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Cabbie confessed to raping a Chinese tourist


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4 hours ago, Essaybloke said:

That's a good idea. Blame the victim. Young women take note, don't think you're safe sitting in the front seat of a cab. It's a temptation. 

AhFarangJa, why did you say that? How embarrassing for you!

Wow !!!! 

Not once did I put blame on the victim.......You are simply reading between the lines, and coming up with your own interpretation of the post.......I suggest you take some reading lessons before posting a comment.......

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the life's and times in bkk...business as usual no surprise...many years ago a thai gf of mine hesitated to take cabs at all ( never at night ) ...she say antarai taxi driver no good..another gf some years earlier said the same about monks ( that shocked me that time beeing new to LOS )....under the smiling surface of thailand a lot of shit is going on...

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13 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

I am in no way taking the side of the scum rapist, but my question is why did she sit in the front seat. Surely it is always safer to sit in the back of the car.

Perhaps it is fairly normal to sit in the front of a taxi in her home country when there is only one passenger?  And perhaps she did not expect an apparently authorised taxi driver, in an apparently official taxi, to rob and rape her?


It would appear that the police may be trying to divert attention away from the regular taxis by saying that this was a fake taxi.   A previous poster wanted to know how this driver happened to own or rent one without a licence.


I think that your post, intentionally or otherwise, is attempting to shift at least part of the blame for the rape onto the victim.  Next, will it be suggested that any woman who hails a taxi, particularly at night, is being careless in that regard and that she should play it safe and walk home in the dark, which of course would mean that she would have more chance of actually getting home without being molested? 

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12 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Sir, If you read my post I said I was not making any excuses for the scumbag. I agree wholly with what you say, my point was that common sense should dictate that you do not sit in the front seat of a car with a complete stranger, regardless of whether it is a taxi, or not. 

But you are still implying that had she sat in the back of the taxi, she would not have been raped.  Past reports of rapes by taxi drivers  suggest that this argument does not stand up.  


Women customers might, of course, be even safer were they to travel in the boot (trunk), although if the taxi has 4/5 seats available, one might think that the customer should be able to select any one of them without running the risk of being raped. 

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1 hour ago, AhFarangJa said:

Wow !!!! 

Not once did I put blame on the victim.......You are simply reading between the lines, and coming up with your own interpretation of the post.......I suggest you take some reading lessons before posting a comment.......

It appears that Easybloke was not the only one mistakenly "reading between the lines" of your post.  If the girl takes your advice and sits in the back of the taxi (to be safer), what, in your opinion would be suitable clothing for her to wear, as clearly the onus is on her not to innocently attract any undue attention from a randy driver?   Hiding her mobile phone and any cash is of course a must, even though these taxi drivers are so well regulated.

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So she sits in back seat- this stops the rape how? And by sitting in the front seat it invites rape? Drives her to a field - front/back seat passenger- do you really think it is in his decision process? Hope she gets the help she needs. My heart feels for her and her family. 


Edited by travelingmike
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17 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

 my point was that common sense should dictate that you do not sit in the front seat of a car with a complete stranger, regardless of whether it is a taxi, or not. 

You STILL just don't get it? Reiterating your 'common sense' (NOT) claim that the victim 'should have made herself 'less vulnerable' by (sitting in back seat, wearing a long skirt, or a nun's habit--or soaking her clothing in crude petroleum or pig's entrails--whether patently ridculous or 'seemingly 'cautious' **WHATEVER**  your  tiresome version of "she was asking for it, even IF  only a little bit'"is BLOODY WELL BLAMING >HER< for what >HE< did TO HER!


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On 7/2/2017 at 11:08 AM, spidermike007 said:

Let us hope this scumbag gets a reasonably long sentence, and gets to serve in a hard core prison, where his fellow inmates will show him the true meaning of rape, and allow him to experience how that feels, repeatedly. My guess, is that they will give him special treatment, reserved for incredibly soft men, who rape women. He will be made to feel most welcome, and will be treated with alot of affection and tenderness. 


That is all dependent on them being able to find a judge with character, integrity, courage, and the willingness to convict this worm. A nationwide manhunt for this judge might have to be undertaken.

i asked an acquaintance of mine who is married to a prison official in Bangkok about the treatment of rapists and pedos in Thai prisons. In the USA, these scum would be harassed and beaten by prisoners (often with the tacit approval of guards) until they are placed in protective custody.  this treatment doesn't happen in Thailand...apparently, such behavior is the norm among Thai men, and not especially disdained. according to her and the husband, harsh treatment results from failure to pay debt or imagined slights. if so, that's too bad, because i read about sexual assaults, as well as hear about the sexual assaults that are not reported to police, far too often...

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