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Two senior Republican senators criticize Tillerson comments on Russia


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On 7/10/2017 at 0:34 AM, pkspeaker said:

Russia DOES have the right approach to Syria.  Everyone knows this 'chemical weapons' crap is a lie, just like it was a lie in 2003-Iraq.  It's just an excuse for the US to attack secular ME governments and turn these countries into fragmented islamic feifdoms with no real state there.  Bashar Assad is the legitimate president of Syria and he isn't going anywhere.  The US just supports these alqueda mercenary scumbags so they can create endless death & chaos in that country; If the US would leave and stop paying mercenaries than the war could be brought to a conclusion.


I seriously doubt pretty much everything you have said. Assad is a dictator, and a ruthless one at that. He will stop at nothing to maintain his power. I actually like the new strategy of going after the Syrian planes, and forces that are targeting the rebels. And you know what will result from this? Nothing. Why? Because Russia is too weak to do anything about it. A lot of talk. But, they will NOT stand up to US forces in Syria. If Assad wants to bomb the rebel positions, and either his forces, or the Russians get in the way, I say take them out.

Edited by spidermike007
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