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Sometimes I would be woken up in the middle of the night with a punch in the ribs. My wife just had a dream about me Butterflying and now she is pi**ed at me because how could I do such a thing. I did nothing but she would be angry at me for at least half the day. Has this happened to you?

My wife has especially graphic dreams and can tell me in detail and full colour exactly what her dreams were all about. One morning I woke her up on her request the previous evevning and she was again very angry because she was in the middle of a meal in her dream. She had to go back to sleep so she could finish it first.

And then I don't even want to talk about those numbers that comes up occasionally.

What is your experience?


Yeah, my wife has been mad about something Ive done in a dream, but she gets over it quickly. And she cant believe I dont remember my dreams, because she remembers every detail of hers. Thier dreams are like our superstitions. For instance, if you dream of catching fish, you will come into some money. The eirie thing is, she has told me several times a certain event would happen because she dreamed it, and it came true.

Sometimes I would be woken up in the middle of the night with a punch in the ribs. My wife just had a dream about me Butterflying and now she is pi**ed at me because how could I do such a thing. I did nothing but she would be angry at me for at least half the day. Has this happened to you?

What is your experience?

Yes, I have been hit in the ribs for the very same reason.

I have been married to a Thai woman for almost 17 years now and for almost 17 years I have woken up not knowing whether my wife wife will be especially moody, sullen, or depressed from some dream that she had. Bottom line is that the relationship between Thai women and dreams sucks big time if you happen to have to wake up next to such a woman on a daily basis.

Happy Trails


Yeah, my wife has been mad about something Ive done in a dream, but she gets over it quickly. And she cant believe I dont remember my dreams, because she remembers every detail of hers. Thier dreams are like our superstitions. For instance, if you dream of catching fish, you will come into some money. The eirie thing is, she has told me several times a certain event would happen because she dreamed it, and it came true.

Don't count on them dreams making you any money. My wife has them all the time and I and even close to being rich. I think they cost me more than she ever gets. From now on when she tells me she had a dream I grab the check book and run out of the house.

I also had sore ribs but that is because I snore like a bear with a sore a*s!

My wife's dreams may be right 1 out of 100 times. It not worth paying attention to. :o

Yeah, my wife has been mad about something Ive done in a dream, but she gets over it quickly. And she cant believe I dont remember my dreams, because she remembers every detail of hers. Thier dreams are like our superstitions. For instance, if you dream of catching fish, you will come into some money. The eirie thing is, she has told me several times a certain event would happen because she dreamed it, and it came true.

Don't count on them dreams making you any money. My wife has them all the time and I and even close to being rich. I think they cost me more than she ever gets. From now on when she tells me she had a dream I grab the check book and run out of the house.

I also had sore ribs but that is because I snore like a bear with a sore a*s!

My wife's dreams may be right 1 out of 100 times. It not worth paying attention to. :o

Did you try the fortuneteller as well ? :D


My TGF slapped me really hard a few weeks ago while I was sleeping. I woke with a start thinking "what the F@%#".

Looked over at her and she was sound asleep.

When I woke her up she didn't know what I had done in her dream to prompt the reaction. :o


I sometimes dream things that will happen later, mostly more then 6 months later.

You can't rely on them though , 98 percent are rubbish and you only find out wich 2 percent were real when it happens ..... and by that time it's to late to do anything about it :o

My father always has very long conversations when he's sleeping.

When i was litlle and i passed his room going to the toilet at night you would sometimes think there were Three people in the room.

Father calling out to a third person in his dream,

My mother shouting for him to go back to sleep and who the h*ll he was talking to :D

Still does that now :D


I thought it was just my wife who did that, I couldn't work out how someone could be mad at you for something they dreamt and still can't, I just accepted it as one of her quirks.

She often dreams of her deceased Father, who comes and talks to her, gives her lottery numbers, advice and even chastised her once for hitting me on the top of my head (like the monks do). :o


Yeah, it happens all the time to me as well. She even got jealous of the time I spend on this blessed forum until I showed her I was not talking to Pooying! :o


My Father in law dreamt of a fish one night, in the morning he told my wife to go get a prego check because he was sure the fish meant a baby. 9 months later we had our little daughter.

Thailand and the Thais are great aren't they?

My Father in law dreamt of a fish one night, in the morning he told my wife to go get a prego check because he was sure the fish meant a baby. 9 months later we had our little daughter.

Thailand and the Thais are great aren't they?

I guess there could be a connection between fish and sex :o

My Father in law dreamt of a fish one night, in the morning he told my wife to go get a prego check because he was sure the fish meant a baby. 9 months later we had our little daughter.

Thailand and the Thais are great aren't they?

I guess there could be a connection between fish and sex :o

hmmm something is a bit fishy there :D

I dream of being home, oh today I AM going home...there must be something in this after all (no not the water) :D

enjoy singas plonco :D

I dream of being home, oh today I AM going home...there must be something in this after all (no not the water) :o

Last night I also dreamt of Thailand. And I am going there in 5 weeks time.

There must be someting to this after all. :D



My wife does the same. Always seem to get the morning interrogation sessions after some of her more vivid ones.

But then again - there is a definate upside. But thats for me. :o


It seems they all do it then......... mmm thank god :D

The first thing my Mrs does when she gets up is roll over, open the bed side draw and fish that f#### dream book out. She always gets the lottery numbers, but they are always one number off :o

True story: two nights ago, she dreamt that people were getting killed all around her - I nodded and then said "what does that mean in your f#### book", she said - "it means the lottery numbers will be 404" :D and as usual the number was one off - the winning number was 403 :D


My Gf dreams a lot and always tells me about it the next day but I never noticed any mood changes, guess it may be a good thing that I leave for work before she does.

Strange thing, I never had dreams back home or never remembered them. Since I've moved here, it's movie time every night...

Yeah, my wife has been mad about something Ive done in a dream, but she gets over it quickly. And she cant believe I dont remember my dreams, because she remembers every detail of hers. Thier dreams are like our superstitions. For instance, if you dream of catching fish, you will come into some money. The eirie thing is, she has told me several times a certain event would happen because she dreamed it, and it came true.

Don't count on them dreams making you any money. My wife has them all the time and I and even close to being rich. I think they cost me more than she ever gets. From now on when she tells me she had a dream I grab the check book and run out of the house.

I also had sore ribs but that is because I snore like a bear with a sore a*s!

My wife's dreams may be right 1 out of 100 times. It not worth paying attention to. :o

Did you try the fortuneteller as well ? :D

Thankfully the nearest fortune teller is about a 4 hour drive away. :D

She does not get the chance to give them to much business.


Well, now I know it does not only happen to me. One post asked if my wife is from Isaan because his GF from the South did not have the same quirk. Yes, my wife is from the north-east. Is this phenomenon peculiar to the north, north-east or is it true for other areas too.

And about the numbers that are always one off - that is true too. Have we stumbled onto something here? :o Perhaps there is a chance for the FARANG book of dream numbers? Maybe we can get rich after all :D

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