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Trump picks lawyer Ty Cobb to handle Russia probe


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10 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I dont say rubbish like link please. 

you just said it. :stoner: plus, it helps if you use commas and quotation marks, where applicable.  
Allow me to re-write your note;  I don't say rubbish like, 'link please.' 


10 hours ago, iReason said:

"According to the people familiar with the move, Cobb is intended to be traffic cop, enforcer of discipline, and public spokesman -- the point person for queries from congressional panels and the Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller."

"Some Trump allies are concerned that the president’s biggest legal liability isn’t the suspicion about his campaign’s possible collusion with the Russian government but rather obstruction of justice charges related to his response to the investigation, including his tweets and his decision to fire FBI director James Comey."


"Obstruction of justice charges"

Yup. That will be the start...

'...traffic cop, enforcer of discipline'.....

Has the WH finally found someone (other than a Russian agent) who has the balls to stand in the Oval Office, facing the president's desk, and say something like, 'Mr. President. Quit being such a horse's ass. Stop your ridiculous tweeting, character assassination, and lying.'

Is Cobb that person?  I doubt it.  He, like everyone else around the president, would sooner pee in his pants than tell any plain truths to the Dufus in Chief.


Note:  Al Capone was a murderer and broke the law many times during the course of many heinous crimes.  Yet, what did he get finally get busted for?  TAX EVASION.  I'm not saying Trump will finally get busted for tax evasion, though that's possible.  The point is; it's not always the biggest law-breaking activities that bring down a known criminal. Sometimes, it's a relatively small thing that will cause a big shot like Humpty Trumpty to fall from his wall and break his crown.

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given the crap being thrown at him and his team…..all to just obstruct him carrying out his election promises. i think he's wise to get as many lawyers as possible to frustrate the designs of the lefties.

Democrats are opposed to Trump because many of his election promises are stupid. Build a wall to keep drugs out. Yeah right.
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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Lawyers aren't only for the guilty. Unless you believe that the USA is a nation with a perfect record of investigative competence.

No I don't think that. I just can't get my head around why anybody would hire a lawyer for something that never happened. Does this mean that Trump now thinks there was collusion with the Russians. Just wondering.

     I can see why one might hire a lawyer after a crime has been committed but Trump says all this is just fake news anyway, and nobody investigating this has said that a crime was committed.

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