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5 month old uk visa query if travelling with mother.

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My wife has travelled back with me to UK and around europe on many occasions, has many visa stamps, land here and also propert, a business in Thailand as well as company directorship. Getting a visa for her never has been an issue and shouldn't be this time around. We hope to travel at the end of this month, the problem i have identified is whether or not our 5 month old son will need a visa or not to travel with us.


He has just turned 5 months old.

The Visa4uk site allows for infant visa's for children that are 6 months old and above.


So my question is this, will our 5 month old Son who has a thai passport, require a visa, or will he be allowed to travel to UK on my wifes visa.


British passport should have been gotten for him before now but we are where we are and now not enough time to get one for him before we travel.





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Children, even infants, need their own passport and visa, and there is no reason I am aware of why an infant under 6 months cannot obtain a UK visa.


However, as your son is a British citizen, any UK visa application made by, or on behalf of, him should be refused.


This is because a visa restricts the time the holder can stay in the UK, and restricting the entry to the UK of a British citizen is illegal; unless your son is a terrorist or similar!


See UK Visa for child entitled to UK Citizenship


You can try applying for a visa for him in his Thai passport; things like this often go unnoticed by the ECOs in the visa section. But remember that if travelling to countries other than the UK he will need the appropriate visa for those, as well.

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