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Travelling With Cats

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Any advice please? i am relocating from Chiang Mai to go futher south in about two weeks, i have a large cat and a kitten, i am wondering what the best way to travel is? can i take them on a plane and is that expensive? are you allowed to travel long distance on a bus or train with pets and where do you put them, so they are comfortable? also do many guesthouses let you stay with pets; i am thinking of travelling with the kitten first as i am checking places to go where i am moving first and i dont want to leave her with the vets for a long time. Sounds a little crazy i know. Any help appreciated. Thanks

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I would travel by train with pets with me in a portable cage/carton box and take with me all belongings in one go (there is 20 kg limit on airplanes and pets are charged as an excess luggage - but you will have to check with a particular airline what their policies are). When travelling by train you are allowed a stopover if you needed to.

I wouldn't take a kitten with me - leave a lot of dry food and water with the queen and she will take the best care of the offspring, you will only stress the kitten by separating it from the mother and moving through unknown to him environment. Somebody from time to time might check on them - more to reassure them that they were not abandoned by humans (they are social animals). I go on holidays up to 2 weeks and leave my cat home, with a cat door opened - when she is bored she goes to neighbours to play.

if you are moving to Bangkok I have 2 homes to rent, both suitable for pets.

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Hey thanks for the reply

The kitten is actually over two months and is already seperated from its mother, its also not one that i would like to leave behind as it is a persian and it was expensive. Im not going on holiday, im going for a week but eventually i will be moving for good so i need to work out how i will do it. I dont plan on moving to Bangkok, i think i will be living in Issan.


I would travel by train with pets with me in a portable cage/carton box and take with me all belongings in one go (there is 20 kg limit on airplanes and pets are charged as an excess luggage - but you will have to check with a particular airline what their policies are). When travelling by train you are allowed a stopover if you needed to.

I wouldn't take a kitten with me - leave a lot of dry food and water with the queen and she will take the best care of the offspring, you will only stress the kitten by separating it from the mother and moving through unknown to him environment. Somebody from time to time might check on them - more to reassure them that they were not abandoned by humans (they are social animals). I go on holidays up to 2 weeks and leave my cat home, with a cat door opened - when she is bored she goes to neighbours to play.

if you are moving to Bangkok I have 2 homes to rent, both suitable for pets.

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Thai Airways allows pets in the cabin with you provided pet plus case does not exceed 10kg weight and case is within size limitations for carry on baggage. I often bring my cat on the plane. You do need to inform them in advance and they will ask for certain paperwork. You pay as excess baggage charge based on the wieithm, for me usually about 500 -600 Baht and I can put her right under the seat near me.

I think normally they allow only one pet per flight (worried I guess about cat and dog fightsd breaking out) but if you explain that kitten and cat live together and get along, and if they fit within the weight limit, maybe they'd allow both.

Where you stay is the greater problem. Not only will most places not allow pets but you have to consider the risk of them getting out of the room during maid service and getting lost. There is a list of pet-friendly hotels pinned on this forum, try that. Any maybe put the Do Not Disturb sign on when you go out and have room cleaned only when you are there.

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I flew from Chiang Rai to BKK with my little Thai tabbie on Thai Airways. However, CR airport she decided was a most uncool place, and became a real screamer, howling like mad. Very embarassing. Because of the noise, they wouldn't let her in the cabin and I had to check her. SHe was weighed as extra baggage and I paid about 200 baht. The guy made a nice joke about that baggage/animal hold saying "don't worry, it has oxygen".

THey took her first off the plane and brought her to the baggage pickup, still howling. She finally relaxed a bit in the taxi..

The same cat may be going to the States soon. She will really love that trip.. haha...

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We flew into Chiang Mai in July, from China, on Thai Air. Our cat was allowed in the cabin with us, in her approved carrier. She could've been on the floor, but there were empty seats, so we had her beside us instead. I fed her tuna through the bars of her cage and she was pleased. You can see her to the left of this message. Her name is Picasso.

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To keep your pet cat or dog calm while travelling, especially if separated from you, place a well-worn T-shirt in the cage with your pet. Wear the T-shirt to bed for several nights beforehand. I also use this technique when taking my pet to the vet; it works wonders. Hope this helps.

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