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Squatter with 43 stray dogs told to vacate plot in 20 days


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1 minute ago, binjalin said:

The only good feral dog is a dead feral dog. I'm an animal lover but this is obscene. Are they neutered or will she continue to watch he r'children' make even more 'children'? 

I felt the same way about my ex wives who caused more mayhem to society than any soi dog but I wouldn't advocate destroying them.  Neuter and prevent them from doing anyone any harm.  Do your part adopt a soy dog or one of my ex wives. 

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23 minutes ago, amvet said:

The vermin are the folks who keep have hi so dogs instead of adopting street dogs and neutering them thereby reducing the population.  My street dog that I adopted as a pup is clean, fun and as playful as your hi so dogs and I have helped Thailand by taking her off the street and making sure she does not reproduce. 


I am helping Thailand to control rabies and taking dangerous dogs off the street.  Do your part too.  Adopt a street dog. 

What? Pray tell is a hi so dog?


Mine is a Maltese & I got her purely by accident...my Aunt passed on & I took in her idiot mutts. Out of the 3 dogs, (Chihuahua, Pomeranian & Maltese), the Maltese is cool!


The Chihuahua is scared of his shadow & the Pomeranian just barks & sheds hair. I'd plug that Pomeranian with some lead to the skull if my daughter had never seen her.


Why don't YOU adopt this lady's 40 some-odd dogs?

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6 minutes ago, binjalin said:

The only good feral dog is a dead feral dog. I'm an animal lover but this is obscene. Are they neutered or will she continue to watch he r'children' make even more 'children'? 

It's pronounced Chirr-dren...and all their names are Leroy.

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3 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

You Yanks certainly like to solve your problems with guns. Grow up!:saai:

Booted your Limey ass back across the Ocean & bailed you out when Hitler came knocking did we not?


We made about 1 billion bullets in WW2. Gave half of them to Montey.



Edited by jaywalker
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1 minute ago, jaywalker said:

Booted your Limey ass back across the Ocean & bailed you out when Hitler came knocking did we not?

Two years late. And only because you saw the threat of Hitler moving to your neck of the woods. But then we were, and still are grateful for your help. But now is the time to put your toys away. 

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10 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I live in the boonies. Feral dogs and cats are a huge problem. Suggestions please


If the lady is going to be evicted, invite her to stay with you. She would likely be happy to take care of the stray animals. :sorry:

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5 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

Two years late. And only because you saw the threat of Hitler moving to your neck of the woods. But then we were, and still are grateful for your help. But now is the time to put your toys away. 

All I have to say is.....


A little 85 year old lady was pulled over by a deputy.


She handed him her drivers license & her concealed carry permit.


Told the officer she had a .380 Ruger in her purse, a .38 revolver in the glovebox, and and a 12 gauge shotgun in the trunk.


He asked..."What are you scared of Ma'am?"


Said she wasn't scared of a damned thing.

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2 hours ago, amvet said:

4 people died of rabies in Thailand in 2012.  Is that endemic?


Yes, that's endemic because annual instances of rabies infection continue to widely occur in a human population. This is related to rabies being enzootic in animals in Thailand. It is estimated that one in ten dogs in Bangkok is infected with rabies (Di Quinzio and  McCarthy, 2008).


The decline in human-rabies mortality in Thailand over the last decades (370 cases in 1980, 185 in 1990, and 4 cases in 2012) is a result of a better availability of immunoglobulin. Cases of animal rabies in Thailand over the last decades have fluctuated, but have not drastically declined. 


Edited by Morakot
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2 hours ago, amvet said:

How many had rabies?  The reason I ask is if they did have rabies certainly they should be removed. 

Of the 57 dogs Jay saw this morning, 5.7 would be rabies infected. I assume he lives in Bangkok. If he lives in some parts of the Golden Triangle region it could be higher.

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2 hours ago, jaywalker said:

Just 57 dogs starving & most likely had heart worms.


Rabies infection in animals is not necessarily visible. The foam-around the mouth, seizures and what not, happens mostly at an advanced stage. As soon as symptoms are visible prognosis is rather poor and the animal will soon die.

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1 hour ago, binjalin said:

The only good feral dog is a dead feral dog. I'm an animal lover but this is obscene. Are they neutered or will she continue to watch he r'children' make even more 'children'? 

I doubt whether soi dogs meet the definition of "feral". We have quite a few introduced species gone feral in Oz, and the only thing I enjoyed more than shooting feral pigs was feral cats. A mate had a Davy Crockett style cap, complete with tail, and a really nice vest, all made from those orange tortoiseshell moggies.

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25 minutes ago, halloween said:

I doubt whether soi dogs meet the definition of "feral". We have quite a few introduced species gone feral in Oz, and the only thing I enjoyed more than shooting feral pigs was feral cats. A mate had a Davy Crockett style cap, complete with tail, and a really nice vest, all made from those orange tortoiseshell moggies.

Yes, technically, you are right but they are part way there that's why they gang up and chase you. Round them up and humanely put them down and teach responsibility but neither of these things is going to happen here.

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12 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I live in the boonies. Feral dogs and cats are a huge problem. Suggestions please

Take'em in. Maybe one of them is a great, great relative from a past life. 


By taking them in you can also get them tested for rabies.

Edited by Chris Lawrence
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1 hour ago, halloween said:

I doubt whether soi dogs meet the definition of "feral". We have quite a few introduced species gone feral in Oz, and the only thing I enjoyed more than shooting feral pigs was feral cats. A mate had a Davy Crockett style cap, complete with tail, and a really nice vest, all made from those orange tortoiseshell moggies.

Just a bit off topic Hal, went to a friends place. On a wall out of sight of many he had a few pictures on hunting trips. It was my friend and Mr Asia. Cats are a big problem in the bush, eat a lot of the wildlife.

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17 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Funny you should say that. Cats skun look a lot like a rabbit. I have spent time in Vietnam and eaten cat. Very much like rabbit.

An adjunct to the story. My dog escaped from the yard one day (in Vietnam) and it was eventually found in possession of the local dog thief who was setting himself up to sell it to the nearby dog restaurant. I had to negotiate to buy the dog back at US$3.75/kg. Dog weighed 20 kg so cost me US$75 to get her back. Well worth the money. 


Beautiful looking dog. Yeah you do what you have too. I have had 2 German Shepard's in my life. Loyal animals. I helped one give birth twice to litters of 12 and 14.


The reason about the cats is, she has taken in 19 cats and still going. A person who just loves animals and hates to see them suffer. My suggestion was the restaurant. With the heads cut off you would never know.

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3 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Beautiful looking dog. Yeah you do what you have too. I have had 2 German Shepard's in my life. Loyal animals. I helped one give birth twice to litters of 12 and 14.


The reason about the cats is, she has taken in 19 cats and still going. A person who just loves animals and hates to see them suffer. My suggestion was the restaurant. With the heads cut off you would never know.

This dog of mine is a cross between German Shepherd and Vietnamese house dog. The mix is a good balance.
Dogs and cats were once eaten to prevent dying from starvation. Now over the years this food has become more of a social tradition and the meat has become relatively expensive. 


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18 hours ago, Morakot said:

Feeding stray animals in urban areas prolongs their suffering, increases cases rabies in the human population, leads to higher chances of children being bitten,  increases noise pollution to local communities, can result in more traffic accidents... Nothing selfless about it.

So what is the answer. Do you know the devil was introduced to scare us. All you are doing is trying to scare the population; when in fact this could be one of the best methods to have controlled testing of the dogs.


Just in case you don't know, Monks in Thailand have been taking care of strays for many years. The fact that this person is doing it on meager rations is the spirit of the story. Ask Cadbury how he feels about his dog.


There is nothing selfless in doing a bit more research on the subject, rather than be a Boogie Man.

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Some of the people on this board are downright cruel.


The woman is really trying to help these dogs and to her they are family.


Maybe someone can start a go fund me page so she can get a home for herself and for her dogs. I'd certainly be happy to contribute. 

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6 hours ago, Morakot said:


Yes, that's endemic because annual instances of rabies infection continue to widely occur in a human population. This is related to rabies being enzootic in animals in Thailand. It is estimated that one in ten dogs in Bangkok is infected with rabies (Di Quinzio and  McCarthy, 2008).


The decline in human-rabies mortality in Thailand over the last decades (370 cases in 1980, 185 in 1990, and 4 cases in 2012) is a result of a better availability of immunoglobulin. Cases of animal rabies in Thailand over the last decades have fluctuated, but have not drastically declined. 


I get about 100 rabid dogs in all of Thailand in 2013.  http://www.ddc.moph.go.th/eng/login/filedata/Rabies Situation in Thailand.pdf; 

Rabies mortality in Thailand is continually decreasing; 370 cases in 1980, down to

185 cases in 1990, and 4 cases in 2012

.The situation is the same as animal rabies that continually decreasing every year.

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5 hours ago, binjalin said:

Yes, technically, you are right but they are part way there that's why they gang up and chase you. Round them up and humanely put them down and teach responsibility but neither of these things is going to happen here.

Dogs are pack animals in the wild and in captivity.  Dogs chase people and people chase a little white ball all over the place and whack it.  Same thing. 

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so she can get a home for herself and for her dogs. I'd certainly be happy to contribute. 



Why not let her and 43 dogs stay at you place on the spare room,your neighbors will be thrilled totally excepting of the noise and excrement.





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23 hours ago, Morakot said:


Neighbours had to go through the trouble of building a fence, because a squatter deceived to have a large pack of dogs. Sounds quite selfish to me.


I guess none of these animals receive proper veterinary care. We can only hope the parasites and ailments of these doges are not as bad as your average Bangkok soi dog.

And on top how many neighbours get a nights sleep with a pack of mutts barking all night.

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8 hours ago, jaywalker said:

Booted your Limey ass back across the Ocean & bailed you out when Hitler came knocking did we not?


We made about 1 billion bullets in WW2. Gave half of them to Montey.



You must be about 90 physicaly and about 5 mentally.

Did you get a medal because you cut yourself shaving in the morning??


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Last post of topic I know but I did at one point stay in a house in BKK where the idiot next door thought it would be a good idea to collect stray dogs and keep them in his garden.

For 3 months the barking and stink was OTT until the neighbour on the other side who was 'connected' obviously made a couple of phone calls and all the dogs that had been living on a handful of boiled rice each a day were suddenly gone.

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