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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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6 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Did CNN commit a crime? Cruz suggests warning to Reddit user poses legal problem



I avoid fox news if at all possible.  And Cruz as well. LOL.  Both are too political for me.


Reddit took it down...obviously for good reasons.  Did that video commit a crime?  Perhaps creates a legal problem for Reddit? LOL


Perhaps the focus should be on the violence against the media this video supports?  And the nasty stuff posted by that Reddit user.  Right?  Even the Reddit user is now saying CNN has every right to expose his identity.  Why don't Trump supporters agree with this?  Strange....

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Here's what happens when the POTUS posts such nonsense.  Nut jobs go too far.  Blame all this on Trump.  MAGA!!!!





A popular post called for CNN employees to quit their jobs and denounce the network, or face consequences if they didn’t:

“We are going to track down your parents.
We are going to track down your siblings.
We are going to track down your spouses.
We are going to track down your children. Because hey, that’s what you guys get to do, right? We’re going to see how you like it when our reporters are hunting down your children.” 


Some really sick people out there.  The Reddit user wasn't even a child.  Crazy.

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8 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap 


ISDP 11.jpg

Nice one, elvis123456. Now, just look at the last picture, .......!

Now I understand, that Trump just passed his limousine, parked in front of the stairs of airforce one. He was looking for his unicorn!

Please keep posting, I need a good laugh everyday.

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Just now, dutchisaan said:

Nice one, elvis123456. Now, just look at the last picture, .......!

Now I understand, that Trump just passed his limousine, parked in front of the stairs of airforce one. He was looking for his unicorn!

Please keep posting, I need a good laugh everyday.


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4 hours ago, PattayaJames said:


You seem to have accidentally failed to quote the part where they threaten him. 


"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."


He also failed to understand why CNN made that statement public.  It was their ignorant arrogant message to all others to cease and desist - or else.  The response from internet?  CNN Memes all day today. Love it !!!



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I doubt he cares much about whether or not he gets "positive press" as you put it. I'll settle for actual factual reporting and not the usual fake news.

You're delusional if you think Trump isn't all about positive press and ratings. Much as I loathe Howard Stern, he does know Trump and is right about this one.


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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

He also failed to understand why CNN made that statement public.  It was their ignorant arrogant message to all others to cease and desist - or else.  The response from internet?  CNN Memes all day today. Love it !!!

You've obviously no idea what's going on.  The reporter explained it in detail.  But right, you obviously know more about his intentions. LOL  Not to mention the user has publicly stated it would be OK for CNN to publish his details.  But don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant! 


Typical deflection away from what the real problem is.

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1 minute ago, RobFord said:

555. I guess you mean this juxtaposition ( don't stop me now, I've got a million of them ).


Nope. I was hoping for an intelligent conversation.

Hopefully someone can pick it up later.

In the meantime post away if you wish. 

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1 minute ago, PattayaJames said:

When it is just a representation of Trump being stabbed to death it is perfectly acceptable.

Once it has a CNN logo superimposed on it, it becomes a call to violence against journalists. and unsavory, apparently.

CNN are a bunch of pu$$ies with double standards.



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3 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

When it is just a representation of Trump being stabbed to death it is perfectly acceptable.

Once it has a CNN logo superimposed on it, it becomes a call to violence against journalists. and unsavory, apparently.

It's not acceptable.  Stuff like that should not be allowed on any forum.  Sadly, some take it to heart and act upon it.  Luckily, most are in agreement with this. 


Here's the type of people that like these kinds of videos.  Sick, sick people.






Reddit user who joked about stabbing Muslims 'honoured' that Trump tweeted CNN wrestling video

In one message found by the Washington Post on a "dark humor" Reddit board two months, he wrote beneath a photo of a black child on a plane: “It’s all part of United’s Remove A [n-word] Over The Ocean program”. 


Another post described how he "carried punch blades" in Paris so that he could stab in the neck "any of those Islamic -----" who "tried --- with me". 


Posting in the  r/The_Donald forum three weeks ago, he shared a picture of CNN journalists with Jewish stars next to them.



Are you supporting this type of stuff?

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It's hilarious to me that trumpists are presenting the antisemitic reddit troll that it is now known was the source of the infamous trump tweet as some kind of worthy victim.

It tells you a lot about where trumpists are coming from.

The Nazis too are enthusiastically defending that tweet and disgusting SCUM that created it and the disgusting clown fake president that tweeted it.

Personally I think CNN should have shown no mercy and EXPOSED his ass.





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31 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

When it is just a representation of Trump being stabbed to death it is perfectly acceptable.

Once it has a CNN logo superimposed on it, it becomes a call to violence against journalists. and unsavory, apparently.

What are you on about?
The Shakespeare play?

I suppose many trumpists are deeply anti-intellectual and don't understand artistic license. 

There is no equivalence between a thought provoking interpretation of Shakespeare and the president posting hateful filth propaganda. 

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1 hour ago, PattayaJames said:

When it is just a representation of Trump being stabbed to death it is perfectly acceptable.

Once it has a CNN logo superimposed on it, it becomes a call to violence against journalists. and unsavory, apparently.


An obscure theater group doing a performance of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with Trump depicted as Caesar = the most powerful leader in the world metaphorically bashing a representative of the Third Estate whose job it is to hold powerful people accountable.


Are you serious?


But more importantly, give me the name of your dealer; he clearly has some good stuff. Thanks.




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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


An obscure theater group doing a performance of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with Trump depicted as Caesar = the most powerful leader in the world metaphorically bashing a representative of the Third Estate whose job it is to hold powerful people accountable.


Are you serious?


But more importantly, give me the name of your dealer; he clearly has some good stuff. Thanks.




It's even more bizarre than that. Reports are that Shakespeare theater groups throughout the U.S. were harassed and threatened by super dumbo trumpists that were so dim they didn't realize it was one production of one Shakespeare play in one city and not "Shakespeare" in general. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's even more bizarre than that. Reports are that Shakespeare theater groups throughout the U.S. were harassed and threatened by super dumbo trumpists that were so dim they didn't realize it was one production of one Shakespeare play in one city and not "Shakespeare" in general. 


To diffuse the tension, may I suggest a beer summit on the WH lawn between Trump, Douglas Adams and William Shakespeare. Trump's buddies in Saudi Arabia can provide the non-alcoholic beer.



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On 7/4/2017 at 5:43 PM, Thaidream said:

I and many others do not base our opinions of President Trump on CNN. We base our opinions on the words of Donald Trump himself which we can view on numerous sources such as Fox News; CBS Amereica; Japan NTT English; Al Jezeera: Australian ABC; and others.


It is Donald Trump himself who is distorting facts; self agrandizing; being rude and insensitive and generally not providing a cogent agenda that will make America a Great country.


If one  listens to a variety of news sources- one finds that Mr Trump has a less than favorable rating in all areas of his agenda; he is also looked unfavorably by almost all foreign countries and their leadership.  Is everyone else lying and every news outlet around the World against Trump and providing fake news?  That is not the case.


I will be watching Trump on the World stage this weekend and see how he comports himself with other leaders of the World and then I will want to see how he responds to the recent North Korean missile  launch.


Mr Trump needs to accept the fact that he is not well liked anywhere in the World including his own country and stop blaming it on the media. He needs to look in the mirror and do a self assessment.

Thank you.

I firmly believe he will soon be the most hated individual in the world. It would be fitting if his "brand" suffers like Americans are under his REGIME.

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7 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


To diffuse the tension, may I suggest a beer summit on the WH lawn between Trump, Douglas Adams and William Shakespeare. Trump's buddies in Saudi Arabia can provide the non-alcoholic beer.




I think it was said Trump doesn't drink. More beer for the other, overrated guys.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


I think it was said Trump doesn't drink. More beer for the other, overrated guys.

I believe he doesn't drink but just imagine what sort of drunk he would be if he did! 

He's already screaming at his t.v. constantly SOBER ...

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On 7/4/2017 at 7:56 PM, Jingthing said:

Attacking the press a classic tactic of demagogues.


"This is precisely what the current congressional GOP has failed to do. It stands aside while Trump lies not about a particular story but about the very legitimacy of the press, as if these politicians have no stake in either the truth or getting it to the people they represent. They both encourage and abet Trump’s us-against-them line of attack, not realizing or acknowledging that the “them” is not the media but the American people they serve."





I found this article ???? informative????. Basically the working class are going  to suffer more.


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