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Thailand has a plan to attract millions of Indian travelers: Bollywood stars


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16 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

"According to a wage report issued in 2012 by the United Nations' International Labour Organization (ILO), India ranked 69 out of 72 countries listed, with the average monthly wage equivalent to $295 U.S. dollars or just over 18,117 rupees. The countries with lower wages than India include the Philippines, Pakistan and Tajikistan"


currently you get 0.52 baht for 1 rupee......that wage is then 9,000 baht a month ....remind you of any where ? about what I see 7/11 employees getting.....I don't see them rushing off to buy flights to Kerala for 2 weeks ?



This report maybe true but this will not show you real India.There is huge income difference which this report can't show, so be logical. Indians like to spend alot on their holidays whether its Europe or Asia.

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India is a huge country with over a billion people, Yes we have the lower-end class-less trash that like to frequent the farang sleaze zones like Pattaya and behave in the most cheapskate and despicable manner but we have lots of Indians who are rich and also well-educated. By the way, have you come across Indian Tourists, Expats or Thai Indians who jump from building in Pattaya or the rest of Thailand???? Also, for your info, lots of the hotels in Bangkok and also restaurants and service-apartments and prime real-estate like in Sukhumvit, Thonglor, Silom, and now even Rajapruek are all owned by Thai-Indians etc including lots of fashion brands and luxury goods etc. Yes some Indians are stingy but believe me , even the poorest Indians in Bangkok have more money than most the farangs I know. And if you were to take a look at Britain and even Australia and also in the US like in New York, a lot of Indians have done very well for themselves and have set up or even taken over various huge corporations and companies etc. I came across a lot of thais married to Indian guys, and they tell me Indian guys make good providers and also care for the family first.You should take a look at Paragon or Central  Chidlom or  Centralworld or even MBK , they are lots of Indians but they are carrying bags of goods purchased unlike the "lavish spending farangs" lol!

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33 minutes ago, AshishR said:

There is lot of misleading information about Indians...


1. Indians like to travel Europe not Asia on their holiday vacations.They have enough money for that(so dont worry for your tip when you go back to your country and see yourself in your real life)


2. Indian education standard is way much higher than Farangs who can't even speak proper English and think themself superior in Thailand.


3. Indians are much better tourist than farangs who are begging on roads and selling their baby pictures for money.Totally shameful.


4. Indians respect women alot . And thats also true some are totally ridicolous who spoiling Indians image by misbehaving with women. Sorry for that.And I think such morons are everywhere in the world.

So dont judge all Indians on that.

"2. Indian education standard is way much higher than Farangs who can't even speak proper English and think themself superior in Thailand."


 Yes, we can see that.


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12 minutes ago, AshishR said:

Don't worry that place is reserved for idiots like you who like to sleep there after hangover.


Thanks for the reservation, but I'll politely decline your offer. You can have the whole place to yourself.



36 minutes ago, AshishR said:

Indians respect women alot .

Feeling may not be mutal though.




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Yes, the thais that hate Indians are the uneducated ignorant type that usually marry low-end farangs. By the way, about 90 percent of thais worship a Kek. (Buddhism) and now lots of them worship Indian Hindu deities like Lord Ganesha, Uma Devi etc and its  fad for lots of thais to visit India for religious purposes not to mention that in the Royal Courts and Customs to this very day, all Brahmic practices are basically Indian and I do not want to go on about their cultural heraitage etc.

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13 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Thais hate Indians mate.


Hate to break it to you. 



I am living in Thailand for last 3 years..I dont think thai can hate anyone,they really are nice people and neither they hate me.

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16 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

"According to a wage report issued in 2012 by the United Nations' International Labour Organization (ILO), India ranked 69 out of 72 countries listed, with the average monthly wage equivalent to $295 U.S. dollars or just over 18,117 rupees. The countries with lower wages than India include the Philippines, Pakistan and Tajikistan"


currently you get 0.52 baht for 1 rupee......that wage is then 9,000 baht a month ....remind you of any where ? about what I see 7/11 employees getting.....I don't see them rushing off to buy flights to Kerala for 2 weeks ?



Yep, cos there wouldn't be any wealthy Indians among the 1.2bil or so that make up the population. 


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1 minute ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

All Thais have a dislike of Indians, regardless of social status, financial wealth or education.


That's why they all call Indians kek. 

Surprise that you already met all Thais..

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16 hours ago, dcnx said:

Hordes of Indians... awesome. Can't wait.

India what a lovely country... Last time I flown from bkk to India after battle if one week with stupid visa papers I couldn't take it no more and I been there many things. I just got rerun tickets to Thailand... 

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3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

That report may be true but just like as in Thailand that has hi-so Thai driving around in Mercedes, Lamborghinis, Porsches,  ect there are hi-so Indians that have plenty of money and could travel here. What gets me is there have been MANY reports on Thai Visa from Indians who have reported a lot of problems trying to get visas to visit or stay here long time. Does the Tourism Authority take this in consideration when they make these grandiose plans? 

the hi-so indians dont drive mercedes or bmw, they have helicopters!

Edited by zzidenn
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7 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


You do meet a lot over 30 years of living and doing business here though. 


It is pretty obvious that they don't like Indians though, looking at the way the Thais speak and treat them, not to mention that Indians are often banned from certain Thai businesses. 


No Indians: https://coconuts.co/bangkok/features/no-smoking-no-india-casual-racism-thailand/

Thanks for sharing .. Such racial morons are everywhere..Like I said dont judge whole population on some..Even a single guy makes a difference.

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15 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

All Thais have a dislike of Indians, regardless of social status, financial wealth or education.


That's why they all call Indians kek. 


"All Thais"


More conjecture stated as fact. A repeating trait of yours.

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1 hour ago, AshishR said:

There is lot of misleading information about Indians...


1. Indians like to travel Europe not Asia on their holiday vacations.They have enough money for that(so dont worry for your tip when you go back to your country and see yourself in your real life)


2. Indian education standard is way much higher than Farangs who can't even speak proper English and think themself superior in Thailand.


3. Indians are much better tourist than farangs who are begging on roads and selling their baby pictures for money.Totally shameful.


4. Indians respect women alot . And thats also true some are totally ridicolous who spoiling Indians image by misbehaving with women. Sorry for that.And I think such morons are everywhere in the world.

So dont judge all Indians on that.


Yes, there is a lot of misinformed people, like yourself apparently.


2. How many Indian universities appear in world rankings, top 100, 200, 500? How many Indian schools appear in lists of best in the world? How many people choose to send their children to India for schooling? Why do wealthy Indians send their children overseas to school and university.  


4. You're having a laugh! India has an appalling reputation for rape, "eve teasing", groping and general piss poor respect for women. Did you miss all the reported rape cases - the girl gang raped on the bus, punishment rapes, a pregnant 10 year old rape victim, etc etc. They changed the law, fast track courts and still combat police who think rape isn't serious or even a crime. Massive social problem is the treatment of women, especially lower class ones, in India. 


Whilst stereotyping is never acceptable based on race, religion or nationality, there are always some themes, trends and traits worth noting.

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With half of India crapping on the streets, Pattaya beach and it's surroundings should be a welcome sight.




Having said that, the Amari Watergate is often filled with Indians. Not the cheapest hotel in Bangkok

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Just now, Father Fintan Stack said:

Most Thais then. 


Judging by your previous comment (below)  you are a racist ? 


It would fit your profile as a junta supporter that you are indeed a closet racist against those you perceive as lesser races, as clearly evidenced by this post and the fact you don't think the Thais should choose their own leaders. 


Judging by your attempted politically correct response you have no sense of humor or have never seen a group of Indian blokes on a night out. 

They aren't embarrassed by it btw, They thinks it's funny - funny that they can get away with it! I have many Indian friends as I lived there for sometime.


Interesting that you claim all Thais are racists, and accuse all of them of racism - see the irony. Or is it just hypocrisy?


I do think people should choose their own leaders. And that leaders who are chosen should not be above the law. Whereas you seem to think it doesn't matter if leaders break the law, as long its the ones you support.

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If you mostly hang around cheap girlie bars you will meet Indians hanging out there too -maybe with less spending money than you. If you spend your time in expensive restaurants and five star hotels you will meet them there as well - quite likely with more spending money than you and bringing the whole family as well. There are just as many different types of Indian tourists than there are Western ones. 

Edited by Collins
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Because quality tourists dont want to visit a country that has road blocks on every road ,no sun beds or umbrellas on the beach,we're you are likely to be per checked or hasseled by the authorities whilst walking around and you can't even get a cocktail while watching the sunset because there are no restaurants or bars beachside. Poor Indians don't mind any of the above perfect target market they don't even require cutlery. 

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

I have been here 30+ years. 


They call Indians 'kek'.


The Hindu temple on Silom road is called Wat Kek.


Don't shoot the messenger mate, but the Thais in general certainly do not like Indians. 



Trawling through the escort pages and bars, one can find quite a few sex workers here that refuse to have Indians as clients. They are doing that for a reason.

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2 minutes ago, Bezdomny said:

So many 'Übermensch' here in Thailand. Hitler would be proud. 

Calling someone racist when they are stating facts is the last refuge of someone who has lost the plot already.

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