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Donald Trump Jr. hires lawyer for Russia probes


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52 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

when all these downright crazy allegations and the amateur detective work of creating ever more bizarre connections daily have crumbled into nothingness, this thread is gonna read like pure comedy


The Henny Youngman of the Trumpeteers chimes in. :laugh:


With another of his substantive hilarious one-liners.


Then, off to another thread or two to deposit another one line vacuous post...

( or, a run on sentence. )


Not to worry, the wheels of justice are turning... :thumbsup:


P.S. Interesting that you could see a connection.



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38 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

when all these downright crazy allegations and the amateur detective work of creating ever more bizarre connections daily have crumbled into nothingness, this thread is gonna read like pure comedy

Trump governs beautifully ( does not have time to watch TV,  Putin said Trump appeared satisfied during their meeting when told that Russia didn’t interfere in last year’s election.)

WH "works perfectly" ,  everyone hurries to hire a lawyer ( chek old agendas, in case a Russian contact would be mentioned)

Trump Jr, (close adviser to his father during the campaign), had never ( " a hundred percent no") discussed government polices related to Russia with Russian nationals


Pure kerkuffle




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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

when all these downright crazy allegations and the amateur detective work of creating ever more bizarre connections daily have crumbled into nothingness, this thread is gonna read like pure comedy

I've yet to see allegations.  Even The Junior admitted he met with these people and said in hindsight, it was probably not the right thing to do.


But yes, the antics of the White House read like a comedy novel.  Ya couldn't make this stuff up! LOL

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LOL Too funny.






Pink Floyd's Roger Waters defends his anti-Trump tour

An inflatable pig with Donald Trump's face on the side. Screens that show doctored images of the President throwing up. Photos of Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as a big baby, and as Hitler.


The political nature of his show, Waters told CNN, is a calculated and defiant response to what he calls the "charade" of the American presidency.








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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

when all these downright crazy allegations and the amateur detective work of creating ever more bizarre connections daily have crumbled into nothingness, this thread is gonna read like pure comedy

I do believe you said that this 'nothing burger' of yours would have fallen into the background so that nobody would be discussing it by Sunday (yes you did say that), well Sherlock, it is Sunday and it is picking up more and more momentum. The comedy will be seeing you spin your way out of it when all of this is used as part of the charges that bring down Trump and his crooked dumb as rocks family.

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From  Charles Krauthammer :


Bungled collusion is still collusion


"The evidence is now shown. This is not hearsay, not fake news, not unsourced leaks."


"This is an email chain released by Donald Trump Jr. himself."


"But you don’t need a lawyer to see that the Trump defense —

collusion as a desperate Democratic fiction designed to explain away a lost election — is now officially dead.



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11 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

My only reservation is he is a Trump candidate going for a long term dream job, and just like Grouch, he can say anything he wants and then once he is in the job he can do anything he wants for POTUS without fear of recrimination from Trump.


It's a good start that this is on the record:


"I do not consider Director Mueller to be on a witch hunt"

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2 hours ago, iReason said:


The Henny Youngman of the Trumpeteers chimes in. :laugh:


With another of his substantive hilarious one-liners.


Then, off to another thread or two to deposit another one line vacuous post...

( or, a run on sentence. )


Not to worry, the wheels of justice are turning... :thumbsup:


P.S. Interesting that you could see a connection.




 hope you have more than just a bunch of crazy connections to entertain us all ….because all you're doing is suggesting something sinister.

please take the next 6 months to prove your case if you like…I'm predicting there will be nothing at the end of it…except more crazy theories. 


youse guys were wrong then….and youse guys is wrong now….cant wait to see what name you come back under once your fantasies to impeach evaporate….lol

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23 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


 hope you have more than just a bunch of crazy connections to entertain us all ….because all you're doing is suggesting something sinister.

please take the next 6 months to prove your case if you like…I'm predicting there will be nothing at the end of it…except more crazy theories. 


youse guys were wrong then….and youse guys is wrong now….cant wait to see what name you come back under once your fantasies to impeach evaporate….lol

So you are saying all these connections are theories?  None of them ever happened?  Even though they've been admitted to by those involved?  Really? LOL


This isn't about impeachment.  That won't happen.  Probably nothing will happen to Trump.  Other than be president for 4 years while the US goes backward.  A hung government unless the dems come back next year.  I'm not a dem, just rooting for them.


Not sure why you stand up for this guy.  Kinda strange.

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42 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

please take the next 6 months to prove your case if you like…I'm predicting there will be nothing at the end of it…except more crazy theories. 

You predicted that nobody would be discussing this subject today (Sunday) on US MSM. Nostradamus..........Not!



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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

 hope you have more than just a bunch of crazy connections to entertain us all ….because all you're doing is suggesting something sinister.

cant wait to see what name you come back under once your fantasies to impeach evaporate


You gathered all that from me posting an article?


Perhaps you are subconsciously connecting the dots? :whistling: 


The inept one will be forced to resign in shame and people currently with him, and some from before, will be draped in jailhouse pinstripes.




"cant wait to see what name you come back under..." ??? :blink:





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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

So you are saying all these connections are theories?  None of them ever happened?  Even though they've been admitted to by those involved?  Really? LOL


out of all the rabid anti trump hounds, you seem to have a streak of decency and politeness…so i think you're entitled to an answer.


we the public have been given grounds and admissions to believe that some of these meetings happened….but the inferences being drawn from them are stretched to the point where they are laughable. no one seems to have their own mind…just cutting and pasting links, many from sources that are publicly hostile to trump…..so the rational individual has to take a step back and say…hang on…..lets observe for a while…. instead of jumping ahead to impeachment or prison sentences. the latter is just intellectual thuggery.

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:


out of all the rabid anti trump hounds, you seem to have a streak of decency and politeness…so i think you're entitled to an answer.


we the public have been given grounds and admissions to believe that some of these meetings happened….but the inferences being drawn from them are stretched to the point where they are laughable. no one seems to have their own mind…just cutting and pasting links, many from sources that are publicly hostile to trump…..so the rational individual has to take a step back and say…hang on…..lets observe for a while…. instead of jumping ahead to impeachment or prison sentences. the latter is just intellectual thuggery.

100% understood!  Some media sites are blowing this way out of proportion.  From both sides of the political spectrum.  It's tough to find a really independent media outlet.


I wouldn't say all media sites are hostile to Trump.  Sure, CNN seems to have it out for him, but for darn good reason.  Calling them (or anybody else like them) fake news should be a crime. 


Look at where we are with this now versus 8 months ago.  Who would have thought.  Not you nor I.  The end won't be as bad as some predict.  But the US will just go backwards for a few years.  Impossible to say that after 6 months in office, Trump has done anything good.  And very little of what he promised.  Luckily! LOL

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

out of all the rabid anti trump hounds, you seem to have a streak of decency and politeness…so i think you're entitled to an answer.

so the rational individual has to take a step back and say…hang on…..

lets observe for a while….


Very touching.

But a bunch of hypocritical, disingenuous malarky.


You have been rabid from day one.

Based on nothing but what? Your "gut-feeling"?


nothing there

nothing burger

And plenty more. ad infinitum.


Shall we go back and find your endless diatribes?

"decency and politeness" my butt...


Heck, just the other day you were congratulaing yourself and talking about unpopping the cork of your champagne in celebration.

Because it was all a "big nothing burger"

Remember that one?



Ya got nothin'


I'll stick with being informed by fact based reports, video and actual quotes from the many players. :thumbsup:



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On July 14, 2017 at 9:42 AM, dcutman said:

This story will be dead by the Sunday morning talk shows, just like all the other fake news stories die out. With the usual retractions of course.


It's Sunday, Nostradamus.




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7 hours ago, Berkshire said:

It's reassuring that these legal bills are being paid by idiot Trump supporters (i.e., campaign contributions) and not the taxpayers.  Trump also makes out when these fundraisers and rallies are held on Trump properties.  The guy is like the teflon Don, he never has to pay for anything and always makes out...at the expense of the minions.

"While it may seem odd that President Donald Trump has already formed a re-election campaign, it is less surprising that his re-election campaign has given a great deal of his fundraising money to the president’s own interests.Of the $6.3 million spent by President Trump during the first three months of 2017, nearly $500,000 went to hotels, golf clubs, and restaurants owned by the Trump business empire, according to campaign finance disclosures reported by The Wall Street Journal."




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43 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

A mockmeat nothingburger

With  gluten and synthetic binding agents.....no real beef, just jerky


Henny Youngman is back. :laugh:


That's the trolling spirit!

True to form.  :thumbsup:

Never to disappoint!



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Rancor at White House as Russia Story Refuses to Let the Page Turn


"As Air Force One jetted back from Europe on Saturday, a small cadre of Mr. Trump’s advisers huddled in a cabin helping to craft a statement for the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., to give to The New York Times explaining why he met last summer with a lawyer connected to the Russian government."


"Ultimately, the people said, the president signed off on a statement from Donald Trump Jr. for The Times that was so incomplete that it required day after day of follow-up statements, each more revealing than the last."


"The emails, which the younger Mr. Trump released after learning that The Times had obtained copies and was about to publish them, undercut the president’s line of defense in the Russia inquiry."




So, after months of dismissing suspicions of collusion between Russia and his team as “fake news” and a “total hoax”,

the inept one was huddling with his sychophants concocting a story that was clearly deceptive.


This story:

"In his statement, Donald Trump Jr. said: “It was a short introductory meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up.”



And then the boob released the emails and went on Hannity, completely contradicting the inept one's tall tale and spilled the beans.


This is too good.

I love it.



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For those who claim, Donald Jr never did anything, there was no bad info, or even worse 'it was Obama's fault', please remember that there are people in the USA now serving very very long jail sentences who 'never did anything', they went along to see what was happening, were given an 'offer they found difficult to refuse'. Welcome to the US law enforcement world of entrapment. There are dozens of cases out there. Here is one and frankly Donald Jr is in exactly the same situation. The INTENT was there. ............clink!





When Pakistani-born Shahed Hussain first showed up at the Masjid al-Ikhlas mosque 60 miles north of New York City in spring 2008, worshippers took note of his fine cars and fancy clothes — much of it provided by the FBI.

Hussain, convicted of fraud for helping illegal aliens get driver’s licenses and desperately trying to avoid deportation, had turned FBI informant in 2002.



Hussain’s flash attracted the attention of James Cromitie, a Walmart employee and drug dealer. Conversations of hypothetical situations quickly turned into discussions of a plot to bomb synagogues in the name of Allah.

At Hussain’s urging, Cromitie recruited three others: David Williams, a part-time student with a past drug rap who needed cash to get treatment for his brother’s liver cancer; Payen, a Haitian immigrant who Cromitie believed was “a little slow”; and Onta Williams, a drug dealer who had served time. None of the four men, all broke, even owned a car.

Hussain promised $250,000 for a successful mission. All four men agreed to help under one condition:

“We don’t want to hurt nobody,” David Williams is heard telling Hussain on FBI hidden-video footage “We want to just destroy property. We don’t want to take no lives.”

At that point when they agreed.........bang, jail.


Now Trump agreed to go to the meeting with the intent to get dirty political information (receipt of which would have the biggest consequences ever - a seat in the white house for Daddy)  from someone who had been notified to him as a Russian Government Lawyer. Different cases but the same legal precedent. Don't go in the showers Donnie Jr!

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Now they find that there were eight in the meeting maybe more later, this kid really has deceived the people and I guess we have to believe that Sr. didn't find out about this until a few days ago until we find that not to be true also. What a joke.

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"Because of  their authoritarian impulses and conditioning by the conservative media, Trump’s supporters may actually back him even more enthusiastically once the facts about his betrayal of American democracy are made public.In all, the Republican Party, its voters and the right-wing media have chosen political power over loyalty to country. In that context, Russia’s meddling in our presidential election to put Donald Trump in the White House is but a means to an end. "


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There is nascent talk of a manila folder taken away from the meeting by Jr. Let's hope someone in Congress has the balls to ask about the folder, what was in it, and where is it now, and who saw it prior to its disappearance because I am sure since he lied about everything so far he will lie about it too.

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3 hours ago, tonray said:

There is nascent talk of a manila folder taken away from the meeting by Jr. Let's hope someone in Congress has the balls to ask about the folder, what was in it, and where is it now, and who saw it prior to its disappearance because I am sure since he lied about everything so far he will lie about it too.


Is this a red folder with a hammer and sickle logo on it, perhaps?


If so, by golly, it's worth chasing up on.

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President Trump said:   


My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent.


Conan O'Brian said:   And those are three things you don't want to be when you go to prison.   


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This is a must watch video, especially for the Trump supporters.  If bored, skip to 3:20 where Fox news calls out the Trump supporters and current administration for putting up with the lies.


Sadly, as they say, some will never get it.  Even Fox News says calling this a nothing burger is wrong.






Why is Trump's base ignoring collusion story?


Matthew Rosenberg of the NY Times and Selena Zito of the Washington Examiner discuss the Trump base's attitude toward news about alleged Russian collusion.

Source: CNN



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But you don’t need a lawyer to see that the Trump defense —

collusion as a desperate Democratic fiction designed to explain away a lost election — is now officially dead.

-Charles Krauthammer

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18 hours ago, iReason said:

Rancor at White House as Russia Story Refuses to Let the Page Turn


"As Air Force One jetted back from Europe on Saturday, a small cadre of Mr. Trump’s advisers huddled in a cabin helping to craft a statement for the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., to give to The New York Times explaining why he met last summer with a lawyer connected to the Russian government."


"Ultimately, the people said, the president signed off on a statement from Donald Trump Jr. for The Times that was so incomplete that it required day after day of follow-up statements, each more revealing than the last."


"The emails, which the younger Mr. Trump released after learning that The Times had obtained copies and was about to publish them, undercut the president’s line of defense in the Russia inquiry."




So, after months of dismissing suspicions of collusion between Russia and his team as “fake news” and a “total hoax”,

the inept one was huddling with his sychophants concocting a story that was clearly deceptive.


This story:

"In his statement, Donald Trump Jr. said: “It was a short introductory meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up.”



And then the boob released the emails and went on Hannity, completely contradicting the inept one's tall tale and spilled the beans.


This is too good.

I love it.




We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children

So when in a busy campaign for the office, they hade time to discuss this? :cheesy:

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