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Sim Card for iPad Mini 4......for Dummies.


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I've just happily received my iPad mini 4 Wi-Fi + Cellular from the Thai Apple online store. 


Reason for my purchase is that I needed a navigation type app or similar device. A dedicated device would cost more and only be good for one function.....navigation.


My logic, keep up with technology, get one of these mini iPads and it can not only do your navigation stuff, but can also do heaps of other cool stuff for less the cost.


My question to the tech gurus out there....the sim card I need to get....do I pay a one off payment, or is it a pay as you use type of arrangement? To clarify a bit, my limited understanding is that when I use the navigation app, it does not require internet connection (hence the reason I went for the ...+ Cellular).


So what do I need to ask for when I am in front of the salesperson?....a sim card for my iPad...or what? 


Just to give you an idea at what I am talking about...I have not yet decided on which app to use...they are Runway HD, FlySkyHi or PPGPS.


As mentioned in the title, I am a dummie with this stuff...so any advice will be greatly appreciated....Cheers.

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I would recommend just getting a Truemove prepaid sim (they sell them at 7-11)...

Put it in a cellphone and get it activated and data capable... sign up for the 1.5gb plan for 199 baht a month... once it works on the phone take it out and put it in the iPad... Truemove has an app called H Life that will let you see balances and admin the account ;-)


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@ sfokevin, thank you for your reply. I forgot to mention that I am also a "cheap charlie"....and my train of thought is that I am already paying 800 Baht a month for home internet connection, I have a simple pay as you use phone with AIS....I don't know at this point in time as to how frequent I will be needing this sim card, certainly not all day every day. I am not tech savvy, and just want to keep things simple....if that is any help.


Once again....Thank You for your help. Cheers.

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