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Thai women are they all tight wads with money?

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Just now, transam said:

Do you know about stuff outside of tipping then ...?

I have some knowledge of many things. One thing I do know, perhaps better than I understand it, is that you don't cause someone you care for to lose face in public--it adversely reflects on both of you.

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3 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I have some knowledge of many things. One thing I do know, perhaps better than I understand it, is that you don't cause someone you care for to lose face in public--it adversely reflects on both of you.

No it don't, teach folk, they learn....In LOS learning doesn't seem to happen....The way has to be shown gently....

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

No it don't, teach folk, they learn....In LOS learning doesn't seem to happen....The way has to be shown gently....

Different cultures act and react differently to varying stimuli, face is very important in Asia--people who care for you help you maintain it, they do not take it away

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Just now, smotherb said:

Different cultures act and react differently to varying stimuli, face is very important in Asia--people who care for you help you maintain it, they do not take it away

Farangs should bow down then in your opinion.....?


Why do you think the road carnage is so bad in LOS.....?


One of the major factors are the thing you are spouting about....Face.....


You ain't getting in front of me.....I have a new car so bugger off.....


Lot's to take on board here chummy....



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Just now, transam said:

Farangs should bow down then in your opinion.....?


Why do you think the road carnage is so bad in LOS.....?


One of the major factors are the thing you are spouting about....Face.....


You ain't getting in front of me.....I have a new car so bugger off.....


Lot's to take on board here chummy....



You really have no idea, huh? You seem to have  missed the key words, "care for."  I was commenting on the OP's lament that neither he nor she sowed respect for the other. Mutual respect is needed if you care--that respect is sometimes called "face" in Asia. Now you bring up situations where "caring for" is not part of the equation.


Try to pay attention.

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1 minute ago, smotherb said:

You really have no idea, huh? You seem to have  missed the key words, "care for."  I was commenting on the OP's lament that neither he nor she sowed respect for the other. Mutual respect is needed if you care--that respect is sometimes called "face" in Asia. Now you bring up situations where "caring for" is not part of the equation.


Try to pay attention.

Have I made a spelling mistake too.....Care for has nothing to do with face or anything else..


Respect has nothing to do with Thai face.......It is not a one way street....Well not for me....:smile:


It is a two way street that goes both ways....


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1 hour ago, transam said:

Seems you nooo comprendie...But for you to comprendie in your lingo it was a truck stop, three English guys in LA that don't speak Spanish ....:stoner:

Jeeeeez Trans why didn't you just say so.......Speak English - not English .....

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20 minutes ago, transam said:

Have I made a spelling mistake too.....Care for has nothing to do with face or anything else..


Respect has nothing to do with Thai face.......It is not a one way street....Well not for me....:smile:


It is a two way street that goes both ways....


Sorry boys but I have to agree with old Trans on this one. It seems it is ok for the indig to trash the non indig face but not for the non indig to trash the indig face. 


Now in anymans book that is unbalanced which is also an expression that can be applied to the actions of many of the indig females.


anyone get my drift here............

Edited by The Dark Lord
Indig = indigenous
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31 minutes ago, transam said:

Have I made a spelling mistake too.....Care for has nothing to do with face or anything else..


Respect has nothing to do with Thai face.......It is not a one way street....Well not for me....:smile:


It is a two way street that goes both ways....


Respect and face are two-way streets. Think about it.

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17 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Sorry boys but I have to agree with old Trans on this one. It seems it is ok for the indig to trash the non indig face but not for the non indig to trash the indig face. 


Now in anymans book that is unbalanced which is also an expression that can be applied to the actions of many of the indig females.


anyone get my drift here............

You too have missed the point--"care for" as in a close relationship.  If one does not care for another, there is no need to save face for or show respect for them.

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Seems Marco & his new/old lady are locked in that old contentious push - pull struggle/syndrome....


Since a year together hasn't cured the "relationship" - such as it is; it will probably kill it....


Possibly the best solution....

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14 hours ago, Enoon said:

The incident you describe in your OP sounds like the sort of thing that might play out between two insecure/jealous teenagers (or emotionally cracked/stunted adults). 

My exact thoughts as well..


So insecure in fact, that instead of laying partial blame on themselves, they try and accuse a whole country for their own problems.

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On 7/12/2017 at 5:15 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

my friends who tried this ended up loosing a lot of money and houses. better stick to the bargirls and just give them a salary and stick to it come hell or high water. better yet stay single. you could have got out of that situation just by handing the tip to the person you wanted to tip. hopefully you read this and handle the situation better next time. for christs sake if something like this happens again dont go round to her house the same day, leave her for at least a few days to cool down. sounds like you have already ruined your girl so best to cut her free and move onto the next one, or better yet stay single.

It's true, advice from people like me or my many acquaintances that never even came close to getting ripped off by the kinds of women that people like you and your friends is wasted.


Needless to say that I've been married 5 years, but in the 7 years before that I had plenty of encounters, some more serious than others, and the most I ever lost was maybe a few hundred baht for a quick exit.


The idea of losing money comes from people who marry beneath themselves mostly. Actually, when you marry the house becomes joint property so you cannot actually LOSE it because you never actually OWN it.


I don't know everything, but my friends all have wives and families that put as much or more into the marriage than they can afford to do, or are willing to do themselves.

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On ‎11‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 8:06 AM, samsensam said:

Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me


there is a whole wonderful world out there in thailand where you dont have to pay someone to be your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend, there are polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends.


get out of the bars, away from locals who hang around bars and stop paying people to be with you, then your life in the kingdom will be enriched.

Everyone pays whether they realize it or not.  

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21 hours ago, smotherb said:

You really have no idea, huh? You seem to have  missed the key words, "care for."  I was commenting on the OP's lament that neither he nor she sowed respect for the other. Mutual respect is needed if you care--that respect is sometimes called "face" in Asia. Now you bring up situations where "caring for" is not part of the equation.


Try to pay attention.

So in your opinion what should i have done sat there and taken it,no way mate,i do not take dissrepect well,i always try to respect other people,and do not expect ,especially from some one i do care about ,and have proven that in all the things i have done to act in such a way,the main thing for me was,and as i have stated i was unaware of the notes vs coins thing was she put 59 baht in her bag and replaced it with 20,Now yesterday i was having a beer at the bar with some other girls who are friends of my girlfriend along with the serving girl i asked them and the girl about it,they told me in a small bar like this okay,not in a resturant ect,i asked the girl herself,would you rather have 59 baht in coins or a 20 baht note,she replied the 59 baht in coins. 

  Now in retrospect, i should not have gone out to her friends place and returned the 20 baht note,and spoke to her in that way ,which was not rude,but a little sharp,i should have gone home unfortunately for me i have somewhat of a short fuse,which once lit is hard to extinguish,this has over the years caused me no small amount of problems i admit,and i have tried hard to address it,but sometimes it is not possible.

    It really was not about 39 baht but the principle of the whole thing,whatever this notes vs coins, she had no right to interfere in my buisness,how would it be if we were at the clothes market and she buys something for 100 baht,i intercede and say it is only worth 80,,grab her 100 and offer the stall holder 80b instead,which of course i would never do as it is her buisness.Do you see what i am driving at here.  Now call me old fashioned or sexist if you wish but my belief is once you give in to a woman in this fashion,it is the thin end of the wedge,especially if you support them and the family,i refuse to be a doormat,like some other poster who posted earlier on this thread,i would welcome your response to my post,if it is constructive.

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19 hours ago, psyvolt said:

My exact thoughts as well..


So insecure in fact, that instead of laying partial blame on themselves, they try and accuse a whole country for their own problems.

If you have read some of my replies on here you would realise that i admit i made some errors in this case,and i do not agree i am insecure,but i do expect a woman i take care of very well not to behave in this fashion,i too was wrong with my reaction,and how did i accuse a whole country i asked a question,i did not sir make a statement,i asked 'are' they all ,not they are all,maybe your grasp of English is somewhat tenuous, or maybe you should try reading and absorbing the title of the op,before posting such gammon.

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20 minutes ago, marko kok prong said:

If you have read some of my replies on here you would realise that i admit i made some errors in this case,and i do not agree i am insecure,but i do expect a woman i take care of very well not to behave in this fashion,i too was wrong with my reaction,and how did i accuse a whole country i asked a question,i did not sir make a statement,i asked 'are' they all ,not they are all,maybe your grasp of English is somewhat tenuous, or maybe you should try reading and absorbing the title of the op,before posting such gammon.

You asked a loaded question. You can try and pussy-foot around it all you like, but we all know that it was a loaded question that you wanted the readers to read as thou it was a statement.

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6 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

So in your opinion what should i have done sat there and taken it,no way mate,i do not take dissrepect well,i always try to respect other people,and do not expect ,especially from some one i do care about ,and have proven that in all the things i have done to act in such a way,the main thing for me was,and as i have stated i was unaware of the notes vs coins thing was she put 59 baht in her bag and replaced it with 20,Now yesterday i was having a beer at the bar with some other girls who are friends of my girlfriend along with the serving girl i asked them and the girl about it,they told me in a small bar like this okay,not in a resturant ect,i asked the girl herself,would you rather have 59 baht in coins or a 20 baht note,she replied the 59 baht in coins. 

  Now in retrospect, i should not have gone out to her friends place and returned the 20 baht note,and spoke to her in that way ,which was not rude,but a little sharp,i should have gone home unfortunately for me i have somewhat of a short fuse,which once lit is hard to extinguish,this has over the years caused me no small amount of problems i admit,and i have tried hard to address it,but sometimes it is not possible.

    It really was not about 39 baht but the principle of the whole thing,whatever this notes vs coins, she had no right to interfere in my buisness,how would it be if we were at the clothes market and she buys something for 100 baht,i intercede and say it is only worth 80,,grab her 100 and offer the stall holder 80b instead,which of course i would never do as it is her buisness.Do you see what i am driving at here.  Now call me old fashioned or sexist if you wish but my belief is once you give in to a woman in this fashion,it is the thin end of the wedge,especially if you support them and the family,i refuse to be a doormat,like some other poster who posted earlier on this thread,i would welcome your response to my post,if it is constructive.

You seem to have missed my point; the money has nothing to do with it as far as I am concerned.  If she cared for you, she would not have contradicted you in public and gave her childish little dance out the door. 


The fact that you went back to her simply played into her little game. My advice would be, good riddance.

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8 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

When i take advice from some awful cove like yourself sir it will be time to commit Hari Kari,i have read many of your posts sir they are the stuff of piffle,gammon,and nonsensicle guru type advice to us lesser mortals on how do it right in Thailand,you remind me sir of a couple of posters who used to be on here,and where slightly more obnoxious than yourself,they seem now to be absent,as i was myself for a while because i was in New guinea,and what bliss it was not to have the internet or phones,the rest of it was bloody awful, but i digress sir,you sir are the worst type of know all cad,if you could see the girl sir you would not be so quick with your judgements,she's hotter than the sun,and has the best butt i have ever seen. Trust me sir i am sure i have seen many more womens butts than yourself.

Whether you take my advice or not, is up to you. However, you asked for it,  you plainly said, " . . . i would welcome your response to my post,if it is constructive."  To me, leaving a one-sided relationship is constructive, no matter how nice her butt.

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