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13 minutes ago, Been there done that said:

You fell in love with the country. 


What does "the country" constitute according to you ?

are you the fisher price child?

  • Like 1
24 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Hi Ody old chum,


Apologies I have been somewhat distracted since 0300 this morning. More of that later. In answer to your post #424 not so good but thanks for asking. 


Man I really feel for you with your k9 best friend. There is absolutely no chance you could take him with you to the land of Oz? To leave him here would be to lose one of the most loyal friends you have ever had and his fate is unsure. Definitely, if he is "your dog" nobody is going to want to care for him in your absence. Even if they did, he has also lost his best mate and will be very very sad as well. 


The way our indig "friends" treat animals is an utter disgrace. The other day whilst in the market in chock chai I stopped to have a smoke, I leaned over the wall of the public health office and saw two boys throwing stones and sand bombs at a dog that was tethered. 


 I gave these idiots one if my best "Oi," s to which they jumped but in typical indig fashion moved behind a bush and continued in the belief I could not see them. 


I eventually lost it and picked up a collection of pebbles / stones and, giving it my lifetimes best in power and accuracy, launched them one by one at these cretins. 


I hit one on his noddle and he burst into tears so I buggered off so as to avoid further escalation or confrontation. From my revised location I watched them leave the grounds crying and looking for who threw the stones at them. 


I could only only think of Karma. 


I know now I was wrong in  so many ways and that two wrongs generally don't make a right but damn I felt good!


what that has to do with your best friend, defeats me other than as an illustration of what cruelty lies within the dark hearts of the indig pop.


I wish I could adopt him for you leaving you secure in the knowledge that he remains with an eccentric but loving chum but right now I can't. It would be unfair to him.


At the end of the day you know what the most humane thing is to do if it is absolutely impossible to take him home and you are unable to adopt him. I had to do it once with a wonderful collie in Singapore who was deaf and had bitten a kid who jumped on him. He looked at me when I took him in the car and I knew he knew it was his last ride. How I got to the vets through that veil of tears was in itself a miracle, it took me quite some time to get myself together for the journey home. 


I have never ever told anyone that,not even my then wife or either of my daughters.


only you and him know what is right, any other input is just opinions.


seems your choice is much much harder than mine but I am sure you will choose well.

That's a great post DL-as you can see,I am in a bit of a muddle at the moment.Thanks for talking so honestly.

  • Like 1
Just now, Odysseus123 said:

That's a great post DL-as you can see,I am in a bit of a muddle at the moment.Thanks for talking so honestly.

Dear Ody you have so many more challenges in life than me. The more I read you the more respect I have for you.you don't moan and bleat like a whingeing Pom you don't blame others for your situation irrespective of if you should or not you just get on with life. 


Certainly a standard that I must emulate. 


I was not sure if I should say what I said knowing about how much it would pain you but perhaps it had to be said . I don't know mate I am not a psychiatrist  or counsellor just a retired simple sailor. 


Cant say much more my friend


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Hey whilst I have you, anyone on this thread live in Rayong or could recommend a cheap place to doss down whilst I sort myshizzer out?


prefer near a beach and/or the music bars to take my mind off the recent crapola.



Bang Saen is not too far away from Rayong, halfway BKK - Rayong.

I lived there for 3 months, few farangs, but the "better" Thais spend the weekend there.

Reasonable beach & restaurants, supermarkets, public transport.


  • Like 2
14 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

Oh guys, cool it down a bit, sashaying nurses in that starched uniform.....


and here is me the prosoner of zonda

not enough alcohol, you can still type - don't worry about the spelling .................

9 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

not enough alcohol, you can still type - don't worry about the spelling .................



serves me right as a retired grammar nazi............

  • Like 1
15 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

not enough alcohol, you can still type - don't worry about the spelling .................



serves me right as a retired grammar nazi............


Hi guys, for those who are following, I thought I would update you.  Psycho just burst into the room on the pretence of needing to clean it. Produced a bra and threw it at me claiming that it was not hers and that it was from some imaginary girlfriend if mine. 


Guys <deleted> goes through their heads ( if anything) She knows what she is screaming is utter crap, I know it is and there is just two of us here. What is the desired result? 


Has she she seen something like it on tv? Did one of her "long term" fb friends suggest it?  Was she visited by a ghost in the night who told her about this? I mean it is utter nonsense. I have booked the car for tomorrow morning. I asked the owner to deliver it to the house and that I would then load up and accompany him back to his offices to pay by c.card thereby retaining a thai witness in case the "Issan crazy" rears its head and gets out of hand again. 


Still she will not accept that that she is in the wrong. Shouting at me in public for making two comments to a most ugly and fat thai woman of about 50 yrs age with whom the wife has some sort of beef ( that I was supposed to know about??????) is not a loss of face for me but a lack of respect for her!


apparently  it is because she lost face in front of some other Herbert's by me making those two comments so she wants to destroy 17 years and any chance of being fiscally sound or able in the foreseeable future


utterly unbelievable. Utterly and completely unbelievable

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Hey Ody old chum,


how is it hanging today? 


I was was just re reading your post about the Hound of Odysseus and became very sad indeed. Hope you are managing to keep your spirits up and not letting it get to you. 


Some of possibly the the best advice, for guys in our predicament, was given in the film platoon by one of the grunts who was going home after his duty was up and just before the almost suicidal mission they had been given. He sagely said,; "...don't think too much,  just keep your powder dry and your pecker hard and get out of this place. Once you are home it is gravy, just gravy" ( my apologies for the misquoting doing it from memory) 


Dint know about you old chum but the pecker hard is mostly reliant on our purple friends nowadays, the dry powder I have no idea but that smell of gravy is getting stronger by the day. 

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Dark Lord

Great new avatar!

And - please forgive me - I think the bra story is real funny.....

It beats my wife saying: "If you want mia noi, I don't care, you can".

So far, I have not rented one, which is the reason why I still have all my vital organs.


Just now, The Dark Lord said:

Oh yes Maxi old chum, for sure that is the FB defence the story to her friends etc. I did actually ask her when this alleged trist took place as she has not left me out of her sight ever since we stepped foot in this land of wonder. She naturally was unable to respond to that question. 


But if if I am completely honest, I really have gone past the point where I was concerned at all with what the shallow and lying indig think of me. As I have always said I am me, I do not change myself for people (but do adapt a bit in very polite company or with my mother) if you like me, good , if you don't, then do not seek my company. 


Simple really





Yes-it is ALL for line/farcebook.It is there that their unimaginably dramatic and perfectly guiltless lives are on public display for their 842 "friends" to see..

  • Like 2
10 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



I am just working on a few things,tying up loose ends..getting hawsers in place at the home port.


The lazy uncle turned up the other day.He is 57 but looks 80.Every year he disappears somewhere down Bangkok way,guzzling Lao Kow and living the life of Riley.He returns shirtless and penniless.My clothes stocks are then raided to bring him up to scratch again.This has happened  4 years in a row.


My wife says "He not quite right in the head"

I say "None of you are quite right in the head,"


I will miss my dog but I won't miss anything much about the rest.Been there,done that.The show must go on.

Hey Ody old chum, 


was a bit worried about you, hadn't heard from you today and you being such a regular. 


Glad to hear all is still going as you  want it 


thought the story about the bra and the inventive accusation that went with it would have cheered you up. It certainly cheered old hippy dude up and I am pretty sure that once I get my paws on a pack of Marlboro lights and light my first one up in the rarefied atmosphere called freedom, I will also see the humorous side. 


BTW if  uncle ding dong needs any shirts ( good quality and fully washed in clear rainwater ) there are several laying on our roof right now. 


On a final, for this posting, note; loved your witty retort , a real beezer ( Scottish for a cracking event) 


just goes to to prove that even when the chips are down and all around you is doom and gloom, they cannot break our will!


  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Yes-it is ALL for line/farcebook.It is there that their unimaginably dramatic and perfectly guiltless lives are on public display for their 842 "friends" to see..

How very true

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

About lying as a natural thing - you will not believe this:


To get our marriage permit from the Belgian embassy, we had to have an interview with a staff member.

It was during this interview that it was revealed to me that my wife had not only 2 sons (I had met them) but also a daughter.

Reply of my wife to me and to the interviewer: oh I forgot about her, did not see her long time.

Interviewer: ? you forgot you have a daughter? - it almost cost us our certificate.


(Getting the Thai police certificate was a lot more easy: no questions asked, they filled in the paper and handed it to us after we paid them the extortion money)


"You forgot your daughter?" Silly left brained question....


On a related topic have any of you ever met any local "farangs" who have gone native and seem to be suffering from a congenital case of Stockholm Syndrome?


I met an Aussie here once who seemed to communicate in a weird,Pidgin Tinglish.I found myself running thru the whole lexicon..sorry?pardon?excuse me?WHAT?

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

About lying as a natural thing - you will not believe this:


To get our marriage permit from the Belgian embassy, we had to have an interview with a staff member.

It was during this interview that it was revealed to me that my wife had not only 2 sons (I had met them) but also a daughter.

Reply of my wife to me and to the interviewer: oh I forgot about her, did not see her long time.

Interviewer: ? you forgot you have a daughter? - it almost cost us our certificate.


(Getting the Thai police certificate was a lot more easy: no questions asked, they filled in the paper and handed it to us after we paid them the extortion money)


I'm sorry old hippy dude, but you made me burst out laughing. As I read your post I could not imagine what the revaluation could be. 


Thanks for cheering me up


so you are from Belgium? I would never have believed it from your perfect English. Isn't it strange that we have Aussies, Belgies, yanks and Brits all from differing backgrounds and culturally different but brought together by a common denominator ( did I mean denominator or dominator) ?


BTW did you ever get to meet the daughter? 

4 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

"You forgot your daughter?" Silly left brained question....


On a related topic have any of you ever met any local "farangs" who have gone native and seem to be suffering from a congenital case of Stockholm Syndrome?


I met an Aussie here once who seemed to communicate in a weird,Pidgin Tinglish.I found myself running thru the whole lexicon..sorry?pardon?excuse me?WHAT?

I know a yank who recently arrived here to marry his internet bride ( another very long story  but not for here) who speaks to me in pigeon English. 


No no matter how many times I remind him that I am pretty capable in English, it just does not register. He went through the marriage party but his gf does not want to register the marriage at the amphur. I warned him but he ( rather rotund and height challenged individual) is so much in love with his ( Village money grabbing cannot speak more than ten words in English) gf that he does not want to listen.


 he actually posts on here under his proper name...... 

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Hey guys is it just me or are any of you suffering at the hands of this predictive text and spell checking nazi? 


I get double words posted, words that looking at the keyboard there is no way I wrote them  example posted police typed polite and why is <deleted> a banned word it is why they find in my lexicon. ( just stopped another in typing lexicon it gave me Mexico ) :offtopic::offtopic2::sorry:

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