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Nate apologises for railway-track coin prank and may face charges


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I don't know why is everybody so worked up about something so menial.  Did he make a train derail or something? Did somebody died or get hurt because of his action?  I don't think so.  But if he had given brown envelopes to the proper authorities, nothing would have come out of it like nothing is going to the Red Bull heir who killed a policeman.  This is Thailand, where there are no laws, only suggestions.

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I am just hoping that the Governmnt  shows this jerk the door.  Kick his sorry butt out of Thailand.,

  He may have a legit visa, but with so many people saying go home, then the government should

help him go home.


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"They found a Hong Kong coin on a side of the track and some damage to the tracks, making them believe that it was the location where Bartling had placed the coins."


Total BS, Thailand track is not damaged anywhere else then?. If a coin can damage a Rail <deleted> will a train wheel do to it?  I'd like to see a picture of the damage. 


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2 hours ago, Thechook said:



"They found a Hong Kong coin on a side of the track and some damage to the tracks, making them believe that it was the location where Bartling had placed the coins".


Hum, the metal used in coins appears to be far stronger and superior to the metal used to construct a rail network in Thailand.  I am probably wrong but I thought railway rails were subjected to very high stresses and have to be made of very high-quality steel alloy.  


If his coin has damaged the track why wasn't it closed and immediately repaired for public safety?  He should be charged and billed for the rail repairs and whilst the SRT are at it they should replace the soft metal rails with steel.

Exactly, total rubbish for gullible people

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I want to organize a fight between him and three or four deadly scorpions in his bed. No weapons allowed, as the cat didn't have any except its own claws (unless the Hateful Nate had declawed it).  Guards posted so he cant escape the bed. Who's in? Two-to-one odds in the scorpions' favor?

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I'm thinking that rather than booting this young, sometimes bratty man out of the country, the government could take advantage of his Thai language skills and his online popularity to have him work together with the government to promote Thailand. Crazy I know but....

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1 minute ago, kamahele said:

I'm thinking that rather than booting this young, sometimes bratty man out of the country, the government could take advantage of his Thai language skills and his online popularity to have him work together with the government to promote Thailand. Crazy I know but....

How about some demeaning community service instead of some cushy PR job?

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most comments here underestimate this guy.


he's is very smart, speaks Thai, has the correct work permit, and is a celebrity now. He knows exactly what he is doing.


he is even playing the cops now.


racking up big clicks and money on YouTube.


anyway, the court sentences him to death for the cat stunt.


next case.





Edited by NCC1701A
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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Maybe, but you weren't making thousands of $$$ posting the videos.

Nor would I want to be making thousands of $$$ in Bangkok without a work permit. If you have evidence of him making all that money you have a responsibility to report that to the police so they can take their 75% cut of the profit.

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"He reiterated that the public should know that putting something on the railway tracks could do harm to the trains."  Ah ha, now we know the reason for railway accidents! It has nothing to do with train crews or maintenance. Whew, everyone can move forward to a high speed rail system :thumbsup:



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i loved the bit where he says he is frightened to leave home , GOOD< be very afraid. if he is trying to spread the Mormon faith he has got a funny way of preaching it, i think HQ will soon be calling him home. help where did those bloody lines come from ??

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3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Pretty spiffy suit.


Better dressed than most English teachers :)

Better dressed only for the occasion, a "whistle & flute" to appease the management, and look good to win sympathy.

If he has a work permit then why doesn't he do some legitimate work instead of clowning around.

Or is the permit only a front to keep him here while his real revenue is from the 3.2 million idiots who follow him on Youtube?

2 mistakes so far I wonder how soon before his 3rd strike & it's goodbye Thailand you've outstayed your welcome!

I hope when it comes round to his next renewal he has a bit of explaining to do about his source of income.

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He entered as a mormon missionary but after his stint stayed to pursue his exploitive business  activities. As has been pointed out he sells his  branded products, around the world. However, ask him if  he is paying his taxes in Thailand and you will get a blank  look and no answer. 


This isn't a wayward fun loving boy. Everything he does is calculated and manipulative. He's a good  shyster/con artist and has plenty of suckers fooled. He has a history of improper behavior and animal cruelty and has  no redeeming moral qualities. He was  back home in Utah a few months ago and should have stayed there and not been allowed back into Thailand.


He's laughing as he makes money off the suckers and fools who click on his  videos and who purchase his  products.  I'm glad he's scared. He can hide behind his electric gate in his little walled compound with his parasitic crew of idiots. He'll get his at some point and when he does, it will be well deserved.

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3 hours ago, chrisinth said:

And yet you have the Nation citing something completely different in the original OP of this thread:


"He was sad that a large number of people have sought his deportation from Thailand as he had no proper visa. He said he had a work permit to work in Thailand.


Immigration police at the press briefing examined his immigration document and found it to be legitimate."


Who is to be believed? Question for me would be does his work permit cover his income source from You Tube, or do the authorities actually care?

Immigration = visa

Labour office = work permit

He is making VDO's, does camera work himself too.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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5 hours ago, jaywalker said:

Completely idiotic.


I did this when I was 8 years old (1975 or so). There was an ancient train that came by twice a week in front of my Grandfather's house.

Oh yeah.....He's appealing to 4.5% of Thai folks (3.2 million/ 70 million). 


Where is his stupid hat in the picture above?

Once again you're reinforcing the validity of the video by stating that you're one of the hordes of people that has done this. You obviously thought it was fun, and that means that you could safely re-create this prank to entertain your own kids one day... or do you fully regret your actions? Do you agree that it's very bad because of the damage caused to the rails? Do you really think that someone realising the dangers would be at risk (given that the video shows it's a very low speed freight line too... the kind that you'll sit at a level crossing waiting ten minutes for 10 trucks to crawl past).


Let's count how many percent of people access your comment and laugh as we calculate the percentage of 1 billion active youtube users that you might only achieve 0.3% and still earn enough to buy a new Mercedes.



They found a Hong Kong coin on a side of the track and some damage to the tracks,

Utterly ridiculous to threaten action on the basis of damage caused to the tracks. I'm also pretty sure that the train tracks aren't fully screened from access, there are likely gaps and holes in fences - many times around Bangkok I've seen places where you can easily sit on a rail listening for trains to come. They're not talking about cutting open/climbing a fence to enter...


I enjoyed the idea (though I don't like his video style) and reliving the memory of putting my own coins on a railway line that ran past my school during my lunch break. It was a good 10 minute run to get down there, 5 of us if I remember right.


So try to remember, his 'business' strategy is to do fun stuff and post it online. The reaction is pretty OTT - I had a cat that liked to fight with my dog. Sometimes the dog got him and the cat got hurt - sometimes the cat got really pissed off and drew blood from the dog's ear. It's fun to watch, but you do feel for them when one gets hurt, it's good that I couldn't easily upload a video or else I'd be in Nate's shoes right now... people baying for blood instead of just ignoring him.

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