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Video: Thai society "going to the dogs" as Yaris road rage man attacks family in pick-up


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I've had three moments on the road in the last few months where I've felt threatened..


1st, center lane, red light. Goes green, off we go. A truck a few hundred meters ahead moves across to the right lane to do a U-Turn, next thing a car is in the right lane flying past me, swerves to avoid the truck, no idea how he misses me, I hit horn in anger. BOOOM!!!! His rage is on, he drops behind me, then tailgates me, I slow to a crawl, stopping isn't going to help, so pull off, hid in front of a truck, he flew past me and slammed his breaks on, but he's just past a slip road, off I head.


2nd, two way road, route I travel on daily. Car flies past me and swerves in front slamming his brakes on. No idea why, maybe he recognised me from another journey as I'd been driving very politely this time. But he comes to a crawl in front of me, so I pull out, full turbo diesel power and I'm off into the distance. Traffic and pedestrtians ahead, so I have to slow down, not stopping him, full speed past me, then hand brake turns to stop parked across the road. I look around, no eye witnesses apparent, I'm fuming, if I t-bone him, I can just say he pulled a U Turn in front of me. I'm insured. So I accelerate and drive straight at him. He pulls out of the way at the last minute, never saw him again.


3rd, I'm on the highway passing a line of trucks, I'm doing 100kph, speed limit at this section is 90kph. SUV behind me righ up my arse. I have the kid in the car and see a red light ahead, so take defensive action and slow to the speed of the truck in the nearside lane and put my hazard lights on (yeah, OK, maybe I was intent on pissing the guy off). He's flashing lights, fuming. Traffic lights ahead go green, I pass the truck, pull over to the left lane and continue at 90kph. SUV pulls to the left ahead of me and continues at a hundred or so yards ahead of me for 2 or 3 minutes, before moving back into the right lane and driving right up the next car's rear end. I didn't get it, he's only going to get a minute down the road over 30km, and all the stress and anger will have made his 30 minutes shit.


Not claiming to be perfect, but its hard to be when there are so many angry drivers out there.

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More CCTV video footage. The Yaris driver had a passenger that casually gets out the car, after the pick-up crashes and walks off!!  Wanting to think that they were going to call for help, but this is Thailand...everyone has a mobile phone, don't they?


Edited by Boycie
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16 minutes ago, Boycie said:

The Yaris driver had a passenger that casually gets out the car, after the pick-up crashes and walks off!!  Wanting to think that they were going to call for help, but this is Thailand...everyone has a mobile phone, don't they?


You can see her walking back at 2m24s. From the body language, she seems a bit pissed off with the sunglasses guy.

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10 minutes ago, terminatorchiangmai said:

5555, since when is it a word. ?

"consideringdering"  is a verb as illustrated here....................ring.jpg.ed20cbb9fc548b3751b6a3c4f89bf2e4.jpg

                                                                                         The happy couple are consideringdering. Does that settle it?

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I can imagine at some point, non Thais..or non Asians, will have to shoulder some of the responsibility.

Peaceful locals influenced by violent outsiders. Movies, TV internet. Block them all. Only Thai love from now on.


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To think that having full comprehensive insurance on my vehicle makes me feel safe, not now after seeing this video, have to pull my finger out and get a dash cam tomorrow.


As for the guy with the peanut size brain, I hope he gets what's coming to him, 2 years as a minimum sentence, 5 would be fairer though. 

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