasserman women.

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