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seeing as most people here are living in Burriram i wanted to ask a question, im guessing that maybe you know some locals as it doesnt really seem like a likely place for foreigners to go to get what foreigners usually come to Thailand for, he he so maybe some of you are in the know???

I am visiting Burriram in about a week and i am going to be looking for Muay Thai gyms there, im told that the main language there is Cambodian? and i only speak some Thai so maybe i will have some problems questioning locals. Im wondering if any of you guys know any gyms there, not tiny ones and ones where i can experience the real thing-not falang camps although i dont think they have them there anyway. Im looking for a really serious hardcore gym so i can feel like poo next to all the hardcore thais, he he. I have been training for a year and i have four fights already. Im kind of running outt of money so im looking to train for free and then figth every month or more, and when i have money i can give the trainers money or buy equipment for the gym or something. Im not looking for a free ride or anything but i cant afford to go to these mega expensive foreign gyms either. Any help would be great if you could ask your buddies :o

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