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Military May Seize Thaksin's Assets Following Bomb Attacks


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Military may seize Thaksin's assets following bomb attacks

BANGKOK: -- The Council for National Security (CNS) of Thailand may order the seizure of assets of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to cut money supply for financing disturbance in the country after a series of bombs exploded in Bangkok, a security source was quoted by Thailand's news group The Nation as saying.

The source told The Nation that the CNS believed Thaksin was behind the series of bomb attacks in Bangkok Sunday evening.

At least six bombs rocked downtown Bangkok on Sunday evening, killing two persons and injuring about 40 others. The explosions took place as Bangkokians were celebrating the upcoming New Year.

However, the state-run Thai News Agency said that it was not immediately clear if the bombs had anything to do with the military coup of September 19 that ousted premier Thaksin, or with continuing insurgency violence in the Muslim-predominant southern border region which has claimed more than 1,900 people's lives since 2004.

-- Xinhua 2007-01-01

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If CNS would do so it's a dangerous undemocratic step with enormous concequences far beyond imagination.

"They believe....." but do they have prove ?

One hour ago I watched an interview -on a Western channel- with a Professor from a BKK University, saying that the military is not (completely) in control and that there was fear for a second coup...


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I often have problems with the English language press reporting

here and fear much is lost in transalation.

Seizing Thaksin's assets in Thailand might not yet be justified

but freezing them would have been a good idea on Sep 20th.

And LP , with all the respect you are due as an obvious sage

with a great avatar , do you ever doubt the words of these

people who might just be selling their soul for their five minutes

of Andy-Warhol-fame on sattelite television ?


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If CNS would do so it's a dangerous undemocratic step with enormous concequences far beyond imagination.

"They believe....." but do they have prove ?

One hour ago I watched an interview -on a Western channel- with a Professor from a BKK University, saying that the military is not (completely) in control and that there was fear for a second coup...

Yes, I saw that and I thought it was some of the strangest (il)logical jiggery pokery I've seen in some time (well- actually since the last time I read a Thai academic quoted in the Nation). The jist of his thesis seemed to be that though the southern rebels have been bombing for a long time the logistical problems of dropping a dozen small bombs in Bangkok would be beyond them- but given the enormity of Taksins wealth, and that he is pissed off about losing his job- well- it's obvious. (?)

Then he went on to predict a counter coup - not waged by Taksin but by people who hate Taksin even more than even the current bunch. Yet, comfortable as he was with offbeat conspiricay theories founded on nothing, he didn't make the obvious link that if what he predicts has a basis- and that basis is known to the regime- the regime would need a pretext to up the level of martial law. And need it pretty damned quick. And in such a way that the international community would be more sympathetic than it has been so far.

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while Thaksin's money still belong to himself, CNS will not rest, that was made clear by guy who's called a master-mind behind Sep 19 coup :

Mission is NOT accomplished yet !


Grumbles, revelations of a Thai coup maker

By Rodney Tasker

Dec 22, 2006

The overriding goal of Prasong Soonsiri, former foreign minister and spy chief, was to get former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra out of power. Although his mission has been accomplished, Prasong, one of the key plotters of the September military coup, tells Rodney Tasker that he remains on guard against possible Thaksin shenanigans, and concerned at the slow pace of bringing charges against the ex-premier

BANGKOK - Former Thai foreign minister Prasong Soonsiri was often asked over the past year why he didn't go into full retirement and give up his behind-the-scenes political activities. In response, the former head of the National Security Council and US Central Intelligence Agency-trained old military intelligence hand would take a puff from his ever-present pipe and smile wryly: "Not until I have accomplished my mission, and that is to get Thaksin out of power."

The spry 79-year-old seems to have completed his mission after prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's overthrow in a bloodless coup on September 19. But now, though he was a central behind-the-scenes figure in the coup and is currently a leading member of the new military-appointed National Legislative Assembly (NLA), he and many others are still jittery about the possibility of Thaksin's return from self-imposed exile and an attempt to overthrow the new leaders, Prasong told Asia Times Online in an exclusive interview.

"Thaksin has an immense amount of money still here, and his network of political and business cronies, who benefited from the spoils of his term in power [from 2001 until the coup] are still in place, and remain a threat," Prasong said.

"Thaksin may be too scared to come back now, but he has the money and loyal fixers to lay a framework for his return. So Surayud has always to be on his guard," he added, referring to interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont...

.... all is clearly not well with the military-appointed administration.

People's Alliance for Democracy.... are concerned that neither Surayud nor the ruling generals have a clear agenda. Some even wonder whether CNS members are quietly planning to form their own political party - perhaps even with acceptable remnants of the now-splintered former-ruling Thai Rak Thai party - to retain for the military some form of permanence in politics.

The new military-appointed government was supposed to tackle the four main points stated by the coup makers in their putsch to bring down Thaksin: corruption, constitution-meddling to erode the powers of independent institutions, social polarization, and subversion of the beloved monarchy.... But the CNS generals so far appear too intent on national reconciliation and bent on labyrinthine legal procedures in their legal prosecution of Thaksin and his cronies.

If anyone, Prasong should know what the coup plotters first envisaged, because the former air force squadron leader was one of five serving or retired senior military figures who hatched plans to oust Thaksin as early as July, he told Asia Times Online. Interestingly, the five original plotters, while obviously including army commander Sonthi, did not include former prime minister, army commander and now chief of the Privy Council Prem.

"The coup was the only way we could see to rid Thailand of Thaksin - our only option," Prasong said. "It was not planned because we thought Thaksin was planning his own coup to bolster his military status, but just to stop him. We considered other options, but this was the only way we could think of to stop him."

But as Prasong now says, despite the coup's success domestically and quiet support from many foreign governments, including the United States, the Assets Examination Committee and National Counter Corruption Committee, both selected by the ruling generals, have made little progress toward any solid legal measures against Thaksin and his cohorts.

so, while other things aren't accomplished too, the main priority thing which remains for Khun Prasong - to make sure that all Thaksin's money are siezed. till then he can't rest and consider his mission as accomplished.

now, that an interesting piece of revelations:

1) that Sonthi wasn't the main figure in this coup; this I've suspected - that he was merely used as an examplary soldier of Nation.

2) that thre real coup maker(s) would be revealed AT ALL, not to mention - so soon (only 3 months later?); or that the guy himself who's arranged all this will reaveal it all.

3) that at least something has been revealed. it gives hope that may be results of these bombing eventes will be properly investigated and revealed too, not remain covered in smoke or mystery.

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Military may seize Thaksin's assets following bomb attacks

BANGKOK: -- The Council for National Security (CNS) of Thailand may order the seizure of assets of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to cut money supply for financing disturbance in the country after a series of bombs exploded in Bangkok, a security source was quoted by Thailand's news group The Nation as saying.

-- Xinhua 2007-01-01

I keep wondering such things as how much of his wealth he managed to transfer overseas

before he started living in exile ? Why doesn't the CNS cut off virtually all

money supply to him ?

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I simply can't believe some of you guys don't see what's happening here.

1. Thaksin's people apparently shoot themselves in the foot by bombing their own countrymen when they had the vast majority of public support (outside on bangkok - ok) on their side.

2. The 'authorities' quickly come to the above conclusion that it was thaksin's people.

3. The authorities now have the evidence they need to grab Thaksin's (probably very likely) ill-gotten booty - and sweep up his supporters.

4. It becomes 'clear' to the authorities that there is a need for greater security in Thailand to prevent this from happening again and further strict measures will follow. Stay tuned.

So do you 'follow'??

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Toxin is constantly sniffing around at the edges waiting for the slightest opening to re-enter the country and get back power. The main objective of current leaders is to thoroughly neutralise Toxin while VIP is still on the stage. The explosions are seen as a too convenient event for Toxin who, have no doubt, will be prodding away to weaken and divide the leaders. This ain't no Queensbury Rules picnic.

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This is not the work of Thaksin.

This is a third party.

There will be a counter coup soon.

Got any proof to back this claim?

Disturbing the peace and making the current gov look bad could be beneficial to Toxin's side. Enlighten those of us who merely think of logical arguments as to who would benefit from the current state of affairs oh wise one. :o

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I simply can't believe some of you guys don't see what's happening here.

1. Thaksin's people apparently shoot themselves in the foot by bombing their own countrymen when they had the vast majority of public support (outside on bangkok - ok) on their side.

2. The 'authorities' quickly come to the above conclusion that it was thaksin's people.

3. The authorities now have the evidence they need to grab Thaksin's (probably very likely) ill-gotten booty - and sweep up his supporters.

4. It becomes 'clear' to the authorities that there is a need for greater security in Thailand to prevent this from happening again and further strict measures will follow. Stay tuned.

So do you 'follow'??

Edited by Mel Brooks
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This is not the work of Thaksin.

This is a third party.

There will be a counter coup soon.

"Sonthi rules out second coup"

Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin Monday ruled out the second coup, saying none in the army would stage it.

Sonthi was speaking to reporters after chairing a meeting of the Council for National Security.

"No way, I believe the Army will not do that," Sonthi said, responding a reporter's question as to whether the bomb attacks might be a precursor to a second coup.

The Nation



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As we all know, when they 'rule' something out it's probobally going to happen, or at least they are very worried that it could do.

I do not have any inside info and I am not trying to be wise.

This is just the way I view the situation from the evidence that I have seen.

I do not think Thaksin would do such a thing, it's too risky and too obvious, he has too much to lose and nothing to gain.

Look back at the car bomb, these two situations are both very similar in certain respects, it is highly possible that both have been carried out by a third party.

I think it highly likely they will make their move soon or escalqate things further.

Why would they need a few officials to publically deny the possibility of a counter coup if it wasn't a real risk...............

Think aboutv it, it makes sense, I could ofcourse be completely off track, but I truly believe there may be much more to this than the obvious.

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I simply can't believe some of you guys don't see what's happening here.

1. Thaksin's people apparently shoot themselves in the foot by bombing their own countrymen when they had the vast majority of public support (outside on bangkok - ok) on their side.

2. The 'authorities' quickly come to the above conclusion that it was thaksin's people.

3. The authorities now have the evidence they need to grab Thaksin's (probably very likely) ill-gotten booty - and sweep up his supporters.

4. It becomes 'clear' to the authorities that there is a need for greater security in Thailand to prevent this from happening again and further strict measures will follow. Stay tuned.

So do you 'follow'??

I follow, but you are dead wrong.

Thaksins people do NOT have the vast majority of public support, not even close, and his poularity is waning day by day.

It is obvious by the type of bombs and the way they were located that this was NOT anything to do with the muslims.

The authorities are compiling more and more evidence against Thaksin and his corrupt wrongdoings.

If you cannot see that Thaksin is on the periphary pulling strings in order to first of all try to sway public opinion back his way and also to try and deflect attention from all the corruption allegations against his and his family. I could go on, Do you Follow?

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Ask yourself simple question .

Who Gain the MOst from Such ACT >

IF you are a Bomber Out to KILL and Create Chao .

What kinda Places would you choose .?

Why . the location was choose .

What is the Point to doing it .

All this operation need MONEY .

where is the money coming from ?

Where is the C4 and the bomb from ?

find the root .

who is paying for it .

Why is the reason the location is choose .

where will it lead to .

.. simple question only need simple answer .

The more Question you ask . the closer you get to answer .

may peace be with us .

Edited by Ta22
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ALL electronic communications (and personal meetings) now between Thaksin and any militant supporters he may be in contact with would obviously be monitored and scrutinised by the relevant intelligence authorities at the highest levels.

I personally can't possibly see, under the aforementioned conditions, how Thaksin could have had any forewarning of these attacks, although the movements of third parties and 'couriers of information and orders' eminatinating from the 'great one' should obviously be subject to investigation.

These attacks don't herald the beginnings of the insurgency against the current ruling regime......the recent very suspicious fire-bombings of thirty or more schools in provinces that were staunchly loyal to Thaksin just a few months ago shouldn't be over-looked.

Displeased third parties (loyal to Thaksin) with their own sufficient financial resources are most definitely behind these recent political destabilising tactics.

Watch out for a high profile abduction of a person or persons affiliated or attached to this current regime in the next month or so.

Or even worse, they will employ a tactic similar to one of those that has been deployed in the south in the last year or so......an abduction.....or assassination.......of either a civilian or a member of the military or whoever.... that they consider close or representative of the the current administration.

This will be their next move, IMHO.

Sorry. No good news fo the next twelve months. And we know on whom the blame squarely falls (no pun intended).

Edited by bulmercke
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Don't get me wrong - I'm NO fan of Thaksin. I hope Mr Squarehead gets his cumuppance. But these latest 'attacks' and the quick finger pointing at the guy they're having trouble collaring all looks a bit amatuerish to me - and thus 'unlikely'. Ya follow that Mitsu-Honda-Shagger?

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With forensic evidence, we are supposed to rule out muslim extreamists. OK, I guess I will buy that.

A conspiracy to 'seize' Taskin funds, I think this word seize is more likely to mean 'freeze' as others have alluded towards. This seems like a long shot and I dont see the newly installed government risking something like this. Imagine if the truth got out that it was them who murdered these people. Thais would fill the streets again.

It is very unlikely in my opinion that Taskin is actually behind these attacks. For one thing, they do not help his cause. Second, he is a smart guy and knows that he is basicaly cooked. The King backed the coup, Taskin is old news. His main concern is trying to get his money back.

A third party sympathetic to Taskin carried out the act. This is the most likely scenerio in my opinion.

There is another coup planned. Completely idiotic. What would coup plotters have to gain by putting the military on high alert?

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Imagine the amount of money LOst when Taskin is OUted .

Who gain the MOst from all this ?

There is alot of People WHo basically gain the most when Taksin is in power..


People just don't go out bombing each other for fun don't we .


If i wanna make a Point .

I would Build a 10kg Toy bomb with a Alarm clock attach to it ..

Inside the Box . i would Put a RECIPE of a Deadly Bomb ..

- If i am trying to make my Point .

When the alarm clock ring . - and police find it with the RECIPE of the bomb ..

This WOuld had Made a Strong enough point and the ablity of doing it without Killing anyone ..

Hope bomber get smarter soon ok ..

Imagine The new age bomber using this tatic .

hope the world become better soon .

The world is fine is the people in it that is Sick .

Edited by Ta22
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Imagine the amount of money LOst when Taskin is OUted .

Who gain the MOst from all this ?

There is alot of People WHo basically gain the most when Taksin is in power..


People just don't go out bombing each other for fun don't we .


If i wanna make a Point .

I would Build a 10kg Toy bomb with a Alarm clock attach to it ..

Inside the Box . i would Put a RECIPE of a Deadly Bomb ..

- If i am trying to make my Point .

When the alarm clock ring . - and police find it with the RECIPE of the bomb ..

This WOuld had Made a Strong enough point and the ablity of doing it without Killing anyone ..

Hope bomber get smarter soon ok ..

Imagine The new age bomber using this tatic .

hope the world become better soon .

The world is fine is the people in it that is Sick .

Order me a crate of whatever you are on :o

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With forensic evidence, we are supposed to rule out muslim extreamists. OK, I guess I will buy that.

Too soon for that conclusion, and Amm Nitrate can be sourced by anyone anyway.

A conspiracy to 'seize' Taskin funds, I dont see the newly installed government risking something like this.

T.I.T. nothing surprises me, other than things all going exactly as I would expect here - every other possibility is more likely.

It is very unlikely in my opinion that Taskin is actually behind these attacks. For one thing, they do not help his cause. Second, he is a smart guy and knows that he is basicaly cooked.

He still has plenty of support around the country, including a section of the army.

There is another coup planned. Completely idiotic. What would coup plotters have to gain by putting the military on high alert?

Depends on who the plotters are. In any case the only mob capable of such a counter-coup would be members of the army.

Seems nice and convenient that the gaffer was away on the Hajj at the time.

Then again it was convenient that 'Toxin' was in New York when his sky fell in before.

Does anyone know why he relocated to Beijing from London?

It would be interesting to know which Thai bank accounts, including the armed forces or Thaksin and his wealthy supporters were moving large sums out of Thai stocks last Friday, or hedging against a fall on the Baht :o:D

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You have to ask yourself if Thaksin brokered the bombings would he hire someone that makes a lousy homemade low-power bomb out of nails. Not very likely. He'd hire some foreign mercenaries and cause something major to happen, that's his style, do it big or don't do it at all. If the Royal Thai police office or the Army headquarters imploded I would be much more inclined to believe the Government's constant and instant line of "It's Thaksin and Undercurrents".

I have always got the impression that the new government and the Junta does not feel they are in control. They don't have control of the South, the North, the Northeast and big chunks of Central Thailand, although they like to give the impression they do. There would not be a need to build their "Special Force" if they felt they had control. That does not leave a lot of areas they actually do control. Possibly they have discovered that controlling parts of Bangkok and small parts of other areas, is not close to controlling all of Thailand.

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Will there be a loud sucking sound as tourist flee the country, are will the bombs be ignored. I staying low in my villege

The loud sucking sound might be the investors pulling out their money. Any quick solutions at this point would be looked at with suspicion. It might be better if the authorities would just say, "We don't know who did it.", not "We don't know who did it but we are freezing Thaksin's assets just in case."

I doubt if assets in a bank are actually "frozen". Someone gets the use of the money. Around the villages, private loan sharks make as much as 100% annual interest off of short term loans.

TA22 wrote:

All this operation need MONEY .

where is the money coming from ?

Where is the C4 and the bomb from ?

find the root .

who is paying for it .

The Bangkok operation wouldn't have needed much money. What, 10k baht for a few bags of fertilizer, some tin boxes and some alarm clocks?

Edited by Bryan in Isaan
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It would be interesting to know which Thai bank accounts, including the armed forces or Thaksin and his wealthy supporters were moving large sums out of Thai stocks last Friday, or hedging against a fall on the Baht :o:D

I know almost nothing about money markets or why currencies rise or fall so if I'm totally wrong in my thinking someone can set me straight.

I transfered money into Thailand just after the Shin sale. I got a windfall exchange rate because the inflow of capital to Thailand from the Shin sale caused this, according to the Nation. At the moment it's the opposite. Wouldn't that indicate that there are major outflows of capital from Thailand or into other currencies?

Maybe there will not be many assets to freeze or confiscate.

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