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Doctor who left 1 million baht on bus apologizes for giving conductor candy as reward


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5 hours ago, Nord X said:
5 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

Too many ifs. She didn't take it while his back was turned. He left it and walked away. Sum num naa works here.

It doesn't work in court I can assure you. The finder of lost property acquires a possesory right by taking physical control of the property, but does not have ownership of the property. The finder must take reasonable steps to locate the owner and be able to prove they have done so. If the finder can't prove reasonable steps to find the owner have been taken then the intention (mens rea) to deprive the owner permanently is easily proved and the person is fund guilty of theft.


It really is that simple.


Maybe back home, but nothing associated with a million baht is that simple in Thailand.


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Seems like he still didn't give her a decent reward, he would still have his debts if she didn't return his money.

A gynocologist? I think he is what he looks at all day.

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13 minutes ago, bberrythailand said:

This kind of news show very well the kind of attention that most doctors put here in what they do.


I once carried $200000 cash and I cannot imagine forgetting here anywhere. But maybe this is why I am not a doctor, I am too smart.

too smart for me. I have not got a clue what your on about

No offence intended

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16 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

"Following the story, Thai celebrity lawyer Songkran Atchariyasap said those who return lost belongings to their owners can demand a cash compensation of 10 percent of the value of the returned goods."




As in, the person who lost the money/goods in the first place has to pay up?

Must be a Criminal Lawyer! Criminal with a License!

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11 hours ago, Nord X said:

Nothing, that is exactly what happened in the OP.

Seems everyone else thinks you "must" get a reward and that without one being given makes you some kind of scrooge, just decency to give it back imo, "Thank you" is  good  enough.

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3 hours ago, kannot said:

Seems everyone else thinks you "must" get a reward and that without one being given makes you some kind of scrooge, just decency to give it back imo, "Thank you" is  good  enough.

Thank You is fine for a book, reading glasses and such. Don't all the thai guys wear man purses? How about cargo pockets? 200K doesn't take up much room. In any society, it would be appropriate to "give" a handsome tip her.

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8 hours ago, Artisi said:

yep, check Thai law - not too difficult to do.

Yes, it's very simple to check, and there is nothing that states this what-so-ever in the Thai criminal code. The crooked lawyer is gilding the lilly, and the misinformed are falling for his bluster.

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8 hours ago, Nord X said:

Yes, it's very simple to check, and there is nothing that states this what-so-ever in the Thai criminal code. The crooked lawyer is gilding the lilly, and the misinformed are falling for his bluster.

Yes very easy, but why would you look in Thai criminal code, lost property is not a crime. 

Suggest you and others review the civil and commercial code section 1323 regarding lost property. 

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15 hours ago, Artisi said:


Suggest you and others review the civil and commercial code section 1323 regarding lost property. 

Very Interesting, and point well made Artisi, you live and learn, cheers.


I see the police are entitled to 2.5% also. I guess in this case she could try and claim if she wished to, but maybe it would have to go to court if disputed?




Section 1324. A finder of lost property may claim from the person entitled to receive it a reward of ten per cent of the value of the property up to thirty thousand baht, and five per cent on the additional value. However, if he delivers the property to the police or other competent official, two and a half per cent of the value of the property shall, in addition to the reward, be paid as a fee to the Government service concerned, but, in no case, shall such fee exceed one thousand baht.


The finder is not entitled to any reward if he does not comply with the provisions of the foregoing section.



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On 7/26/2017 at 8:18 AM, Mansinthe said:

Do they have CCTV on the bus ? MAYBE she did return it cuz of that.


Indeed.  A doctor friend of mine says what "really" happened was that this doctor noticed he had forgot the bag on the bus when he got off, started to follow the bus and also called the bus company to alert them that he had forgotten something on the bus and please call the the driver off the bus, ask him to find the bag and take care of it until the passenger has caught up with the bus.   For some reason, the driver then opened the backpack to examine the contents.


If this story is true, I can't say I would blame the doctor all that much for giving the driver a candybar or two.   Rather I'd wonder why the bus driver thought it necessary to examine the bag the passengers bag after being told the passenger was coming to collect it.   Did the bus driver even find it necessary to count the money?  


Doesn't match the story printed her too well, which said the passenger got the bag back at the police station, so I don't know what is true either.



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1 hour ago, Awk said:


Indeed.  A doctor friend of mine says what "really" happened was that this doctor noticed he had forgot the bag on the bus when he got off, started to follow the bus and also called the bus company to alert them that he had forgotten something on the bus and please call the the driver off the bus, ask him to find the bag and take care of it until the passenger has caught up with the bus.   For some reason, the driver then opened the backpack to examine the contents.


If this story is true, I can't say I would blame the doctor all that much for giving the driver a candybar or two.   Rather I'd wonder why the bus driver thought it necessary to examine the bag the passengers bag after being told the passenger was coming to collect it.   Did the bus driver even find it necessary to count the money?  


Doesn't match the story printed her too well, which said the passenger got the bag back at the police station, so I don't know what is true either.



Is it really all that important, the Dr is still a mean a/hole. 

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