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North Korea can hit most of United States - U.S. officials


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1 hour ago, tonray said:

Time to strap on that old WWI helmet, pin some armchair General's medals on your breast, and get at it then !


How many 18 year old US Marines should die for this ?

None. And no one is asking them to die. However, they signed up, knowing that they can be called upon to serve the USA's national interests and that includes being  maimed  or killed.

The overwhelming majority of serving military personnel would volunteer for any mission against North Korea, so don't play the we must protect the 18 year olds card because  those people can speak for themselves. 


The fact of the matter is that we have a state running concentration camps. Anyone deemed an enemy of the state is sent there to be worked to death. And it's not just them, but their families as well. Your view is to allow suffering and injustice to continue. People of compassion, decency and some semblance of a moral compass know when evil must be stopped. We cannot ignore the  killing and hard core physical torture.


Millions will die in North America in the event that North Korea ever launches a nuclear missile. Even if it doesn't land in the USA and explodes over Canada or the Pacific Ocean, the damage and loss of life will still be catastrophic. Japan is at serious risk and has the right to defend itself. The civilized world has repeatedly sought a peaceful resolution of the matter, including the provision of food aid and other aid. South Korea provided an industrial zone with  high paying jobs and was repaid with terror attacks and shelling.  Japan  provided billions of $$ in aid and was repaid with the kidnappings of its nationals and terror attacks. Every peaceful avenue has been exhausted, all the while the North Koreans threaten to destroy Japan and the USA.  China refuses to help and instead has profited from its sales of consumer goods and oil. Russia has refused to help, instead welcoming the cheap slave labour needed to work its deadly construction sites and  mines.

You may have nothing to lose but  I know that the risk of a madman launching a nuclear warhead is real and that he must be stopped.


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Having lived through the World Trade Center attack, which is where I worked, I'd prefer the threat is eliminated.  Rather than risk something like what previously happened.


This is too funny.  Talk about liars.




"Though we pull out of the NPT, we have no intention of producing nuclear weapons and our nuclear activities at this stage will be confined only to peaceful purposes such as the production of electricity," KCNA said.



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28 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Having lived through the World Trade Center attack, which is where I worked, I'd prefer the threat is eliminated.  Rather than risk something like what previously happened.


This is too funny.  Talk about liars.





I'm sure 99.99 percent of the world includingme would prefer that North Korea not have nuclear weapons. But unless someone has access to a magic wand to make it so, what is your actual solution?

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm sure 99.99 percent of the world includingme would prefer that North Korea not have nuclear weapons. But unless someone has access to a magic wand to make it so, what is your actual solution?

No easy answers.  Sadly.  The world has been negotiating with NK for years with no luck.  That route doesn't seem to work.

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:



Sadly, how many Americans should be put in harms way due to this?  Kim is unstable.  In a fit, he's got the power to push the button.  Odds are it'll blow up in space somewhere, or miss the target.  But the threat has to be addressed.  No way around it. Sadly.  And no easy answers.


It would be a mess even if it misses the target or blows "in space somewhere". And then there's the chain reaction scenario which can't be fully disregarded. US launches back, another military nuclear capable country mistakes it for an attack, and so on.

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27 minutes ago, Morch said:


It would be a mess even if it misses the target or blows "in space somewhere". And then there's the chain reaction scenario which can't be fully disregarded. US launches back, another military nuclear capable country mistakes it for an attack, and so on.

And thus, the reason for non-proliferation! LOL

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