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Thailand’s Don’t Drive Drunk Foundation Reports Nearly 8000 Killed in Road Accidents this Year


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It'll never change & a "waste of breath" ....... same tragic loss of life every year. No one really ever knows the real statistics either, it is always "watered down" .......... as we all know dying in hospital is omitted & doesn't count.The Thai mindset in all respects will never ever change ......... until it does the carnage will continue. 

Edited by Daveyh
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If you have ever sat for a Thai driving lic and seen how easy it is these figures are totally understandable. How can they issue a driving to someone who has never had driving lessons on a public road ?

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On 07/08/2017 at 2:00 PM, barrywhite said:

So in the UK to combat this they are now  introducing a blanket 20mph limit in  many cities, had a questionnaire through the door of my UK residence asking if  we had any suggestions to go the meeting. 

I planned to go along with my "Man with a RED  FLAG"  walking in front of  my car as a protest  so we could get right back to the good  old  days of  motoring.

Way too  much safety in the UK way too  little  in Thailand, never   a happy  balance.

Good point. Somewhere in between would be good. 

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"... 7,925 people have been killed in road accidents..."
These are not "accidents". These are CRASHES caused by people who don't know how to drive and supported by the lack of the government requiring proper training and enforcement of driving rules and regulations.
The sequence should be 1)Learn to drive. 2) Pass a proper driving test. 3)Buy a car. 4)Drive
In Thailand, it's 1) Buy a car 2)Buy an amulet. 3) Learn to drive on the crowded roads. 4)Good Luck

Aren't 80% of them motorbike deaths?
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These figures are probably pretty accurate. The police only record a death if you are found dead at the scene. If you are transported to the hospital and later die of your injuries then you are not recorded as a road death. I am sure motorci deaths are probably 60-70% especially during holidays, but their are many deaths where buses, vans, and songtails are involved.

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On 8/7/2017 at 8:15 AM, Wiggy said:

Perhaps calling it a "Don't Drink and Drive" campaign would help. "Don't Drive Drunk" implies that if you're not, or don't think you are drunk then you can drive. I don't think I'm drunk after five large ones, but I am. That said, it probably wouldn't make the slightest difference.

You do make a very valid point. The person who is least able to judge whether one is fit to drive after having a drink, is one's self! Blood/alcohol level is set quite low for a reason. Even a small amount of alcohol can affect one's judgement.


Just 2 nights ago, a (Thai) neighbour of ours had just 2 bottles of beer, then decided to drive into town. He had only gone about 200 meters when he was caught in a police check and failed the breath test. Not having the requisite 5,000 baht in his wallet, (who ever does?) he spent the night in a sordid cell alongside drunks, ya ba addicts and (ahem) rummy players! I hope he's learned his lesson.


My strict policy with myself now is NO alcohol if I'm driving and I try and instil that same policy on guests that come and visit. Some are actually getting the message I'm pleased to note.





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life requires zest. otherwise it can get boring.

so... hmmm... what is the number one leisure time activity......... that's also polite to talk about..... everywhere in the world... EVERYWHERE...... except Thailand....... and maybe North Korea. number 1 or number 2 maybe..... vying only with travel.

North Korea? oh..... the fun things that happen when it's totally dark outside and everyone else is sneaking around too as if it were Halloween every night. don't drink too much.... you might pass out and be spotted out in the open somewhere where you don't have a good explanation for being when the sun comes up.


we all know.  and it competes only with sex, food and sleeping... and the nonsense talk that goes along with it.  but it's getting to be a bigger thing, it seems to me.... and....

everywhere else? reading stuff you have to pay good money for. kindle, web or paper.. but stuff you have to pay for.... otherwise it's just as big a waste of time as what I am doing right now.


Edited by maewang99
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On 8/7/2017 at 11:08 AM, GarryP said:

It would be interesting to learn what percentage of the drivers who caused the fatalities, including their own,  were actually under the influence of alcohol. I do not think it would be as many as 50 percent perhaps not even 30. You have hit the nail on the head. The problem is total incompetence of the majority of drivers here. 

Those figures are published during the so called 'deadly 7 days' of Songkran and New Year.


During Songkran 2016, 34% of accidents were due to drunk driving and resulted in 17% of the fatalities. And as I, along with many other people have noticed that, pro rata, there is actually little difference between these holiday figures and the year as a whole, this is probably fairly representative.


So it would appear that you are right on both points. The source for the above information is:




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