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Donald Trump Jr. hires lawyer for Russia probes


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Trump: Don Jr.’s Russia scandal is just fake news


"US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has insisted again that there was “no Russian collusion in our winning campaign”

in the wake of his son’s admission to seeking Kremlin-dug political dirt."


"The embattled president returned to his stock attack on “fake news” in defending Donald Trump Jr,

who disclosed last week that he took a meeting with a Moscow surrogate peddling damaging information on

Hillary Clinton during the campaign"


"Despite his son’s stunning revelations and crystal clear email chain,

Mr Trump called the whole matter a product of “fraudulent reporting.”




The inept one sounds like a broken record.


This helps explain the Trumpeteers 'tho.

Just like their dear leader;

Incessant deflection and disconnected from reality...



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18 minutes ago, iReason said:

"Despite his son’s stunning revelations and crystal clear email chain,

Mr Trump called the whole matter a product of “fraudulent reporting.”

"Are you gonna believe me, or your lying eyes?"

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Donnie jr has gone into hiding:


Don Jr. conspicuously absent from Trump family gathering


"Trump watched the final round of the US Women’s Open golf tournament from a high-security tent with son and daughter-in law Eric and Lara Trump."


"First lady Melania Trump and her dad joined them late in the afternoon, followed by daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner —

 just back from the annual summit of media, tech and finance moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho — and their kids."


"But Donald Trump Jr. was a no-show amid continuing controversy over his Trump Tower meeting last year with a Russian lawyer 

and a former Soviet counterintelligence officer."



Reports of him being seen sitting in a corner at the ivory tower with a dunce cap on, have not yet been confirmed...

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Russia Scandal Explodes As White House Confirms Trump and Putin Held 2nd Secret Meeting At G-20


After Ian Bremmer said that Trump and Putin held a second private meeting at the G-20, the White House finally confirmed that a meeting involving just Trump, Putin, and a translator happened.



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3 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Russia Scandal Explodes As White House Confirms Trump and Putin Held 2nd Secret Meeting At G-20


After Ian Bremmer said that Trump and Putin held a second private meeting at the G-20, the White House finally confirmed that a meeting involving just Trump, Putin, and a translator happened.






He pointed out that the lack of a US translator or other support meant the US would be without a scrupulous translation or a record of what was discussed.
"In this case, we have none of these things," Kirby said. "And only the Russians will have a transcript. Not good."



Sounds like someone with something to hide.  Otherwise, why wasn't Tillerson there?  Or another US official.  Absolutely insane.

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Grassley demands info on pro-Russia lobbyist who attended Trump Jr. meeting


"Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is demanding more information from the Trump administration on Rinat Akhmetshin,

the pro-Russian lobbyist who attended a controversial meeting last year with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort."


"Grassley announced Tuesday he has sent a letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly asking for additional visa records and immigration information on Akhmetshin, who became a U.S. citizen in 2009."


"Grassley said the request is part of a committee investigation into agents of the Russian government who lobbied against the Magnitsky Act but have not registered as foreign lobbyists under the Foreign Agents Registration Act."


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5 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

You Guy's crack me up! :cheesy:

What is it with you??? You think this is all a joke??? If you care about your country, why don't you ask the orange clown in the he WH, to come clean and stop lying!

If this socalled POTUS realy care about the people of the USA than he has to come forward, and clean this up!

But that will not happen, because ther is to much to hide.

So, keep defending your lying want to be.


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Speaking of lawyers, er, Judge:



This Fox News host can’t believe Donald Trump Jr’s Russia defense 

Andrew Napolitano says that there should be an investigation into potential connections between Trump and Russia (sub-tiltle)


“It is a crime to receive something of value when you are a campaign official from a foreign person or foreign government,” Napolitano said, “Is this enough to commence a criminal investigation? Answer: yes."


"Because it is suspicious that they met with these people, that they didn’t consult a lawyer, that one of these people is former KGB-GRU —

that’s the Russian intelligence arm.”


"As Ronald Reagan once explained, there’s an old rule in politics: “If you’re explaining, you’re losing.” Trump’s defense of his campaign’s actions have evolved so quickly — from denial to lying to a norm-debasing rationalization — that it appears that he may fully know he’s losing."



“If you’re explaining, you’re losing.”

"that it appears that he may fully know he’s losing."


A big, fat, juicy, Double Double Burger with everything.

And fries...

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Get that lawyer working Trumpy Jr!


Kushner - Like Father like Son. Worth a listen, very revealing. I didn't know the full story behind why Kushner's Father was jailed. Young Jared is following in his Fathers footsteps.



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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Get that lawyer working Trumpy Jr!


Kushner - Like Father like Son. Worth a listen, very revealing. I didn't know the full story behind why Kushner's Father was jailed. Young Jared is following in his Fathers footsteps.




Well, if you think about it, DT Sr. appears to have taught DTJr. to be a lying deplorable just like himself.

Being the fine example of ethics that he is...


What a stain on America this whole extended family is.

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Trump warns Mueller against investigating his family's finances beyond Russia probe


President Trump warned special counsel Robert Mueller from investigating his family’s finances beyond the scope of the probe into ties between his administration and Russia in an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday.

“I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia,” Trump told The Times.



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Whoops! Didn´t see that one coming!


Senate Judiciary Committee goes after Donald Trump Jr.’s communications with Jill Stein


The Senate Judiciary Committee has sent a letter to Donald Trump Jr. officially asking him to testify in public hearings next week, and to turn over all of his relevant documents and communications.


The letter names several specific people that he may have communicated with. They’re Trump campaign advisers, Trump family associates, and prominent Russian figures. But right in the middle of the demand list is the name Jill Stein. Wait, what?



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31 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Whoops! Didn´t see that one coming!


Senate Judiciary Committee goes after Donald Trump Jr.’s communications with Jill Stein


The Senate Judiciary Committee has sent a letter to Donald Trump Jr. officially asking him to testify in public hearings next week, and to turn over all of his relevant documents and communications.


The letter names several specific people that he may have communicated with. They’re Trump campaign advisers, Trump family associates, and prominent Russian figures. But right in the middle of the demand list is the name Jill Stein. Wait, what?



Jaws Drop As Trump Threatens To Fire Robert Mueller For Looking Into First Family’s Finances


"Mr. Trump said Mr. Mueller was running an office rife with conflicts of interest and warned that investigators would cross a red line if they delve into Trump family finances..."



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40 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Jaws Drop As Trump Threatens To Fire Robert Mueller For Looking Into First Family’s Finances

"Mr. Trump said Mr. Mueller was running an office rife with conflicts of interest and warned that investigators would cross a red line if they delve into Trump family finances..."



But of course, there is no "red line".

Only in the delusional, inept ones' mind:


"WASHINGTON (AP) — Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was given sweeping power Wednesday to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, with a broad mandate that could encompass any questionable actions of President Donald Trump’s associates and possibly even the circumstances of last week’s abrupt firing of James Comey."


"His mandate extends beyond any specific Trump-Russia connection to cover “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”


"Special counsels are appointed to avoid potential conflicts of interest in Justice Department investigations."



“any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”

Including; money laundering.

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55 minutes ago, iReason said:


But of course, there is no "red line".

Only in the delusional, inept ones' mind:


"WASHINGTON (AP) — Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was given sweeping power Wednesday to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, with a broad mandate that could encompass any questionable actions of President Donald Trump’s associates and possibly even the circumstances of last week’s abrupt firing of James Comey."


"His mandate extends beyond any specific Trump-Russia connection to cover “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”


"Special counsels are appointed to avoid potential conflicts of interest in Justice Department investigations."



“any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”

Including; money laundering.

Of topic maybe but he was in that meeting with Trump jr.


REVEALED: Manafort was $17 million in debt to pro-Russian interests before joining Trump’s campaign


Financial documents reveal that Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was millions of dollars in debt to “pro-Russian interests” by the time he joined the president’s campaign last spring.







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Today’s big takeaway: Robert Mueller is now investigating Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia meeting


"In addition to possible coordination, the president himself is being looked into for obstruction of justice."


"And the finances and business dealings of his son-in-law and senior White House adviser, Jared Kushner, 

are also being probed as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election."


"We'd also likely hear more about specifically who these people are and how substantial their alleged ties

to the Russian government are."

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A cover story and a 'green light': Trump Jr.'s meeting has all the signs of a Russian intelligence operation

Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians last June bears all the hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation. (sub-title)


"Former spies say Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer and a Russian-American lobbyist at Trump Tower last June looks like a textbook intelligence operation aimed at gauging the Trump campaign's interest in colluding with Moscow to undermine Hillary Clinton."


"Intelligence experts and former spies have said the episode bears all the hallmarks of a top-down influence operation that used cutouts and a cover story to make initial contact with a target — in this case, the Trump campaign — while maintaining plausible deniability."


"The Russians came prepared to the meeting with something else that has raised red flags not only for intelligence experts but also for anyone familiar with Russia's policies and rhetoric: a cover story."


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23 minutes ago, iReason said:

A cover story and a 'green light': Trump Jr.'s meeting has all the signs of a Russian intelligence operation

Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians last June bears all the hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation. (sub-title)


"Former spies say Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer and a Russian-American lobbyist at Trump Tower last June looks like a textbook intelligence operation aimed at gauging the Trump campaign's interest in colluding with Moscow to undermine Hillary Clinton."


"Intelligence experts and former spies have said the episode bears all the hallmarks of a top-down influence operation that used cutouts and a cover story to make initial contact with a target — in this case, the Trump campaign — while maintaining plausible deniability."


"The Russians came prepared to the meeting with something else that has raised red flags not only for intelligence experts but also for anyone familiar with Russia's policies and rhetoric: a cover story."




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3 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Of topic maybe but he was in that meeting with Trump jr.


REVEALED: Manafort was $17 million in debt to pro-Russian interests before joining Trump’s campaign


Financial documents reveal that Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was millions of dollars in debt to “pro-Russian interests” by the time he joined the president’s campaign last spring.







Look, just because he borrowed money from the Russians doesn't mean he's indebted to them. 


Well alright even if he's indebted to them, it's not like his (and the entire Trump campaign's) sole input into the RNC platform was to demand a Russia-friendly watering down of support for the Ukrainian government, was it?





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Big German Bank, Key to Trump’s Finances, Faces New Scrutiny


"Banking regulators are reviewing hundreds of millions of dollars in loans made to Mr. Trump’s businesses through Deutsche Bank’s private wealth management unit, which caters to an ultrarich clientele, according to three people briefed on the review who were not authorized to speak publicly."


"Generally, the bank is seen as central to understanding Mr. Trump’s finances since it is the only major financial institution that continues to conduct sizable business with him."


"Deutsche Bank has also lent money to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, and to his family real estate business."



Follow the money. :thumbsup:



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8 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump warns Mueller against investigating his family's finances beyond Russia probe


President Trump warned special counsel Robert Mueller from investigating his family’s finances beyond the scope of the probe into ties between his administration and Russia in an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday.

“I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia,” Trump told The Times.



Donald senior has something to hide !!! The thing is if Mueller is to ensure their is no link with Russia by making sure that what Trump said is true "i have no connections to Russia' then he must look at family finances. If Trump is 300 Million USD in debt to Russian state banks and mobsters then he is more likely to want to be positively 'helpful' to ensure A. His debts are not called in by the Russians (blackmail) or B. He is not having such debt wiped out (corruption).


An orange boiler suit will match your hair Donald.

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Grassley threatens subpoena for Trump Jr., Manafort if they don't testify


"Senate judiciary committee Chairman Chuck Grassley threatened Thursday to subpoena both Donald Trump Jr. and Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort if they do not appear before his committee for a scheduled appearance next week."

"Trump Jr. and Manafort are scheduled to testify before the Senate judiciary committee on July 26, the panel announced Wednesday, but neither Manafort nor Trump Jr. have publicly confirmed if they will appear."
"Grassley added, "We are having a hearing next Wednesday, so obviously we want to hear right away so we can get the subpoena -- I hope they accept the subpoena voluntarily, but if they don't then you have to have a marshal give it and that takes a little more time."




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The inept one has been doing a little research:  :whistling:


Trump team seeks to control, block Mueller’s Russia investigation


"Trump has asked his advisers about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself in connection with the probe."


"A second person said Trump’s lawyers have been discussing the president’s pardoning powers among themselves."


"He has told aides he was especially disturbed after learning Mueller would be able to access several years of his tax returns."





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32 minutes ago, iReason said:

"Trump has asked his advisers about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself in connection with the probe."

It's one thing to damage America's image, antagonize allies, actively damage the environment, practice nepotism, flout the emoluments clause, deny healthcare and generally throw normalcy out the window, but completely taking the humor out of the joke phrase "asking for a friend" is really going too far. IMPEACH!





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Trump Jr. and Manafort reach deal with Senate panel to avoid public hearing 


"Last week, Trump Jr. told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he would testify under oath about his recently revealed 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians, where he attempted to get dirt on Hillary Clinton."
"But after the Senate Judiciary Committee invited him to attend a public hearing, the President's eldest struck the agreement to avoid it, instead going behind closed doors."
"The committee has issued a subpoena for Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the political firm that compiled a dossier of unverified information compiled for Trump's political opponents."
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