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Condo's with high speed internet


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Not new condo, but many new & modern studios & condos in that large Estate in middle of town. Some with own Internet & all with access to the fast shared WiFi system of diana-oasis with Meow at Diana-Estate. My friends love the place. MS>

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The Park Condo is jomtien has the fastest internet of any of the condo's i have been involved in.


They have multiple high speed fibre lines joined together and they are  using high speed wireless ac routers 

to share the connection.



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Atlantis Condo Jomtien opened about three years ago and had a tie-in with a third party supplier called Kirz (maybe Kriz) who for the first two years were poor and had limited range of products. This time last year they opened it up to AIS as well and they have been top class. I have the 70/10 fibre service, arranged it all on the "LINE" and was installed within two days. Not had any issues and generally when I speed test it (ONKLA) it is at specified speed or better! I pay about 950 baht a month (inc. tax) and there are higher speeds available plus a TV add on.

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23 hours ago, cambocleve said:

The Park Condo is jomtien has the fastest internet of any of the condo's i have been involved in.


They have multiple high speed fibre lines joined together and they are  using high speed wireless ac routers 

to share the connection.




Where is it located ?



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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

People have different definition of fast, 6 mbps is fast to some people

I know, just being a SA as I know nothing about that.

I live at The Base and it all seems immediate to me, but I really have no idea about the speed.

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AIS is the most reliable and they have various packages (speed wise). They work well for me - Skype, WebEx, remote server access, streaming of movies and so on! Drop into the Central AIS store and ask if they can connect your building through fiber. If they can, you will not have any issues working remotely.


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  • 1 month later...

I think the obsession with speed and speed-tests is somewhat out of place. You really need very little "speed", even for 4K Netflix or YouTube for regular use. I have very high bandwidth accounts up to 600 mb, my private one 300 mb. I am surprised how little difference, if any,  with most applications I use. I have prof. monitoring software and stats on shared systems and the real bandwidth use at any given time by multiple users, incl. streaming - NO TORRENTS - is ridiculously low.

Yes, if you download major files, torrents etc. you may have certain need for more "speed/shorter downloads". For regular use a quality 30 mb down gives me the same user experience as the  500 mb, pretty much.

Much more important factors seem to be LAN or WiFi, newest hardware, incl. a/c, which really makes a difference etc. etc. Initially, you need good wiring for good ADSL or VDSL. Or Fiber Optic for really high bandwidth.

I often stay in hotels in BKK  and abroad.  I see a trend to now installing AP's (a/c)in every room and have options for LAN / hardwired. I.e. Citrus 11, just redid their system very well and I can get a nice user experience with the assigned limited  speed....Not much difference from home. In Pattaya I get nice assigned 20 mb + in Diana-Estate on their dual-band system. Plenty to stream from my ROKU or Android Box.

Great option now  by SIM providers, even the unlimited 1 month 4 mb speed of AIS is just great and consistent. Want it faster pay a bit more and get 30 mb / 4-G with data-limitations.

The speed-test freaks usually don't have much understanding of the technicalities and factors involved. GOOGLE can help :-)   Have a great weekend.  MS>



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300Mbits, 600 Mbits... Seriously, who in Pattaya has such high speed ?!

For you any download is just a few seconds, but for a guy with an average ADSL (6 Mbits?) who can move to a 30 or 50 VDSL, the difference is that he will only wait 5-10 minutes when downloading his evening movie when he used to have to wait up to 1 hour... A huge difference :sleep:

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4 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

300Mbits, 600 Mbits... Seriously, who in Pattaya has such high speed ?!

For you any download is just a few seconds, but for a guy with an average ADSL (6 Mbits?) who can move to a 30 or 50 VDSL, the difference is that he will only wait 5-10 minutes when downloading his evening movie when he used to have to wait up to 1 hour... A huge difference :sleep:

Sure, as I mentioned, speed matters mostly for heavy down-loaders of any kind. Often companies.... But hardly anybody should be stuck with 6 MB anymore :-)  I check all promos & offers vs. my accounts every 3 months. Some providers don't adjust / amend automatically. Means going to their offices and asking to upgrade, which sometimes means, pay less and get much more speed. 

Real high-speed only on special request and then much more money. They always have to call main office for this and and act surprised when I show them bills to prove these speeds can eb had. Some with fixed IP's only, depending on their network availability. Which is not an overly important factor. But clearly available i.e. 3BB. Expect 5-15 K. / mth. min.  Really not needed for average users. Torrents load well during sleep, for who still those torrents. I prefer NETFLIX etc.

3BB now only offers 30 mb down / VDSL, but was successful with a friend a few weeks ago to get 50 mb plus 200.-- extra pay per month to speed up international. But this seems to be history now.

Got AIS-Fiber for a couple of friends few weeks back,  but now they say NO HAVE in this area. Story keeps changing. Way out, if they don't want do fiber in condos, run your own fiber, easy enough to find some company or wait for the contractor of the provider to show and pay him extra to run it up to your floor.

In case of doubt send email to BKK, most usually get answered.....  Nice Sunday.  MS>



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