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UK PM May's strikes deal to get Northern Irish DUP support for minority government

Jonathan Fairfield

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22 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

This is about the DUP agreement ! Do not distort the post by your obvious confusion with the content of election manifestos. Bribing the DUP by stealing money from the UK tax payer to keep her little bum in Downing Street was not in the Tory manifesto. 


I wish i lived in your little world :smile:

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22 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Maybe change your profile pic if you are going to constructively criticise the British government and expect government supporters and brexit voters alike to read your post or at least take it seriously.  Another point maybe google ' the winter of discontent ' before criticism about the Thatcher years in the 70s. The labour government were no better. Stop the hate. The second Indy referendum  dream is over. Get over it.


Again, I will ask - what has right wing thatherism done for the UK except drive us into the gutter? The UK is a catastrophe of the capitalists' making. We were once, rightly, a nation to be proud of - now we are an international joke. 


Hate? What hate? I am as depressed as everyone else about the sad demise of the country formally known as Great Britain - the difference is that I am among the many who recognise why we have fallen so very, very far.


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23 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Again, I will ask - what has right wing thatherism done for the UK except drive us into the gutter? The UK is a catastrophe of the capitalists' making. We were once, rightly, a nation to be proud of - now we are an international joke. 


Hate? What hate? I am as depressed as everyone else about the sad demise of the country formally known as Great Britain - the difference is that I am among the many who recognise why we have fallen so very, very far.


Under Labour in the 70s were we not 'the sick man of Europe" ? if i remember rightly it was Thatcher who saved us , but then i only remember facts .

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19 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


The "sick man of Europe". Google it and see, but you already know of course, which political party created that name for the UK. l remember the high inflation, 3 day week, power cuts, all brought by your crap socialist governments who where slaves to unions that had been taken over my hard left militants. 

That created the context for Thatcher, who people sick of the state of a country being run by trade union leaders, swept to power. She did well at first but then didn't know when or how to stop. Then we got numpty but nice Major, whose biggest achievement was Mrs. Curry, followed by swarming glitz of Blair and Brown, that dropped us all in it.


Many believe capitalism isn't fit for purpose anymore, not relevant in the third millenium. Not seen anyone come up with a fantastic replacement yet. But going back to 70"s style socialism with a marxist chancellor isn't the answer.



Who is proposing donkey jackets for all? You point your finger at left wing politics but ignore the fact that right wing ideology has been the dominating factor for 40 years in the UK. Stop blaming an abstract caricature from half a lifetime away and accept that Thatherism has failed us all - well, all apart from the 1%.

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1 minute ago, bert bloggs said:

Under Labour in the 70s were we not 'the sick man of Europe" ? if i remember rightly it was Thatcher who saved us , but then i only remember facts .

40 years of right wing policies - why are we not all bathing in milk and honey? Let's blame Scargill and Foot for that too?


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9 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

This is about the DUP agreement ! Do not distort the post by your obvious confusion with the content of election manifestos. Bribing the DUP by stealing money from the UK tax payer to keep her little bum in Downing Street was not in the Tory manifesto. 

I'm just wondering what sort of bribes the marxist labour party would have to make if they ever got the chance to form a government. Because they would need to do some serious bribes to gain enough backing to become the governing party! 60+ seats worth IMO.

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28 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

I doubt you have the intellect to manage well in any world with so few posts and zero likes which speaks volumes about your understanding and articulation on any subject you have posted to date.



Typical ,when the left dont get their way attack and try to put people down , so sad .

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1 minute ago, bert bloggs said:

Under Labour in the 70s were we not 'the sick man of Europe" ? if i remember rightly it was Thatcher who saved us , but then i only remember facts .


Just now, RuamRudy said:

40 years of right wing policies - why are we not all bathing in milk and honey? Let's blame Scargill and Foot for that too?


Whilst I cannot always see eye to eye to RuamRody's support of the SNP in this case I 100% gree with his comments.

Unfortunately bert blogs was only in his childhood by example of his reply regarding the 1970's.


For the more mature of us let us not forget that Thatcher, in league with that idiot Reagan removed most restrictions on the banking fraternity such that the economic bubbles of the 1990's and that of 2008 was solely due to the lack of banking regulation that those two partners of social evil colluded on.  All to make their wealthy buddies even wealthier and something the disadvantaged in the UK will be paying the price for decades.  Them and their friends and their descendants certainly are bathing in milk and honey.  It is the other 99.999% that concerns me . We won't mention the details of Mark thatcher and his payment by the Saudis facilitated by his evil Mother or the more recent interference as a mercenary financial backer in Africa, again facilitated by the Tory regime.

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6 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

I'm just wondering what sort of bribes the marxist labour party would have to make if they ever got the chance to form a government. Because they would need to do some serious bribes to gain enough backing to become the governing party! 60+ seats worth IMO.

I suspect when the current coalition of chaos tumble then the Labour party will most likely win a credible majority.  Also if the Scottish conservatives who increased their seats continue to support the bribe giving Theresa May, then at that next election those seats will no doubt be picked up again by the Scottish Labour party as the voters there have already given the thumbs down to some SNP policies hence the switch at this recent election.

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22 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:


Whilst I cannot always see eye to eye to RuamRody's support of the SNP in this case I 100% gree with his comments.

Unfortunately bert blogs was only in his childhood by example of his reply regarding the 1970's.


For the more mature of us let us not forget that Thatcher, in league with that idiot Reagan removed most restrictions on the banking fraternity such that the economic bubbles of the 1990's and that of 2008 was solely due to the lack of banking regulation that those two partners of social evil colluded on.  All to make their wealthy buddies even wealthier and something the disadvantaged in the UK will be paying the price for decades.  Them and their friends and their descendants certainly are bathing in milk and honey.  It is the other 99.999% that concerns me . We won't mention the details of Mark thatcher and his payment by the Saudis facilitated by his evil Mother or the more recent interference as a mercenary financial backer in Africa, again facilitated by the Tory regime.

Nobody said Thatcher was a saint , personally ,i think she was not ,but she did save the country as a whole ,and snatched it from the grip of the left wing even communist types such as Scargill(who by the way was living in a rent free union property recently and refused to move i think) , but hey if your a marxist you never change , and care nothing for all the people ,just your little clique .and no i was not a child in the 70s i ran a store and lived in London , those times when the unions ruled were a nightmare , for ordinary people like me who were neither Tory or Labour . but  just wanted a decent life .

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16 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

I doubt you have the intellect to manage well in any world with so few posts and zero likes which speaks volumes about your understanding and articulation on any subject you have posted to date.



Wow you are a peice. How did you manage to get more likes than posts?  Bribes?

'And for the more mature of us'.(your words)....you resort to jibes about someone's age and intellect....


Back on topic, this DUP payment will be ancient news within days...Lots more juicy debate issues will be hitting us daily for the next few years.


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24 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Wow you are a peice. How did you manage to get more likes than posts?  Bribes?

'And for the more mature of us'.(your words)....you resort to jibes about someone's age and intellect....


Back on topic, this DUP payment will be ancient news within days...Lots more juicy debate issues will be hitting us daily for the next few years.


Its always the way of the left when losing ,attack ,attack attack ,as i said so sad ,but just what they do :sad:

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33 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

There was a European referendum last year for the whole of the UK. The result was a leave vote. More people voted on this referendum than any GE or referendum before it. The leave vote won ( I voted remain). The deal with the DUP is to make sure the will of the British people's democratic vote is upheld. 


The money given is being spent on NI infrastructure over the next 5 years. Last time I checked NI is part of the UK.  Also obviously the Torys want to stay in power. But at the end of the day we can't reverse the referendum vote , there would be outright chaos in the UK,. If you think throwing a bung to a part of the UK government is a stain on democracy....try cancelling brexit


No, don't agree. 


The UK is a representative democracy in which elected MP's make important decisions and legislate. The Tories, led by Cameron, included a referendum on EU membership in their manifesto because he and his allies in that party wanted to silence the anti EU Tories and thwart the rising UKIP threat. It backfired and cost him his job and political career. BTW - when parliament were debating and enacting the bill to facilitate the referendum it was presented to the house as "advisory" not binding. But neither the Tories or Labor under Corbyn had or has any appetite for that one.


May tried to undermine the UK constitution by incorrectly using the Royal Prerogative to invoke Article 50. She went to court, high court and supreme court - and lost three times. So it has to go through parliament. She then, having said she wouldn't, called a snap election hoping to get a stronger majority and claim that has the authority to do what she and her party desired. Again that backfired. It hasn't cost her her job, yet; and the Tories needed to be propped up to keep power and form a minority government.


Question - should any Brexit deal/deals on offer be put to another referendum on their acceptance? Or do we only have referendums when it suits one particular party's agenda? 


Well at least you're right about geography and NI being part of the UK. But a government that lost a considerable number of seats, did far worse than they thought they would, mostly do to people's frustrations and dislike of the austerity measures so dear to the Tories can suddenly find another GBP 1 Billion to bribe the DUP to support them on crucial votes? They can spend when it suits them!


Who says we can't reverse the result of the "advisory" referendum? Any political party could fight the next election, which might be called quicker than many think or want, on the platform of cancelling Article 50, or if after we've left on applying to be members again.  

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25 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:


Whilst I cannot always see eye to eye to RuamRody's support of the SNP in this case I 100% gree with his comments.

Unfortunately bert blogs was only in his childhood by example of his reply regarding the 1970's.


For the more mature of us let us not forget that Thatcher, in league with that idiot Reagan removed most restrictions on the banking fraternity such that the economic bubbles of the 1990's and that of 2008 was solely due to the lack of banking regulation that those two partners of social evil colluded on.  All to make their wealthy buddies even wealthier and something the disadvantaged in the UK will be paying the price for decades.  Them and their friends and their descendants certainly are bathing in milk and honey.  It is the other 99.999% that concerns me . We won't mention the details of Mark thatcher and his payment by the Saudis facilitated by his evil Mother or the more recent interference as a mercenary financial backer in Africa, again facilitated by the Tory regime.


You might want to do a little research on the liberalizing of UK banking and financial service industry. Try linking to words like "Blair" and "Brown".

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41 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Again, I will ask - what has right wing thatherism done for the UK except drive us into the gutter? The UK is a catastrophe of the capitalists' making. We were once, rightly, a nation to be proud of - now we are an international joke. 


Hate? What hate? I am as depressed as everyone else about the sad demise of the country formally known as Great Britain - the difference is that I am among the many who recognise why we have fallen so very, very far.



That rot started in the 70's - or do you think differently?

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15 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Well at least you're right about geography and NI being part of the UK.

And everything else I said was completely wrong? You mention mainly facts and then your opinion.  I mention in my original post mainly facts, I then give my opinion.  Oh and thanks for the geography affirmation ?...but tbh I did have to google it ?


Edited by goldenbrwn1
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18 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

And who's money was Corbyn going to use  to bribe students with no university fees ,his own? wake up and smell the coffee .

Disagree , part of Corbyn's manifesto before the election vote . Uk Con; voters did not envisage or vote for a coalition with the DUP . Quite frankly she has sold her soul and at any cost , was caught out by her lack of care and absence at the Grenfell disaster , doesn't care about public service workers  wages ( especially nurses who are about to fight back , summer of discontent )  . First step at the Brexit meeting to allow 3 million plus European workers the right to remain in the UK along with all the s.s. benefits  against 1 million Brits abroad / reciprocal arrangements .  I have this feeling that there are some big stakes being played for here but not for the country but her political and business associates behind the scenes . She will tell it her way and her cronies  endorsing it  . She appears to have the support of her party at the moment and is determined to see this Brexit deal through . Has refused to let the public vote on the outcome so the 1 billion pounds of public money to the DUC will guarantee her deal will be sanctioned by parliament . I do not trust this woman  .  What will she do if there is an inkling of mutiny , pay them off to get in tow ?    Now waiting for the next chapter in this crisis government .      

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57 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Under Labour in the 70s were we not 'the sick man of Europe" ? if i remember rightly it was Thatcher who saved us , but then i only remember facts .

"Thatcher saved us"




The ship builders? Steelworkers? Miners?


Manufacturing dropped from 27% of GDP to 9% on her watch.


She destroyed British society


I trust she is roasting

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


The "sick man of Europe". Google it and see, but you already know of course, which political party created that name for the UK. l remember the high inflation, 3 day week, power cuts, all brought by your crap socialist governments who where slaves to unions that had been taken over my hard left militants. 

That created the context for Thatcher, who people sick of the state of a country being run by trade union leaders, swept to power. She did well at first but then didn't know when or how to stop. Then we got numpty but nice Major, whose biggest achievement was Mrs. Curry, followed by swarming glitz of Blair and Brown, that dropped us all in it.


Many believe capitalism isn't fit for purpose anymore, not relevant in the third millenium. Not seen anyone come up with a fantastic replacement yet. But going back to 70"s style socialism with a marxist chancellor isn't the answer.



Er, Heath and Barber were a socialist government? I beg to differ. They were at the helm when we had the 4 day week, rolling blackouts and petrol coupons. All thanks to the Saudis

Edited by Grouse
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1 hour ago, CharlieK said:

I'm just wondering what sort of bribes the marxist labour party would have to make if they ever got the chance to form a government. Because they would need to do some serious bribes to gain enough backing to become the governing party! 60+ seats worth IMO.

Do you know what coalition means? Look it up

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39 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


That rot started in the 70's - or do you think differently?

So in 40 years, right wing dogma has been unable to reverse the decline? Even if I thought for one moment that this was true, it is clear that we are still on the wrong path.

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46 minutes ago, Grouse said:

"Thatcher saved us"




The ship builders? Steelworkers? Miners?


Manufacturing dropped from 27% of GDP to 9% on her watch.


She destroyed British society


I trust she is roasting

If i remember rightly it was cheaper to import coal than to mine it ourselves , ,but hey dont let the truth get in the way of fiction .

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3 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

If i remember rightly it was cheaper to import coal than to mine it ourselves , ,but hey dont let the truth get in the way of fiction .

The past is the past - it is the present that is really sh!t and getting even more sh!t by the day, all thanks to Tory greed and corruption. Our country has been on the wrong tracks for decades. We need to try something different, something that works for the many, not the corrupt few.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

Who is proposing donkey jackets for all? You point your finger at left wing politics but ignore the fact that right wing ideology has been the dominating factor for 40 years in the UK. Stop blaming an abstract caricature from half a lifetime away and accept that Thatherism has failed us all - well, all apart from the 1%.


Were did I say Thatcherism has benefited us all? I said, factually, that the union dominated socialist governments just prior to Thatcher (and the incompetent Heath one for that matter) led to a scenario of high inflation, 3 day working weeks for many, power cuts, and to the UK being labelled the sick man of Europe. That the UK electorate reacted to that appalling mismanagement by electing, and re-electing Thatcher. And, she did sort out a lot of the issues, albeit with some very painful medicine. I also said that unfortunately she didn't know when or couldn't stop, and therefore went far to far the other way.


There is nothing abstract about the current Corbyn and his senior team of very left wing, including marxists.


We all get you hate Thatcher and want an independent Scotland. But don't let your jaundice view pretend that the current Labor party are something they're not.

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2 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

If i remember rightly it was cheaper to import coal than to mine it ourselves , ,but hey dont let the truth get in the way of fiction .

Sorry Bert, but I have to shoot you down!


Yes you can import coal at lower cost (let's forget labour conditions and environmental impact for now)


But why do it so quickly? For who's benefit exactly? Just a blind pursuit of monetarist policy?


So no time to build up new industries such as semiconductors, digital electronics etc


Net result is we used our North Sea oil bonanza to pay unemployment benefit. Where's our sovereign fund like Norway's??


In fact, Thatcher laid waste huge swathes of the North. Society wrecked and generations damaged.


Well Bert, enjoy your cheap coal ?

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